植物研究 ›› 1986, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (2): 37-46.
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Chen Yi-ling
摘要: 裸菀属Miyamayomena Kitam.是北村四郎1)(1937)从马兰属Kali-meris Cass.(Asteromaea B1.)分出的一个小属,隶属于菊科紫菀族Trib.Astereae Cass.紫菀亚族Asterinae O.Hoffm,本属发表时,曾取名为Gymnatser Kitam。主要以瘦果顶端具狭环状边缘而无冠毛,与具糙毛状或膜片状短冠毛的马兰属相区别。
Abstract: Miyamayomena, a small genus of Compositae, belonging to the tribe Astereae Cass., Subtribe Asterinae O. Hoffm. was sepa-rated from Kalimeris Cass. (Asteromaea Bl.), based on M. sava-tieri (Makino) Kitam. by S. Kitamura in 1937. It is charac-terized by the complete absence of pappus, and thus distingui-shed from preciding genus with shortly pappus, in the pappus absent from all florets. Gymnaster Kitam. had been named for the genus when it was published. Four species in the genus had also been divided into respectively sections, e. g. Sect. Homolepis Kitam. and Sect. Crassifolium Kitam. according to the involucral bracts and the ribbed achenes. Miyamayomena, the correct name of the genus was remaned by Kitamura in 1982, because there was a valid name, Gymnaster Schütt which had been made in the family Gymnosclerodaceae previously. Two Chinese Aster described by Chang in 1935:Aster angustifolius Chang and A. simplex Chang which had been transfered to Gymnaster Kitam. by Ling Young, should have to be renamed as M. angustilolia (Chang) Y. L. Chen and. M.simplex (Chang) Y. L. Chen. On the basis of the achenial and involucral characters,Kitamura's inclusion of the Chinese species M. piccolii (Hook.f.) Kitam with inconspicueously ribbed achenes in Sect. Crassi-folium Kitam. is shown to be incorrect. M. angustifolia(Chang) Y. L. Chen is very similar to M. koraiensis (Nakai)Kitam. in the involucral bracts and distinctly ribbed achenes.Both of them should be included to the same section, e. g. Sect. Crossifolium Kitam. In opposition to those species, M.simplex(Chang)Y. L. Chen is closely allied to M. piccoli (Hook.f.) Ktaim. in having inconspicously ribbed achenes. Both of them is similar to the sect. Crassifolium Kitam. in the structure of the involucral bracts, but the compresse and incon-spiuously ribbed achenes is different from the later. However,they are not suitable to include into any sections known in the genus. So that, Sect. Heterolepis Ling et Y. L. Chen, as a new section is considerable to be set up for them. In addition, to make an emendation of the genus and sections seems to be neccessary. Five species and one subspecies, 3 in China, and 1, M. sava-tieri (Makino) Kitam., 1 subspecies M. savatieri subsp. pygmaea(Makino ex Kitam.) Kitam. endemic to Japan, 1, M. koraiensis(Nakai) Kitam. endemic to Korea. Three sections are described, 1 section is described as new,2 new names are published,a key to sections and species is provided, and distribution of the genus is also shown on the map.
陈艺林. 菊科裸苑属的分类研究[J]. 植物研究, 1986, 6(2): 37-46.
Chen Yi-ling. SYSTEMATIC NOTES ON THE GENUS MIYAMAYOMENT KITAM.(COMPOSITAE)[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 1986, 6(2): 37-46.
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