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植物研究 ›› 1990, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (1): 111-117.

• 论文 • 上一篇    


王献溥, 孙成永   

  1. 中国科学植物研究所, 北京
  • 出版日期:1990-03-15 发布日期:2016-06-14


Wang Xian-pu, Sun Cheng-yong   

  1. Institutum Botanicam Academiae slniease, Beijing
  • Online:1990-03-15 Published:2016-06-14

摘要: 在世界热带范围内,石灰岩地区的分布面积并不很大,因此对于热带石灰岩地区森林群落的研究并不很多。Chin See-chung在其研究马来西亚石灰岩植物区系的专著中,曾指出石灰岩森林是马来西亚三大森林类型之一[11]。Whitmore在其远东热带雨林一书中,也对石灰岩地区森林作了简略的论述[13]。中国的热带位于亚洲热带的比缘,我们称之为比热带[6]。这个区域在植物区系区划上属于印度-马来西亚植物区系区的一部分[12],大面积石灰岩山地集中分布于广西西南部,那里还保存有一定面积的原生性森林[1]。由于所在地气候、土壤环境的独特性,形成了一个特殊的中越边植物区系省[1],原生性森林类型为石灰岩季节性雨林[9]。长期以来,由于过分的采伐已使得森林面积日益缩小,环境恶化,森林更新困难。因此,加强对现有森林的管理,大力进行荒山造林,以保证资源的持续利用,是当前急待解决的问题。现分下列几方面加以论述。

Abstract: Tropical region in China is located on the margin of Asian tropics, so-called northern tropics. In the floristic division, this region belongs to the part of Indomalaysian floristic realm. Large area of limestone mountain is situated in the southwestern Guangxi. There is alsoa certain area of primary forests, which are called limestone seasonal rain forests.Although the community types of limestone seasonal rain forests are various, some types dominated by Burretiodendron hsienmu occupy larger area and have great economic utility. By analysing the population composition and ecological characteristics of different species in community, most edificators belong to the normal type of population, in other words, their individuals distribute in all layers of community, including big tree, small tree, sapling and seedling, with larger number and frequency. They grow very luxuriantly. It shows that they can fit the variation of environment in the whole community carrying on normal growth and regeneration. If there is no human disturbance, they will keep their edificator position in a long period. Some heliophytes only have big trees of upper layer and several small trees of middle and lower layers, but their sapling and seedling are seldom seen. It is obvious that it is difficult to regenerate under shade condition of community. It may be said that they belong to degenerative type of population. But the variation of crown density in a comm-unity may be often occurred, so it is not easy to remove them from the community. They usually get the growing chance in the border of the forest or some part of crown gap which have enough sunshine and they grow very quickly and occupy certain space. However, their individuals are always limited. In such zonal community type, plants which belong to the adventicous type of population are seldom seen. It means that those species, which have a lot of sapling and seedling, are possible of developing into dominant or edificator, but recently lacking trees of upper layers. Because of dominants and edificators in community grow and develop well, the community composition and environment are controled by them and the companion species are relatively steady, it is very difficult to invade the community for other species. All these show that the formation and development of limestone seasonal rain forests is quite suited to the local environmental conditions and it is in a more mature stage of relative stable community type. If there is no anthropogenic disturbances and other strong influence of factors, causing essential change of the crown, the whole community will not take place obvious variation. Even if there occurs some breaking in some parts of crown, it can also recover quickly. Of course, population change of different species in the community will be frequent.In general, limestone seasonal rain forest characterized by Burretiodendron hsienmu mostly is composed of various species with different age in natural condition. In order to promote the regeneration and development of Burretiodendron hsienmu, it must be used that clear cutting in small area and remaining about 15 individuals of parents trees in 1 ha. In such a case, the natural regeneration of Burretiodendron hsienmu will obtain rapid development, then green mountains may be remained by means of selection method and sustained yield working. Recently, it urgently needs to establish natural protected areas, carrying on close hillsides to facillate afforestation, on the one hand, it may be better conserved original natural forests; on the other hand, it is possible to quickly recover some cutting blanks into forest. Now four reserves have been established in the centre of distributional area of Burretiodendron hsienmu, more effective management, brings into play multipurpose role of reserve, mentioned above goal will certainly reach.