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    15 November 2018, Volume 38 Issue 6
    Ranunculus lujiangensis,a New Species of Ranunculaceae from Anhui Province
    WANG Wen-Tsai
    2018, 38(6):  801-803.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.001
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    A species of the genus Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae), Ranunculus lujiangensis, is described as new from Anhui Province. This new species is closely related to R.huainingensis W.T.Wang, Z.Yang & J.Xie, differing from R.huainingensis in its entire or inconspicuously crenulate lobes of leaves or leaflets, broadly cymbiflorm elliptic, not nervate and on margin 3-4-piliferous sepals, and broadly ovate ovaries. In R.huainingensis, the lobes of leaves or leaflets are 1-3-denticulate on margin, the sepals are narrowly elliptic, longitudinally 3-nerved and glabrous, and the ovaries are lanceolate in shape.
    One New Section and Three new species of Elatostema (Urticaceae) from Chongqing
    WANG Wen-Tsai
    2018, 38(6):  804-808.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.002
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    One section and three species of the genus Elatostema (Urticaceae) are described as new from the Simian mountain, Jiangjin district, Chongqing city:(1) Sect. Gynosciadion with one species, Elatostema femineocymosum, is chracterized by its numerous pistillate flowers in a 3-4 times branched cyme, lacking a receptacle with an involucre, and by these charactes can be distinguished from all other sctions of the genus Elatostema; (2) E.gyronanophyllum is closely related to E.sinense H. Schröter, differing from the latter in its smaller leaves with fewer secondary nerves, orbicular or suborbicular reduced leaves, pistillate involucre with 12 triangular bracts, pistillate flower with 2 tepals, and the depressed-globose stigma; (3) E.zhengyuanum is closely related to E.simianshanicum W.T.Wang, differing from the latter in its glabrous, sometimes vegetative stems, larger leaf blades, cystoliths and stipules, and oblanceolate-oblong bracts of staminate involucre not carinate abaxially.
    Seven New Species of the Genus Delphinium(Ranunculaceae) from Xizang Autonomous Region
    WANG Wen-Tsai
    2018, 38(6):  809-819.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.003
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    Seven species of the genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae), D.longziense, D.xanthanthum, D.viridiovarium, D.dicentrum, D.zhanangense, D.latilimbum and D.lagarolobum are described as new from south-eastern Xizang Autonomous Region. The diagnostic differences between them and their allies are given respectively.
    Analysis on Relationship and Taxonomic Status of Some Species in Subg. Cerasus Koehne with Chloroplast DNA atpB-rbcL Fragment
    ZHU Hong, YI Xian-Gui, ZHU Shu-Xia, WANG Hua-Chen, DUAN Yi-Fan, WANG Xian-Rong
    2018, 38(6):  820-827.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.004
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    Subg. Cerasus Koehne of Rosaceae families (Flowering Cherries) has important ornamental value. An in-depth research on the interspecies relationships and their taxonomic status contributes to the development of those cherry species and germplasm resource innovation. in China. The tree species of Subg. Cerasus (including variety) collected from Yunnan, Jiangxi and Fujian were amplified and sequenced, using the atpB-rbcL fragment of noncoding region in chloroplast DNA, and integrated with homologous sequences from four other species committed to database of GenBank. Haplotype of Median-Joining network and the phylogenetic tree were both constructed based on a total of 30 sequence matrix including 7 species, and their relationships and classification status were discussed. (1) There were total 15 polymorphism sites in the 774 valid sites of atpB-rbcL sequence matrix, accounting for 1.94%, and the (A+T) content 70.50%, reflecting an obvious base bias; (2) Total 9 haplotypes were detected by DNASP 5 software, with average Haplotype diversity (Hd=0.880 5±0.026) and average nueleotide diversity (π=0.007 11±0.000 54); Except for Prunus dielsiana (Hap5~Hap7), the remaining species had their own unique haplotype, which indicate abundant genetic diversity; (3) After integrating with the results of MJ network as well as reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree, we speculated that P.pananensis was during the original stage of evolution,moreover, it is closely related to P.schneideriana when compare with P.dielsiana; P.dielsiana var. longistyla was a sister branch to P.dielsiana, also together constituted an independent evolutionary unit. With the above results, we believe that the Chloroplast DNA atpB-rbcL fragment is relatively suitable at intergeneric or interspecific levels, which could be selected as DNA bar code in priority. Molecular evidence combined with morphological features support the viewpoint that regarding P.dielsiana var. longistyla as a varity of P.dielsiana, while the taxonomic status of P.pananensis calls for more evidence.
    Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Physocarpus amurensis Seedlings
    YIN Dong-Sheng, WEI Xiao-Hui
    2018, 38(6):  828-833.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.005
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    Growth performance, biomass accumulation and distribution, photosynthetic characteristics, non structural carbon (NSC) accumulation of one-year-old seedlings of Physocarpus amurensis was studied under four kinds of nitrogen fertilization treatment by pot experiment. The results showed that nitrogen fertilization promoted the growth of basal diameter, branch number, and crown width of seedlings. The nitrogen fertilization increased the biomass of stem, leaf and plant (P<0.05) and biomass allocation ratio of stem, and decreased biomass allocation ratio of root. The nitrogen fertilization significant increased net photosynthetic rate, leaf nitrogen content, soluble sugar and NSC in stem (P<0.05), and significant decreased soluble sugar and NSC content in root (P<0.05). However, there were no significant different in most of the parameters among nitrogen fertilization treatments (N1, N2 and N3), indicating that the seedlings of P.amurensis were not sensitive to the change of soil nutrients.
    Community Characteristics of Endangered Plant of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus to Environmental Factors in Northwest Arid Area of China
    DUAN Yi-Zhong, DU Zhong-Yu, KANG Fu-Ren
    2018, 38(6):  834-842.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.006
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    Ammopiptanthus mongolicus is one of the constructive species in northwest arid area of China, it is important for ecologically fragile in northwest arid area. We studied the communities of species composition, density and coverage of A.mongolicus using a sample plot method in filed, and analyzed the relationships between plant community and environmental factors. They were classified by the two-way indicator species analysis method (TWINSPAN) and redundancy analysis (RDA). The results show that:(1) There are 21 families and 50 genera and 70 species of A.mongolicus community in which the species numbers of Chenopodiaceae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Compositae and Zygophyllaceae. The flora of community of A.mongolicus is mainly distributed in Temperate, Mdeiteranean and Central Asia to west Asia; (2) Based the two-way indicator species analysis method (TWINSPAN), 17 quadrats were classified into 6 associations, they are Ammopiptanthus mongolicus-Nitraria tangutorum-Artemisia scoparia, Ammopiptanthus mongolicus-Caragana korshinskii-Suaeda glauca, Ammopiptanthus mongolicus-Amygdalus mongolica-Heteropappus altaicus, Ammopiptanthus mongolicus-Ziziphus jujuba var. Spinosa-Allium mongolicum, Ammopiptanthus mongolicus-Ceratoides latens-Artemisia annua, Ammopiptanthus mongolicus-Sarcozygium xanthoxylon-Peganum harmala; (3) The main influencing factors for A.mongolicus community is the interaction of environment factors.
    Genetic Variation of Growth Traits and Genetic Diversity of Phenotypic Traits in Catalpa fargesii f. duclouxii Germplasm
    XIAO Yao, MA Wen-Jun, YI Fei, YANG Gui-Juan, WANG Qiu-Xia, WANG Ping, WANG Jun-Hui
    2018, 38(6):  843-851.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.007
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    The experiment was conducted to study genetic variation and genetic diversity of Catalpa fargesii f. duclouxii germplasm and put forward reasonable cross breeding strategy. The perennial growth traits and the leaf length, leaf width, lenticel length, lenticel width, lenticel density of 20 clones were measured. The results showed that 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 a height and 1-6 a DBH were significantly different among clones. Repeatability and genetic variation coefficient of height changed in volatility with years change, however, those parameters of DBH were relatively stable. Repeatability of DBH was higher than height. It indicated that the degree of genetic control of DBH was stronger than height. The genetic diversity index of leaf length and leaf width was high, they were 2.016 and 2.012, respectively. Phenotypic variation coefficients of lenticel length, area and density were more than 20% and the genetic variation coefficient were more than 15%. There was ample morphological diversity among C.fargesii f. duclouxii clones. By the correlation analysis, the lenticel density was negatively correlated with growth, but lenticel size and growth traits had positive correlation. The germplasms were divided into four types by cluster analysis, the first type had maximum lenticel area and the minimum lenticel density; type Ⅱ grew the most slowly, but it had maximun leaf length; type Ⅲ had fastest growth rate and maximun leaf width; and the type Ⅳ petioles were longest.
    Analysis of Leaf Color Variation and Height Growth Characteristics of Yellow-green Leaf Mutant in Birch
    REN Shuo-Qi, LIU Bing-Yang, LI Xue-Ying, XING Jian-Hui, LI Zheng-Lun, WANG Chu, GANG Hui-Xin, LIU Gui-Feng, JIANG Jing
    2018, 38(6):  852-859.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.008
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    Leaf-color mutants are ideal materials for studying plant photosynthesis mechanisms and chlorophyll biosynthesis pathways. In order to study the relationship between the leaf color and the chlorophyll content, growth characteristics of the birch T-DNA mutant (yl), we measured the temporal variation of chlorophyll content, leaf color and the growth characteristics.The leaf color of the yl mutant displayed a dark yellow-green color during the different developmental stages. The yellowness and brightness of yl leaves were higher than that of the control line, and the parameter b* value of leaf color was distributed in the yellow area of the CIELab system color puzzle. The chlorophyll SPAD value of the yl mutant was significantly lower than that of the control lines (P<0.05) from early spring to mid-September. The height of the yl mutant was significantly lower than that of the control line, and the high annual growth rate was only 35.15% of the mean value of the control lines. The mean daily high growth (GD) was also significantly lower than control lines at fast growing stage, which was 58.50% of the control lines. Thus, it is considered that the decrease in high growth amount is due to the fact that the T-DNA insertion mutation affected the biosynthesis of chlorophyll.
    Comparison of Reproductive Biology Including Morphology of Reproductive Organs,Viability of Pollens,Flower Visitors,and Flavonols Accumulation Between Fertile and Sterile Cultivars in Bougainvillea
    XU Su-Xia, HUANG Qing-Yun, LIN Chun-Song, XU Yi-Ding, LI Zi-Yang, LIU Yu-Mei, HUANG Yi-Jin
    2018, 38(6):  860-868.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.009
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    Plants in Bougainvillea are characterized with high sterility. In this study, morphology of reproductive organs, viability of pollens, flower visitors, and flavonols accumulation were compared between two sterile and four fertile cultivars. The calyx in four fertile cultivars was oval and bigger than that in other sterile cultivars. Pollens were size-consistent in fertile cultivars. Viability of pollens with 11.1 to 46.5 germination rate in fertile cultivars was much higher than that in the sterile. Seven kinds of insect visitors were found in six cultivars, which displayed no discrimination among various cultivars. The results indicated that kaempferol/and quercetin/glycosylated derivatives were the major flavonols accumulating in pollens using the florescence dye, diphenylboric acid 2-aminoethyl ester (DPBA). Florescence strength in tips of pollen tubes was much robuster than that in other parts. Accumulation of flavonols resulted in sharp difference between fertile cultivars and sterile cultivars in the study, which suggested that flavonols especially quercetin might play positive roles in fertility of plants in Bougainvillea.
    Effect of Boron and Zinc on Photosynthetic Physiology of Leaves, Nut Setting and Kernel Quality of Hybrid Hazelnut
    WANG Jing-Yang, WANG Qing-Cheng, ZHU Kai-Yue, MA Shuang-Jiao
    2018, 38(6):  869-875.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.010
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    Through the application of different concentrations of boron (0.2%, 0.3% and 0.4%) and zinc (0.3%,0.4% and 0.5%) in a 4 a hybrid hazelnuts (Corylus heterophylla×Corylus avellana) in Dongning Area of Heilongjiang Province, the effects of micronutrient fertilizers on the photosynthetic physiology, seed setting, nut kernel and leaves nutrient status of hybrid hazelnut were investigated. Boron and zinc had a significant effect on net photosynthetic rate. Interaction between boron and zinc had an extremely significant on net photosynthetic rate. Effect of boron on kernel rate was extremely significant, effect of boron on single kernel mass was significant, effects of boron on single nut mass and nut setting rate were not significant. Effects of zinc on single nut mass and single kernel mass were extremely significant, effect of zinc on kernel rate was significant, and effect of zinc on nut setting rate was not significant. Significant effect of interaction between boron and zinc was detected with kernel rate, but not with single nut mass, single kernel mass and nut setting rate. Effects of boron, zinc and interaction between boron and zinc on kernel fatty acid concentration and kernel protein concentration were not significant. Boron, zinc and the interaction had significant effects on the photosynthesis and seed setting of 4 a hybrid hazelnut trees, promoted single kernel mass, kernel rate and single nut mass. The proper concentration for boron and zinc foliar fertilization is 0.3% and 0.4%, respectively.
    Wood Ultrastructure Observation of Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.Arg.) Young Stem
    WANG Xiang-Jun, ZENG Xian-Zhen, WANG Ya-Jie, HUANG Xiao, ZHANG Yuan-Yuan, LI Wei-Guo
    2018, 38(6):  876-885.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.011
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    Rubber tree(Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) is an important economic crop in China's tropical regions. Rubber wood, a by-product of rubber cultivation, is an important source of timber supply in China. Using scanning electron microscopy, we studied the ultrastructure of xylem cells of rubber tree young stems which develop in different stages. The results showed that in the wood of rubber tree young stem, the cell wall of the vessel and wood fiber were thickened obviously with the development and maturation of the xylem. Spiral thickening was the main thickening method. There were a large number of pits in the cell wall of xylem cells. The main modes of the arrangement of the pits are scattered, reticular, ladder-shaped, and pearl-like. During the development of xylem, starch granules will gradually accumulate in the ray and some parenchyma cells. There are different types of attachments on the surface of xylem cell wall. These results will provide a theoretical reference for the studies of rubber wood property and its formation mechanism.
    Growth and Fruiting Characters of Different Pinus koraiensis Stands
    SUI Li-Long, WANG Fang, ZHAO Quan-Hu, WANG Tai-Kun, JIANG Xin, WANG Jun, LU Zhi-Min, YANG Yu-Chun
    2018, 38(6):  886-893.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.012
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    We took 16 Pinus koraiensis stands in Sanpeng Frorest Tree Improved Variety Bases in Tonghua County, Jilin Province as materials, and investigated their soil physical and chemical properties (pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, available K, available N, available P, total N and C/N), growth and fruiting traits (tree height, diameter at breast height,the seed production per hectare),and the number of trees perhectare.By variance analysis, all the indices were significantly different (P<0.01) among different stands except available K, C/N and tree height. The coefficients of phynotypic variance of all the indices ranged from 3.59% to 42.04%, which were high variance stands and beneficial for evaluation and selection of superior stands. By correlation analysis,the seed production per hectare was significantly positively correlatedwith tree height (0.267), diameter at breast height (0.259), organic matters (0.306), available N (0.909), available P (0.805), and total N (0.213), but was significantly negatively correlated with the number of trees per hectare. We evaluated the 16 stands with 10% selection rate and the seed production per hectareas selection standard, and the stands 3 206 and 3 308 were selected as superior stands. Compared with the population mean,the soil organic matter was increased by 11.91 g·kg-1, available N was increased by 30.92 mg·kg-1, available P was increased by 13.65 mg·kg-1, total N was increased by 0.4 g·kg-1, the seed production per hectare was increased by 461.35 kg·hm-2, diameter at breast height was increased by 1.9 cm, tree height was increased by 0.69 m, and the number of trees per hectare was decreased by 104. The results would provide a theoretical basis for selecting the appropriate nursing management methods to improve the pine seeds yield and transforming as the fruit forest.
    Germination Obstacle Factors of Berberis Seeds of Different Natural Populations
    LI Lin-Yu, FANG Zi-Yan, Maola Aikebaier, ZHOU Long, LU Biao
    2018, 38(6):  894-901.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.013
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    The Black-fruit Berberis seeds of Huocheng population, Xinyuan population, Tekesi population and the Red-fruit Berberis of Tekesi population were used as experimental materials to study their biological characteristics, water absorption characteristics and the effects of seed coat removal, low temperature stratification and different concentrations of GA3 treatment on the dormancy and germination characteristics.The results showed that:(1) The water absorption rate of four groups of wild Berberis seeds showed a trend of increasing gradually.There was no significant difference in water absorption between Black-fruit Berberis seeds and Red-fruit Berberis seeds, and the water permeability of their seed coat was similar; (2) The seed coats of Black-fruit Berberis seeds of Huocheng population, Xinyuan population and Tekesi population had a strong inhibitory effect on germination.However the seed coat of Red-fruit Berberis seeds in Tekesi population had no obvious inhibition on germination; (3) Low temperature stratification had a great effect on the germination of wild Berberis seeds in 4 groups, and the germination rate of Berberis seeds increased gradually with the increase of stratification time.The dormancy of Black-fruit Berberis seeds was basically relieved after 90 days of stratification;the dormancy of Red-fruit Berberis seeds was basically relieved after 30 days of stratification; (4) GA3 solution with 200 mg·L-1 concentration could significantly increase the germination rate of the four groups Berberis seeds, and too high or too low concentration could inhibit the germination of Berberis seeds. After 60 days of layering,the germination rates of Black-fruit Berberis seeds without seed coat of Huocheng population, Xinyuan population and Tekesi population were 85.00%, 83.33%, and 86.67% respectively after treated with GA3 solution of 200 mg·L-1 for 2 hours;When the Red-fruit Berberis seeds were layered for 15 days,the germination rates of Red-fruit Berberis seeds without seed coat of Tekesi population were 86.67% after treated with GA3 solution of 200 mg·L-1 for 2 hours.The results will provide technical support and scientific basis for the introduction and breeding of wild Berberis.
    Effect of H2S on Chorispora bungeana under Drought Stress
    ZHAO Min, ZHAO Qi-An, LIU Bo, WANG Yue-Xuan, ZHANG Li-Huan, YANG Ning
    2018, 38(6):  902-912.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.014
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    We used the plantlets of Chorispora bungeana, which wasan alpine subnival plant species,to study the membrane system damage induced by exogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) during the response of mannitol (with the concentration of 0.3M) to simulate drought stress. We studied the contents of osmotic adjustment substances, the activities of antioxidant enzymes system, the phospholipase D (PLD), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and signaling molecule H2S in response to drought stress, and the possible signaling relationship of PLD,ROS and H2S was also discussed. NaHS, the exogenous H2S donor, significantly reduced the electrolyte leakage rate and MDA content,enhanced the osmotic adjustment substances and the activities of antioxidant enzymes, suppressed the production of ROS, and improved the drought resistance of C.bungeana. The PLD activity, H2S content and ROS could be induced significantly under drought stress.Under drought stress, the release of H2S can be promoted significantly with applying the PA (downstream product of PLD) and H2O2 (ROS donor) separately. However, there was no significant effect on H2S content under drought stress with adding DPI (Both PA and ROS inhibitor) simultaneously. The production of H2S was significantly inhibitedunder drought stress,when 1-butanol (PLD inhibitor) and DPI (ROS inhibitor) were simultaneously applied. Therefore, ROS were located at the upstream of PLD and downstream of H2S in C.bungeana under drought stress.
    Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of MUR5 Gene in Fraxinus mandshurica
    WANG Heng-Tao, SHAO Wan-Xuan, XU Shu-Hao, ZENG Fan-Suo
    2018, 38(6):  913-920.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.015
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    WE studied the expression pattern of FmMUR5 in different phases and abiotic stress, and revealed the phytohormone-induced expression characteristics. We bioinformatically analyzed the FmMUR5 gene and the encoded protein in Fraxinus mandshurica. The coding region of FmMUR5 is 1 080 bp in length and encodes 359 amino acids. The FmMUR5 protein is a stable, hydrophilic protein in the absence of signal peptide and transmembrane structure. The genetic distance between FmMUR5 and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and Hordeum vulgare was relatively close, indicating that they are relatively close genetic relationship. The expression of FmMUR5 gene was the highest in newly formed shoots with tissue specificity, and the expression of FmMUR5 in each part was relatively high in August. Under abiotic stress the induction of hormone signal, the expression level of FmMUR5 gene changed with the time of treatment, but the trend was not the same. FmMUR5 gene expression was highest by treated for 1 h at low temperature (4℃), salt (NaCl) and mannitol three abiotic stresses, 1.5, 1.4 and 6.3 times of the control group, respectively. FmMUR5 was the lowest at 4℃ and 24 h after mannitol treatment, while FmMUR5 was the lowest at 12 h after salt treatment (NaCl). The expression level of FmMUR5 gene was the highest at 1 h after abscisic acid (ABA) and auxin (IAA) treatment and 12 h after gibberellin (GA) treatment, 2.5, 3.8 and 1.1 times of the control group, respectively. The expression level of FmMUR5 was the lowest at 24 h after abscisic acid (ABA) treatment and lowest at 6 hours after treatment with IAA and GA. The results indicate that FmMUR5 is involved in abiotic stress and plant hormone signal induction.
    Cloning and Expression Analysis of Glutelin GluC Gene Promoter in Rice
    LI Wen-Jing, SUN Yan-Xiang
    2018, 38(6):  921-930.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.016
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    Rice glutelin, which is expressed in endosperm exclusively, is ideal candidate for isolating promoters with endosperm specificity. We isolated the GluC 5'-flanking sequence pGluC. Analysis of pGluC sequence by PlantCARE and PLACE revealed it contained a series of endosperm specific elements, such as Skn-1 motif and ACGT-box. Thus, we constructed the pGluC and truncated pGluC into pGPTV-GUS vector and transferred the vectors into rice. We performed histochemical assay and GUS activity detection. The full-length and -1 911,-1 611, -1 311 bp promoters were mainly accumulated in endosperm. The -999, -451, -203, -102 bp promoters were mainly accumulated in endosperm, and less strongly in roots, stems and leaves, which changed their endosperm-specific expression pattern. Our findings would contribute to the selection of a suitable promoter for crop molecular improvement.
    Bioinformatic and Expression Analysis of HD-Zip Family Gene in Betula platyphylla
    WANG Jia-Qi, ZHANG Xi, LI Li
    2018, 38(6):  931-938.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.017
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    Homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-Zip) proteins are ubiquitous in plants and participate in various aspects of plant growth and developmental processes as well as environmental responses. Using birch genome database, we acquired 35 putative HD-Zip genes. These genes were classified into four subfamilies, Ⅰ to Ⅳ, based on phylogenetic analysis. The additional conserved domains, protein structures, chromosome distribution and physiological functions of these members were further predicted and analyzed. To gain more insights into the roles of birch HD-Zip genes in salinity tolerance, we identified seven genes which were highly induced by salt stress using transcriptomic data. This study provides a solid foundation for uncovering the biological roles of HD-Zip genes in salt response from Betula platyphylla.
    Analysis of SSR Information in Transcriptome Sequences of Saxifraga sinomontana
    LI Yan, GENGJI Zhuo-Ma, JIA Liu-Kun, WANG Zhi-Hua, CHEN Shi-Long, GAO Qing-Bo
    2018, 38(6):  939-947.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.018
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    MISA (MicroSatellite) software was used to analyze the microsatellites information from transcriptome sequences of Saxifraga sinomontana J.T.Pan & Gornall, intending to provide candidate sequences for the development of SSR markers and detection of genetic diversity. In total, 4 622 SSRs were detected in 63 763 unigenes, which was represented by 110 repeat motifs. The frequency of SSRs was detected to be 7.25%, with an average occurrence of per 10.00 kB in length. The tri-nucleotide was the most abundant repeat motif (55.50%), followed by di-nucleotide (30.23%). The dominant repeat motifs in di-nucleotide and tri-nucleotide were AG/TC and AAG/TTC, respectively. In SSRs, the di-nucleotide possessed the most abundant repeat types, the longest span, as well as higher polymorphism, followed by tri-nucleotide. However, for the tetra-nucleotide, penta-nucleotide and hexa-nucleotide, there were few repeat types. For S.sinomontana, the repeat numbers of SSRs were mainly from five to nine, of which the number gradually decreased along with the repeat numbers increased. Besides, the motif length mostly distributed in 12 to 30 bp, and the polymorphism of SSRs was above medium level.
    Effect of Fungal Elicitor on Gallic Acid Accumulation in the Cells of Acer ginnala Maxim
    QI Feng-Hui, CHEN Si-Qi, JING Tian-Zhong, ZHANG Yu-Xin, ZHAN Ya-Guang
    2018, 38(6):  948-955.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.019
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    The leaf of Acer ginnala Maxim. contains gallic aicd, however, in a low content. The fungal elicitors increase some secondary metabolites in plant. However, the mechanism of the increase effect are not well studied. A fungal elicitor prepared with Phomopsis sp. was added during the logarithmic growth phase of suspension cultures of A.ginnala cells. As a result, the accumulation of gallic acid increased after 24 h and reached the peak (12.2 mg·g-1DW, 1.58-fold of control) at 48 h. Defensive responses of the cell to the endophytical elicitor were different from those to a pathogen or an abiotic stress. The endophytical elicitor did not induce medium alkalinization and an internal influx of calcium ions, but increased the permeability of plant plasma membrane. The medium conductivity increased and the nuclei division was observed, which indicate that the fungal elicitor promotes mitosis of the plant cells, which consumes more mineral nutrients to grow. Compared to the control, the activity of phenylalaninammo-nialyase (PAL) increased up to 1.75 times, indicating the accumulation of GA can be attributed to the rise of PAL activity.
    Stoichiometry Characteristics of Typical Halophytes in Luanhe Estuary Wetland
    TAN Hai-Xia, JIN Zhao-Guang, SUN Fu-Qiang, PENG Hong-Li, YANG Zhuo, GENG Shi-Gang
    2018, 38(6):  956-960.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2018.06.020
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    Studying the stoichiometry of halophytes will be beneficial to restoration of the vegetation in the coastal wetlands. The research object were four typical halophytes in the luanhekou. The stoichiometric characteristics of C, N and P in different plants and different vegetative organs were analyzed. Results show that:Mean change range of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents (212.40-291.38, 9.68-14.43 and 0.86-1.6 g·kg-1) were significant (P<0.05),possibly indicating different nutrient utilization strategies. The order of C content of different vegetative organs was leaf > root > stem, indicating low photosynthetic rate and strong defense ability. C:N and C:P of Aeluropus sinensis, Phragmites communis and Tamarix chinensis Lour were slightly lower than the global average of 22.5 and 232. There was a significant positive correlation between N and P (P<0.01). N is major restrictive factor for plants in the research area. There was a significant positive correlation between leaf N and leaf P, root N, root C,root P (P<0.01); leaf P and root N, root P differed significantly (P<0.01). There was a strong coordination between the root and the leaves of the vegetative organs to adapt to the salinization of the estuarine wetland.