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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 231-241.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2023.02.008

• Physiology and Ecology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Population Structure and Dynamic Characteristics of Three Endangered Mangrove Species from Genus Sonneratia

Mengwen ZHANG(), Cairong ZHONG, Xiaobo LÜ, Zanshan FANG, Cheng CHENG   

  1. Hainan Academy of Forestry,Hainan Mangrove Research Institute,Haikou 571100
  • Received:2022-08-17 Online:2023-03-20 Published:2023-03-07
  • Contact: Mengwen ZHANG E-mail:601565959@qq.com
  • About author:ZHANG Mengwen(1986—),male,Ph.D,research interests include forest ecology,mangrove conservation and restoration.
  • Supported by:
    Hainan Provincial Scientific Research Institute Technology Innovation Special Project(KYYS-2021-04)


In order to illuminate population structures and dynamics of endangered mangrove species from genus Sonneratia,and provide a fundamental understanding and scientific basis for the protection and restoration of endangered mangrove species, the natural populations of three endangered mangrove species including Sonneratia × hainanensisS. × gulngaiS. ovata were conducted as the research object, and the characteristics of population structure were described by establishing a static life table and drawing a population survival curve, and their future development trends were quantitatively described by population dynamic prediction and time series analysis respectively. The results showed that: (1)The populations structure of S. ovata was increasing type, while both S.× hainanensis and S. × gulngai were the declinated type due to the lack of young individuals. (2)The population survival curves of three endangered species showed the Deevey-Ⅱ type, and the mortality and disappearance curves of all populations showed the same trend, and showed a wavy line with the increase of age class. Both S.× hainanensis and S. × gulngai encountered obstacles in the aging stage, while S. ovata encountered bottlenecks in the development of young individuals. (3)The renewability of S.× hainanensis and S. × gulngai population was poor, and the population numbers would gradually decline in the future. The population of S. ovata had a good recovery potential, and the population number would increase gradually. However, if the population number of S. ovata decreased with the increase of age class, it might lead to the phenomenon of age class fault. (4)Human activities led to fragmentation of the original habitat, resulting in a series of environmental factors(light, salinity, tide, etc.) unsuitable for seed germination and seedling growth, which greatly inhibited the natural regeneration of the endangered species. Therefore, it would be recommended to step up efforts to protect the endangered natural populations in situ, optimization of ex situ conservation strategies and scientific implementation of field regression, carried out artificial assisted breeding to break through the problems of breeding, and ensured the normal renewal of the population.

Key words: Sonneratia, endangered mangrove plants, population structure, survival curve, survival analysis, time series

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