植物研究 ›› 1986, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (4): 55-71.
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王开发1, 黄秀兰2
Wang Kai-fa1, Huang Xiu-lan2
摘要: 鼠尾草属由于属中的丹参是优良的药用植物,因而引起人们的重视,进行了各方面的研究。至于鼠尾草属的花粉形态,G·埃特曼曾研究过二种鼠尾草花粉(Salvia pratensis和Salvia splenders),提及花粉多数为6沟,也有少数花粉具7-12沟(G.Erdtman 1969),中国植物花粉形态一书中也提到Salvia brevilabra花粉具六沟,外壁为网状纹饰(中国科学院植物研究所,1960年)。
Abstract: Salvia in China includes 78 species, 24 varieties and 8 for-ms of which 20 species have been studied both by light micros-cope and scanning eletronic microscope. The shapes of Salvia grains are mainly elliptic, spheroidal and oblate with 6 furrows, only few species with more than 6or 15 furrows. According to the research on sculpture of exine, 7 types of sculpture have been divided:shallow reticulum, reticulum with 2 types of size of lumina, two beds of reticulum, deep reticulum, disorderly reticulum, large reticulum with small lumina in it and reticulum with baculum. Based on the sculpture difference, exine thickness as well as furrow shape, structure of furrow bottom and size of pollen grain, these species can be distinguished from each other.
王开发, 黄秀兰. 我国鼠尾草属花粉形态研究[J]. 植物研究, 1986, 6(4): 55-71.
Wang Kai-fa, Huang Xiu-lan. RESEARCH ON MORPHOLOGY OF SALVIA GRAINS IN CHINA[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 1986, 6(4): 55-71.
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