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植物研究 ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 440-445.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2014.04.003

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稀有植物山东银莲花(Anemone shikokiana(Makino) Makino)的分布格局及影响因子分析


  1. 烟台大学生命科学学院,烟台 264005
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2014-07-20 发布日期:2014-07-20
  • 通讯作者: 卞福花
  • 基金资助:

Distribution Pattern and Analysis of Influencing Factors of Rare Plant Anemone shikokiana(Makino) Makino

WANG Zhi;PANG Yu-Juan;LIU Chuan-Lin;BIAN Fu-Hua*   

  1. College of Life Sciences,Yantai University,Yantai 264005
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2014-07-20 Published:2014-07-20
  • Contact: BIAN Fu-Hua
  • Supported by:

摘要: 选择崂山滑溜口和崂顶、昆嵛山寒风岭和泰礡顶4个有代表性的样地,采用相邻格子样方法测定分析了稀有植物山东银莲花(Anemone shikokiana)的分布格局及聚集强度,并对其影响因子进行分析。结果表明:山东银莲花的空间分布格局属于典型的聚集分布,主要由其自身的生物学特性所决定;山顶灌丛种群的聚集趋势大于针阔混交次生林下的聚集趋势,原因在于山顶灌丛植株的结实率高于混交林下结实率,推测风可能是山东银莲花的传粉媒介之一;针阔混交林下种群的更新力比山顶灌丛种群更新力旺盛,关键原因在于山顶灌丛干燥的环境不利于种子萌发和幼苗的形成;根据伴生种的分布推测山东银莲花所在群落自然状态下可以稳定发展。本研究首次对该物种的空间分布格局进行调查研究,并分析了其影响因子,将为山东银莲花的保护和利用提供理论基础及依据。

关键词: 山东银莲花, 稀有植物, 分布格局, 聚集强度

Abstract: Using the contiguous grid of quadrats, the distribution pattern and aggregating intensity of Anemone shikokiana from Hualiukou and Laoding of Laoshan and Hanfengling and Taiboding of Kunyushan were studied. Moreover, the influencing factors on the distribution pattern were analyzed. The results showed as follows: (1)Four populations were characterized by clumped distribution mainly because of biological characters. (2)The aggregating trend of A.shikokiana in shrub of mountaintop was stronger than that in understorey of conifer and broadleaf mixed forest. The main reason might be that the fruiting ratio of A.shikokiana in shrub of mountaintop was higher than that in understorey. We concluded that the wind may be one of pollinators of A.shikokiana. (3)The potential of population regeneration in understorey of conifer and broadleaf mixed forest was more vigorous than that in shrub of mountaintop because the germination of seeds and growing of seedings need the moist environment. (4)We deduced the community can be steady in natural state based on distribution of associated species. In this study, the distribution pattern and aggregating intensity of A.shikokiana were analyzed for the first time, which will provide the theoretic basis for conservation and application of A.shikokiana.

Key words: Anemone shikokiana(Makino) Makino, rare plant, distribution pattern, aggregating intensity
