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    15 December 1985, Volume 5 Issue 4
    Ho Ting-nung
    1985, 5(4):  1-22. 
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    The genus Gentiana is tke largest one of the family Gentiona-ceae, which was proposed by Tourneferot (1700) and Lineaus (1737, 1753). There are about 330 species throghout the world out sideof Africa. The greatest numbers of species on record are in temperate Asia, among them 247 species occur in China. The article A study on the genus Gentiana of China abs-tracted from the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (vol. 62.), was divided into four parts. The preceding parts validly published 49 new species and varieties. They were respectively published in Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, Bulletin of Botanical Research and Acta Biological Plateau Sinica. The final part is the report dealing with the systematic arrangement of the genusGentiana in China. The genus Gentiana has been studied by about 40 botanists both at home and abroad, who have established some taxonomic systems of the genus Gentiana and have validly published many species. Different authors have had different ideas about the taxonomic system of the genus Gentiana. In this paper the five authors' systems were discussed. The results obtained from the comparative analysis of their systems may enable us to revalue the taxonomic system of the genus Gentiana. Based on the main characters i.e., the segmental degree of corolla and its plica, the structure of seed coat and the style feature etc., the genus Gentiana was divided into 10 sections by previous authors. Of the perennial plants the ramified forms were considered important by H. Smith (1961), who studied the Sect. Frigida Kusnez. Our systematic arrangement of the genus Gentiana is based on Kusnezow's system, which has been revised by us. Accor-ding to the ramified forms, the style feature and phytogeogra-phy, the Sect. Frigida Kuspez. consisted of fhe complicated component was subdivided into three sections, i. e., Sect.Frigida Kusnez., Sect. Monopodiae(H. Smith) T. N. Ho and Sect. Phyllocalyx T. N. Ho. The last two sections are endemic to Asia. We further narrowed the circumscription of Sect.Chondrophylla Bunge. Gentiana aquatica L. and closely related species were retained in this section; G. prostrata Haeck. and its relatives were transferred to new Sect Dolichocarpa T. N. Ho.by its form and exalate character of fruit. The chinese species of the genus Gentiana are grouped into 11 sections and 23 series, i. e.:Sect. 1. Otophorae Kusnez. Sar. 1. Otophorae Marq. Ser. 2. Decoratae Marq. Sect. 2. Cruciata Gaudin Sect. 3. Monopodiae (H. Smith) T. N. Ho Ser. 1. Confertifoliae(Marq.) T. N. Ho Ser. 2. Verticillatae (Marq.) T. N. Ho Ser. 3. Ornatae(Marq.) T. N. Ho Ser. 4. Apteroideae(H. Smith) T. N. HoSect. 4. Pneumonanthe (Gled.) GaudinSect. 5. Frigida Kusnez.Sect. 6. Isomeria Kusnez. Ser. 1. Sikkimenses(Marq.) T. N. Ho Ser. 2. Depressae(H. Smith) T. N. Ho Ser. 3. Stragulatae T. N. Ho Ser. 4. Uniflorae (Marq.) T. N. HoSect. 7. Phyllocalyx T. N. HoSect. 8. Microsperma T. N. Ho Ser. 1. Suborbisepalae (Matq.) T. N. Ho Ser. 2. Tetramerae (Marq.) T. N. Ho Ser. 3. Annuae (Marq.) T. N. HoSect. 9. Stenogyne Franch.Sect. 10. Dolichocarpa T. N. Ho Sect. 11. Chondrophylla Bunge Ser. 1. Fimbriatae Marq. Ser. 2. Rubicundae Marq. Ser. 3. Linearifoliae Marq. Ser. 4. Orbiculatae Marq. Ser. 5. Humiles Marq. Set. 6. Pubigerae Marq. Ser. 7. Capitatae T. N. Ho Ser. 8. Fastigiatae T. N. Ho Ser. 9. Napuliferae T. N. Ho Ser. 10. Piasezkianae T. N. Ho The genus Gentiana has got 14 sections worldwide. Among them three sections, Sect. Gentiana, Sect. Ciminalis (Adams.)Dumort. and Sect. Calathianae Froel. are endemic to Europe and America. 11 sections occur in China. The movement of the genera Gentianella Moench., CrawfurdiaWall., Tripterospermum Blume, Pterygocalyx Maxim., Megacoden(Hemsl.) F. Smith, Gentianopsis Ma and Comstoma (Wettst.) Toyo-kuni is now widely accepted. We also consider that these genera are separate.
    Llu Bing-lun
    1985, 5(4):  23-62. 
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    The pollen morphology of 91 species and 3 varieties inclu-ding 18 genera in Verbenaceae from China was observed by me-ans of optical microscope, and in which 27 species observed by means of scanning electron microscope. The pollen morphology of the family Verbenaceae is one of the eurypalynous. Accordingto the numbers and characters of the apertures and exine orna-mentation the pollen morphology of the Verbenaceae can be divided into the nine types:1. the tricolpate with verrucae; 2.the tricolpate with vestigial spines; 3. the tricolpate with fin-ely-reticulate; 4. the tricolpate with granulate-finely reticulate;5. the tricolpate with the reticulate; 6. the pancolpate(6-8);7. the triporatel; 8. the tricolporate; 9. the 3(4) colporate. The tricolpate is the basic and primitive type. The pollen morphological key of the genera has been shown in this paper based on the pollen grain characters. The varieties of the pollen grain morphological characters, the different evolutional trends of the apertures and the close affinity between Verbenaceae and Labiatae are also discussed in the present study.
    Liu Shang-wu
    1985, 5(4):  63-80. 
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    Liu Shu-qiu, Du Nai-qiu, Kong Zhao-chen
    1985, 5(4):  81-100. 
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    In recent years, we carried out pollen analysis on some se-diments of the pleistocene and Holocene from the vicinity of Harbin, Heilonjiang province. The samples were collected in the field by geological worker of the Hydrology team no. 2, Heilongjiang. This paper is on the basis of characteristics of sporo-pollen assemblages from 3 boreholes and 3 geological sections of Har-bin and further interpretes paleovegetation, paleogeogaphy and paleoclimate, It is significantion more or less to use pollen an-alysis in Hydrogeology. Acconding to the palynology stratigraphy magnetostigraphic studies, thermolunescent date and radiocarbon dating some conclusions can be drown:1. The Cretaceous flora is mainly composed of Cyatheaceae, Lygodiaceae, Schiaceae, Cycadaceae and Taxodiaceae, podocarpus, Cedrus of Conifere, The climate was hot and wet. The vegetation shows tropical south subtropical in aspect. The annual tempe-rature was about 14.2℃ higher than that of present. 2. The flora of palaeogene is represented by some warm-temperature and subtropical deciduous forests among which some evengreen trees were in existence. The climate was wet and less hot. The annual temperature was about 10℃ higher-than that of the present. 3. The flora of Neogene is mainly composed of Amentiferae but some subtropical species of Liquidambar, Carya, Fagus etc. are still in existence. the climate was warm and wet. The annual temperature was higher than that of the present. As to late pliocene, The Harbaceous plants such as chenopodiaceae, Com-positae and Gramineae etc, were obviously increase. 4. Quaternary floras:The floras of the glaeial and intergla-cial periods are quite different here. About 31×104-28×104 (Luo jiawopeng formation) years ago herbaceous plants such as Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Humulus, Compositae were flourishing in plain of Harbin and mountainous region, in cold-tempera-ture forest consisted of Picea and. Betula. According to the steppe or tundra increasing at that time we think ahout 30×105 B. P. ago or so that time climate was cold and dry. In the past 28×105-25×105 years (Guanjiawopeng formation)deciduous broad-leaved forest consisted of Betula, Corglus thrived under a warm and humid climate. About 25×105-10×105 years ago (correspond to Baitushan formation), the floras were alter-nation of steppe and forest. In the early period of that time the flora was represented by steppe or tundra, climate was cold and dry, then by cold-temperature coniferous-broadleaf forest consisting of Picea, Abies, Betula etc. Meantime the aquaticplants such as Typha, Myriophyllum and Green algae were growing in some shallow stangant ponds lakes or marshes of the vicinity Harbin. The climate was rather humid and warm. In the last part of the period the flora was characterised by deciduous broad-leaved forest consisted of Betula, Quercus, Alnus, Ulmus, Tilia, Juglans, Acer, Corylus with scattered Tsuga and Fagus etc.indicating the existence of a warm temperature climate in the early interglacial period. In the past 10×105-5×105 years (Cor-respondent to Huangshan formation) was very poorly represented only Humulus, Artemisia. Chenopodiaceae. We think at that time the vegetational zone belongs to typical desert and steppe, the climate was very dry. During 40×104-15×104 years B. P. (Har-bin formation) was a cold-temperature steppe consisted of Artemisia, Chenopodium etc. thrived under a cold and wet climate, Meantime lakes and marshes apparently decreased with glacial period of the Quaternary. As to tke sporo-pollen assemblagesin the Guxiangtun formation (15×104-3×104 Yr. B. P.) show there was cold temperate glassland consisted of Artemisia, Che-nopodium, Humulus and Gramineae so we infer that the vicinity Harbin at that time should be one of cold and dry natural environment.
    Bao Wen-mei, Chen Fa-sheng, Aur Chih-wen
    1985, 5(4):  101-114. 
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    The development of gametophytes of three species in three genera of Polypodiaceae were studied. They are Polypodium vir-ginianum L., Lepisorus ussuriensis (Regel et Maack) Ching and Pyrrosia petiolosa (Christ) Ching. The spores of all the three species are yellowish, monolete, and kidney-shaped in equatorial view and elliptical in polar view, and variously ornamented. In culture the spores germina-te within 10-15 days. The patterns of spore germination seem to be Tangential as described by Momose (1942). Generally, the germ filaments develop 2-8 cells long, straight or curved.The prothallial development is of the Drynaria type (Nayar 1971). The prothalli matured in 8-10 weeks after inoculum.They are hairy, and rhizoids are brownish (often with a red-dish tinge). The antheridia are globular. A short stalked cell under the antheridium is often observed, especially when yo-ung. The archegonia are of the type common in the high ferns. The adult prothalli of three species are varied, broad obo-vate, length longet than width (often 3×2mm. in size) in polypodium virginianum, broad obovate-rounded, length almost equal to width (often 2×2mm.) in Lepisorus ussuriensis and broad-rounded, width broader than length (often 2×3.2mm.)in Pyrrosia petiolosa. The more primitive prothalli are naked. The three species in the present work have prothalli hairy, and the papillate secretory, unicellular hairs are common, clab-shaped in P.virginianum, obovate triangular in L. ussuriensis and short clab-shaped in P. petiolosa. In addition, the hairs in P. petiolosaare considerable complex and varied. They develop into bran-ched, multicellular (2-12 cells), uniseriate and multiseriate filaments occuring on the surface in a straight or curved fas-hion. All the cells contain fully chloroplasts except its bran-ch, sometimes bear 1-2 rhizoids. This leads to consider that these varied hairs are of adaptive value. With the evolutiona-ry development of the ferns, the hairs of prothalli in P.petiolosa might have been developing.
    He Ming-you
    1985, 5(4):  115-119. 
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    Yi Tong-pei
    1985, 5(4):  121-137. 
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    Zhao Yi-zhi
    1985, 5(4):  139-150. 
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    Huang Pu-hwa, Li Shi-you
    1985, 5(4):  151-154. 
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    Yuan Xiao-ying
    1985, 5(4):  155-157. 
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