Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 519-522.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.003
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LAI Guang-Hui
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Abstract: The identity of the Chinese bamboo as Pleioblastus simonii(Carr.) Nakai is discussed on the basis of fieldwork and literature research. This Chinese bamboo with deciduous culm-sheaths; internodes 2/3 flattened above branches; lateral, sessile iterauctant inflorescences; usually not bifid apex of palea and purple anthers, in fact, is obviously different from Japanese P.simonii(Carr.) Nakai with persistent culm-sheaths; terete, not flattened internodes; pedicelled semelauctant inflorescences; bifid apex of palea and green-yellow anthers in some important characters and natural distribution. A further study showed that this Chinese bamboo should be actually regarded as Semiarundinaria albostriata(G. H. Lai) G. H. Lai, a new combination from Brachystachyum albostriatum G. H. Lai published in 1998. It is known now that this species is frequently distributed in south Anhui, also found in south Jiangsu and northwest Zhejiang, China.
Key words: Bambusoideae, Pleioblastus simonii, Semiarundinaria albostriata, Semiarundinaria albostriata var. glabrata, new combination, identity
CLC Number:
LAI Guang-Hui. Identity of Chinese Pleioblastus simonii(Carr.)Nakai(Gramineae:Bambusoideae)[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2013, 33(5): 519-522.
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URL: https://bbr.nefu.edu.cn/EN/10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.003