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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 191-198.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2021.02.006

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Spatial Distribution Characteristics of All Genera in Rhamnaceae of China

Ya-Li LI, Li-Chuan QIU(), Jian WANG   

  1. School of Geographical Sciences,Taiyuan Normal University,Jinzhong 030619
  • Received:2020-02-28 Online:2021-03-20 Published:2021-01-05
  • Contact: Li-Chuan QIU E-mail:qiulichuanty@126.com
  • About author:LI Ya-Li(1994—),femal,master candidate,mainly engaged in phytogeography.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(41801016)


Spatial distribution characteristics of all genera in Rhamnaceae of China are based on the distribution data of species of Rhamnaceae in China and county of China. Spatial distribution data of genera were made in ArcGIS software. Area, perimeter and number of every patch were gotten from the maps. Simpson’s evenness indexes, shape indexes and largest patch indexes were calculated. Spatial distribution characteristics of all genera in Rhamnaceae can be analyzed. The experiment was conducted to determine the minimum range of spatial distribution, quantitative research, plant protection, utilization, resource development and restoration. Results showed that: ①Alphitonia Scutia Chaydaia Berchemiella Colubrina Gouania and Ventilago arestenochoric genera. Paliurus Rhamnella Sageretia Hovenia Berchemia Ziziphus and Rhamnus areeurychoric genera. Both the stenochoric genera and eurychoric genera account for 50% of the total genera of Rhamnaceae in China. The total area of stenochoric genera is less than 30×104 km2Berchemiella mainlydistribute in the central subtropical zone of China. Other stenochoric genera mainly distribute near the tropic of cancer and south of it. The total area of eurychoric genera is greater than 40×104 km2.. They are distributed in most parts of our country, and scattered in the northwest.②Rhamnus has the largest distribution range and total area in Rhamnaceae of China, which almost covers the distribution range of all other genera. It can reflect the spatial distribution and characteristics of Rhamnaceae in China. ③Alphitonia is the only genus of continuous and the narrowest distribution of Rhamnaceae in China, and other genera are disjunction. Chaydaia Gouania Berchemia and Rhamnus only have the main distribution area. ScutiaSageretia and Hovenia have main and secondary area. Berchemiella ColubrinaVentilago Paliurus Rhamnella and Ziziphus are all scattered area.

Key words: China, Rhamnaceae, genera, spatial distribution

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