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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 976-985.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2022.06.007

• Molecular biology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on Adaptive Differentiation of Transcription Factor bHLH94 Gene to Altitude in Hippophae neurocarpa and H.tibetana

Ting QIAN, Fan ZHAO, Yujie ZHANG, Xueli LI, Kun SUN, Hui ZHANG()   

  1. College of Life Science,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070
  • Received:2021-11-03 Online:2022-11-20 Published:2022-11-22
  • Contact: Hui ZHANG E-mail:zhanghui@nwnu.edu.cn
  • About author:QIAN Ting(1995—),female,master,major in plant systematics and evolution.
  • Supported by:
    Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31660060)


The bHLH proteins are the second large family of transcription factors, which play important roles in plant growth development, physiological metabolism and stress responses. In this study, Hippophae neurocarpa and H.tibetana were used as materials, the positive selection of the transcription factor bHLH94 genewas screened out using transcriptome sequencing. Based on the analysis of gene sequence and expression of HnbHLH94 and HtbHLH94, the response mechanism of bHLH94 genein H.neurocarpa and H.tibetana adapted to altitude was studied. The HnbHLH94 and HtbHLH94 gene encoded 338 and 335 amino acids respectively. Sanger sequencing method verified the correctness of sequences, however there were 10 non-synonymous mutation sites outside the DNA binding domain of the two genes, which was speculated to be related to the adaptive evolution of the gene. As the altitude increased, the HnbHLH94 gene expression decreased, while the HtbHLH94 gene expression increased based on qRT-PCR technology. It suggested that gene might provide a molecular basis for adaptation to altitude, drought, freezing and radiation respectively, and the sequence structure and expression of HnbHLH94 and HtbHLH94 genes responded to the habitat conditions of elevation.

Key words: bHLH94 transcription factor, Hippophae neurocarpa, H.tibetana, altitude, adaptive differentiation

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