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    20 January 2006, Volume 26 Issue 1
    2006, 26(1):  1-1.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.001
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    A new species of Cycas (Cycadaceae) from Hainan Island
    FU Guo-Ai
    2006, 26(1):  2-3.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.002
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    A new species of the genus Cycas Linn. (Cycadaceae) Cycas shanyagensis G. A. Fu from Hainan Island is described.
    A new species of Magnolia(Magnoliaceae) from Hubei, China
    MA Lü-Yi;WANG Luo-Rong;HE Sui-Chao;LIU Xin;WANG Xi-Qun
    2006, 26(1):  4-7.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.003
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    This paper describes and illustrates Magnolia wufengensis L. Y. Ma et L. R. Wang, a new species of Magnolia from Wufeng, in the southwest of Hubei Province, China. Its main characteristics are: a deciduous tree, tepals nine, the whole tepal inside and outside in even red color, long petioles, white pilose appressed densely along midvein beneath the leaf, reserved till leaf being old. These characteristics clearly show the difference from those of close-consanguinity species—M. sprengeri Pamp. and M. denudata Desr..
    Meconopsis punicea Maxim. var. glabra M. Z. Lu et Y. Sh. Lian(Papaveraceae), a new variety from Gansu, China
    LU Mao-Zhen;LIAN Yong-Shan*
    2006, 26(1):  8-9.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.004
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    A new variety of Meconopsis punicea from Gansu of China is reported, i. e. Meconopsis punicea Maxim. var. glabra M. Z. Lu et Y.Sh.Lian.
    A new variety of Gaultheria Kalm ex Linn.(Ericaceae) from Sichuan Province, China
    LUO Qiang;LIU Jian-Lin;YUAN Ying
    2006, 26(1):  10-11.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.005
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    A new variety of Gaultheria Kalm ex Linn. from Sichuan is reported and named it as G. miyienensis T. Z. Tsu var. macrantha J. L. Liu et Q. Luo.
    Three new species of Stigonema(Cyanophyta) from Jilin Province, China
    LIN Yi-Meng;XIAO Hong-Xing*
    2006, 26(1):  12-14.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.006
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    Three new species in the genus Stigonema of Cyanophyta from Jilin Province are reported in the paper: Stigonema sinuatum Y. M. Lin et H. X. Xiao, sp. nov., margin of filaments undulant, filaments 80~100 μm broad; Stigonema pseudo-minutum Y. M. Lin et H. X. Xiao, sp. nov., filaments 60~80 μm broad, branches 30~45 μm broad, sheath yellowish-brown in the young portions of filaments, colorless in the old portions; Stigonema formosum Y. M. Lin et H. X. Xiao, sp. nov., prostrate filaments with several filaments 15~26 μm broad coherent side by side.
    Notes on Pellionia and Elatostema(Urticaceae) in Southeastern Yunnan
    WANG Wen-Tsai
    2006, 26(1):  15-24.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.007
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    Five species and three varieties of Elatostema from southeastern Yunnan are described as new, and one species of Pellionia and three specie of Elatostema are reported from Yunnan for the first time.
    Additions to the fern flora of Hunan Province
    LIU Bing-Rong;YAN Yue-Hong*
    2006, 26(1):  25-28.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.009
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    Seventeen species of ferns belonging to 7 families and 11 genera from Hunan province, are firstly reported. They are Alsophila spinulosa, Adiantunm diaphanum, A. philippense, Pronephrium gymnopteridifrons, Pseudophegopteris hirtirachis, P. microstegia, Stegnogramma jinfoshanensis, Asplenium pseudolaserpitiifolium, A. toramanum, Polystichum falcatilobum, P. fimbriatum, P. polyblepharum, P. retroso-paleaceum, Ctenitis clarkei, Tecaria subtriphylla, Phymatopteris dactylina, Colysis digitata.
    Some new recorded spermatophytes from Guizhou Province
    ZUO Jing-Hui;LIN Chang-Song;SUN Ai-Qun;XIANG Hong;TIAN Ying-Zhou
    2006, 26(1):  29-33.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.008
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    This study reports new records of 19 species and 4 varieties occurring in Guizhou Province,viz. Actaea asiatica Hara, Delphinium tenii Lévl., Delphinium albocoeruleum Maxim., Clematis yunnanensis Franch, Clematis apiifolia DC., Sagina maxima A. Gray, Rumex acetosella Linn., Thladiantha henryi Hemls., Rhododendron orbiculare Decne, Pyrola forrestiana H. Andr., Potentilla centigrana Maxim., Rosa filipes Rehd. et Wils, Hylodesmum laxum (DC.) H. Ohashi et R .R. Mill, Hylodesmum laterale (Schindl.) H. Ohashi et R. R. Mill, Lathyrus davidii Hance., Astragalus pastoricus Tsai et Yu., Oxalis acetosella Linn., Panax stipuleanatus C. T. Tsai et K. M. Meng, Aletris glandulifera Bur., Rubus innominatus var. aralioides (Hance) Yu et Lu, Potentilla reptans L. var. sericophylla Franch, Leycesteria formosa Wall. var. slenosepala Rehd., Lilium bakerianum var. aureum Grove et Cotton.
    New classification system of Yulania denudata
    TIAN Guo-Hang;FU Da-Li;ZHAO Tian-Bang;ZHAO Dong-Wu
    2006, 26(1):  34-37.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.010
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    Studying on the history of classification of Yulania denudata and the specimens which were gathered by author for many years. The results indicate that Y. denudata is a community which has both wild and cultivated plant, and which has morphological diversity. Based on these results, authors put forward the new classification system of Y. denudata, that is species-subspecies-varieties, which concludes 2 subspecies (1 new combination subspecies), 6 varieties (1 new variety and 3 new translation varieties). The development of deformation theory, selection and utilization of new cultivars of Y. denudata can be based on these results.
    A study on the flora of Caiyanghe Nature Reserve in Simao, Yunnan with references to the transition from tropical Asian flora to Eastern Asian flora
    ZHU Hua;ZHAO Chong-Jiang;WANG Hong;ZHOU Shi-Shun;SHI Ji-Pu;LI Bao-Gui
    2006, 26(1):  38-52.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.011
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    Caiyanghe Nature Reserve in Simao is located at a transitional area from the tropical southern to the subtropical center of Yunnan. Intensive floristic inventory was made in the Nature Reserve. Total 1920 species of seed plants belonging to 836 genera and 178 families were recorded. Orchidaceae with 223 species of 69 genera is the largest family in size in the nature reserve, and other abundant families in species richness are Rubiaceae with 100 species of 37 genera, Compositae with 86 species of 47 genera, Papilionaceae with 82 species of 33 genera, Labiatae with 62 species of 28, Euphorbiaceae with 59 species of 25 genera, Urticaceae with 5 species of 13 genera, Gramineae with 47 species of 34 genera, Lauraceae with 44 species of 12 genera, Moraceae with 44 species of 6 genera, and Acanthaceae with 36 species of 26 genera etc. The areal types at generic and specific levels are analyzed respectively. The tropical elements contribute to 83.3% at generic level and 70.0% at specific level of the flora, of which tropical Asian (Indo-Malaysia) elements contribute to 31% at generic level and 60.0% at specific level. Thus it is obvious that the flora of the Nature Reserve in Simao is of tropical in nature and belongs to Indo-Malesia floristic kingdom. As the nature reserve is located at a transitional area of tropical south to subtropical Yunnan, many tropical plants reach up their northern limit of distribution here. Therefore, the flora of Caiyanghe Nature Reserve is transitional toward the subtropical flora of Yunnan. Based on comparison to the flora of Xishuangbanna in southern Yunnan and the flora of Wuliangshan in center Yunnan, it is revealed that Tropical Asian elements reduced conspicuously, while Northern temperate and Eastern Asian elements increased conspicuously in the transition from tropical Asian flora to Eastern Asian flora in southern Yunnan.
    Discussions on “Micromorphological features of the seed surface of Schisandraceae and their systematic significance” put forwarded by SUN Cheng-Ren
    LIN Qi
    2006, 26(1):  53-57.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.012
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    Different research results have been put forward by C. R. Sun in the thesis,“Micromorphological features of the seed surface of Schisandraceae and their systematic significance”from Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 2002, 40(2): 97-109. Because of difference among experimental materials, methods, results and taxonomic research methods, both sides get different research results. This paper will discuss it.
    Karyotype and cytological characters of embryogenesis in Quercus variabilis
    YAO Zeng-Yu;ZHANG Cun-Xu*;ZHANG Wen-Hui
    2006, 26(1):  58-62.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.013
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    Using the common slice-making method, the karyotype as well as chromosomes in embryogenic callus of Quercus variabilis were analyzed.The results showed that the chromosome complement of 2n=2x=24. The karyotype formula was K(2n)=2x=24=20m+4sm. It is belong to “2B” category of STEBBINS. The total length of chromosome set was 18.55 μm. By analyzing chromosomes of embryogenic callus tissue cells with eight months continuous subculture demonstrated that the mumber and structure of chromosome were relatively steady, in which diploid cell occupied 97.2%, tetraploidy cell 1.87%, haploidy cell 0.93%. Aneuploids and chromosomes structure variation were not found. Nuclei in some meristematic cells derived from subsurface layer of hypocotyl of somatic embryos were lamellar or elliptic. Trinuclear cell was found in mature somatic embryos occasionally.
    Observations on the development of embryo and endosperm of Tamarix chinensis (Tamaricaceae)
    WANG Zhong-Li;LIU Lin-De;FANG Yan-Ming
    2006, 26(1):  63-69.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.015
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    The developmental process of embryo and endosperm of Tamarix chinensis was observed by means of traditional paraffin wax sections. The following results were obtained: The development of embryo was of Solanad type, and the division of proembryo basal cell was vertical. The basal cells of suspensor developed rapidly, which had haustorial function. At the globular embryo stage, the suspensor had well developed, which was richly cytoplasmic and contained abundant starch, and its remnants still exicted in the late heart-shaped embryo stage. Additional embryo resulted from the fertilized synergid was observed in T. chinensis. The development of endosperm was of Nuclear type. The primary endosperm nucleus division was often posterior to zygote, and its division speed was also slower than that of embryo cells. Wall formation in the endosperm was initiated at the late heart-shaped embryo when there were 32 free nuclei. Few further division occured after cellularization in the endosperm. There were only two layers of nucellus which had abundant cytoplasm and reserved substance, and were consumed at the stage of late heart-shaped embryo.
    Observation on the gametophyte development of Macrothelypteris torresiana
    ZHANG Kai-Mei;SHI Lei*;LI Dong
    2006, 26(1):  70-73.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.016
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    The spores of the Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaud.) Ching were cultured in the mixed soil. The spore germination and the gametophytic development were observed by microscope. The result exhibits that the spores are brown, monolete, and semicircle-shaped in equatorial view and elliptical in polar view. The spores germinate about three days after sowing. The germination is of the Vittaria-type while the gametophyte development is of Drynaria-type. The prothallial plates come into form about seven days after sowing. The radius is not so obvious between the germ filaments stage and the prothallial plates stage. Hairs can occur on both the surfaces and margin of the prothalli. The young prothalli develop in 21 days after sowing and the mature prothalli are cordate. The Antheridium form in 35 days after sowing. The antheridia are like pellets and composed of 3 cells. The archegonial neck is usually formed by 4 rows of cells and 4 to 5 cells high at maturity. Young embryos can be observed growing from the prothalli in one month after sowing.
    Physiological characteristics of photosynthesis in Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz grown in salt and alkali soil
    SUN Guang-Yu;CAI Shu-Yan;HU Yan-Bo;FAN Chuan-Hui
    2006, 26(1):  74-78.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.017
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    The experiment was conducted to determine diurnal changes of net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs), water use efficiency (WUE), and environmental factors in Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz grown in salt-alkali soil. The data acquired in this study showed that diurnal changes of Pn and Tr were two-peak-type-curve and were marked by a midday depression of Pn, which could be fully accounted for by Gs changes. Carboxylic efficiency (CE), photosynthetic rate at saturation for intercellular CO2 concentration (A350),apparent quantum yield (AQY), and photosynthetic rate at light saturation (Pmax) all decreased at midday. The results indicated that the midday depression could be attributed to the rising leaf temperature caused by increased strong solar radiation (PAR).
    Inhibitory effects of Ceratophyllum oryzetorum on the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa
    QIAN Zhi-Ping;FENG Yan;SUN Li;XU Qian-Wen;LI Wen-Qi;WANG Quan-Xi*
    2006, 26(1):  79-83.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.019
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    Inhibitory effects of Ceratophyllum oryzetorum Kom. on the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. has been investigated. The results showed that the liquor cultured with C. oryzetorum and the extract of C. oryzetorum have differential inhibitory effects on M. aeruginosa. The high concentration of the liquor cultured with C. oryzetorum and the extract of C. oryzetorum can inhibit the growth of M. aeruginosa. The low concentration of them have no inhibitory effects on the growth of M. aeruginosa. And the tender plants have the best inhibitory effects on the growth of M. aeruginosa, the old plants can accelerate their growth. The extract of C. oryztorum can inhibit the growth of M. aeruginosa obviously at 20℃.
    A widely applied total RNA extraction method
    WANG Yu-Cheng;ZHANG Guo-Dong;JIANG Jing
    2006, 26(1):  84-87.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.014
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    A total RNA extraction method is introduced, the main extraction reagents used in this method are SDS, chloroform and Tris-phenol, and the reagents of RNA precipitation are LiCl and ethanol. The total RNAs were successfully extracted from Tamarix androssowii(woody plant), Puccinellia tenuiflora (herbage), Saperda populnea (insect), Saccharomyces cerevisiae(fungi) and White-rot fungi by using this method. The total RNA extracted by this method produced clear bands, and the ratios of A260/A280 were above 1.8. The analysis of RNA precipitation efficiency showed that total RNA could be deposited completely in 10 minutes by the cooperation of LiCl and ethanol. At the same time, high purity DNA also can be isolated by this method, the quality of extracted RNA can meet the need of some molecule biology work requiring high quality RNA, such as cDNA library construction, labeling probes for gene chip and RT-PCR. The above described shows this method for RNA isolation can be widely applied.

    Effects of drought stress on lipid peroxidation and activity of defense enzymes of Dodonaea viscosa, Leucaena leucocephala and Tephrosia candida seedlings
    CHEN Shao-Yu;LANG Nan-Jun;JIA Li-Qiang;WU Li-Yuan
    2006, 26(1):  88-92.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.021
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    Taking seedlings of Dodonaea viscosa, Leucaena leucocephala and Tephrosia candida from Jin Sha River as materials, the effects of drought stress on their lipid peroxidation and activity of defense enzymes under natural drought stress were studied in contrast to effects under watering. The results show that the cytomembrane permeability, MDA content, SOD and POD activity are all more or less changed under drought stress although the extent and process of variation is different. As for Leucaena leucocephala seedlings, MDA is not the main product of lipid peroxidation and Tephrosia candida seedlings do not only rely on SOD and POD action to reduce active oxygen content. Through comprehensive analysis on water holding capacity of leaf, cytomembrane permeability, MDA content and SOD, POD activity, Dodonaea viscosa seedlings show the highest drought resistance, then Leucaena leucocephala, Tephrosia candida the last.
    Optimization of RAMP-PCR reaction system in genomic DNA of radish (Raphanus sativus)
    GONG Yi-Qin;LI Pei;WANG Ming-Xia;ZHAO Li-Ping;LIU Li-Wang*
    2006, 26(1):  93-97.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.022
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    Genomic DNA of Radish was analyzed by optimizing the concentration of Mg2+, dNTPs and primer in Random Amplified Microsatellite Polymorphism (RAMP) system. Three different concentration gradients were set respectively, Mg2+ 0.75,1.5,3.0 mmol·L-1;dNTPs 0.05,0.15,0.3 mmol·L-1;primer 0.065,0.2,0.4 μmol·L-1, and the suitable annealing temperature was also screened. An optimization of RAMP reaction system for radish genomic DNA is(20 μL): dNTPs 0.15 mmol·L-1,Mg2+ 1.5 mmol·L-1,primer 0.2~0.4 μmol·L-1,DNA 10 ng,Taq E 0.8U.The amplification protocol was: 94℃ 3 min,42 cycles for 1 min at 94℃,1 min at 45℃, 1.5 min at 72℃, followed by a final extension of 8 min at 72℃. The suitable system was applied in screening the primer combinations, and the genetic diversity of seven radish varieties was analyzed in RAMP marker system.
    Genetic diversity of Pinus tabulaeformis populations in North China
    LI Cui;CHAI Bao-Feng;WANG Meng-Ben*
    2006, 26(1):  98-102.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.018
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    Genetic diversity of prolamins in 5 populations of Pinus tabulaeformis in North China was studied by using acidic polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (APAGE) technique. 12 bands were identified from 95 samples on electrophoretic gel, 11 bands of them were polymorphic, and 23 band types were obtained. The percentage of polymorphic loci ranged from 16.67 % to 66.67%. The information index of Shannon and the gene diversity of Nei indicated that genetic diversity of Guandi population was higher than those of the others. The total genetic diversity of the species was 0.248 9, and the intrapopulation and interpopulation genetic diversities were 0.150 7 (60.55%) and 0.098 2(39.45%), respectively.
    Pollination ecology of cultivated Lilium pumilumu
    SUN Xiao-Yu;YANG Li-Ping*;LU Zhao-Hua
    2006, 26(1):  103-108.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.020
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    Pollination ecology of cultivated Lilium pumilumu was studied preliminarily. Results showed that the flowers of L. pumilum is come into blossom at 2:30~3:30 a.m. and in full-blown at 5:30~7:00 p.m. The florescence of individual flower and population flowers are 3~4 d and 12 d, respectively. Nectar secrets in the first day of florescence and reaches maximum at 9:00~11:00 a.m. The peak of nectar secretion is consistent with the peak of insects visiting flowers. The main constitutes of nectar volatile are glucose, arabinose, β-D fructopyranose, palmic acid, methylpalmitate, myristic acid, lauric acid and tridecane. L. pumilum propagates mainly by cross-pollination, partly by self-copulation. Flower-visiting insects concern the species of Nymphalidae, Apoidea and Syrphidae. Pollinating insects involve Argynnis paphia, Venessa indica, Aporia crataegi, Megachile willoughbiella and Lasioglossum denticolle. Among them Lasioglossum denticolle is the most active insect. During sunny day, the frequency for visiting flowers of Lasioglossum denticolle is positive correlation extremely and remarkably with the daily change of light intensity and temperature, respectively and is negative correlation evidently with humidity. But during cloudy day, the frequency for visiting flowers of this insect is correlated extremely with air temperature and correlated notably with air humidity.
    Analysis of distribution and its relationships to the environmental factors of the ferns in Shanghai
    SONG Guo-Yuan;CAO Tong;CHEN Yi;LIU Jun
    2006, 26(1):  109-116.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.023
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    On the basis of checking literature and the specimens concerned, and the field working of the ferns in 33 sample sites in Shanghai, 50 species of the naturally distributed ferns belonging to 23 families, 33 genera have been recognized. The introduced and cultivated species and the species that might be extinct have been discussed. Two-way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) were used to analyse the relationships between the distributions and its environmental factors of the ferns. The results showed that 3 groups of sites could be identified: group 1 including the sites at center of the city has 0 to 4 species; group 2 including the sites at suburb of the city has 0 to 8 species; group 3 including She Mountain Island, She Mountain area and Da Jin Mountain Island with more than 26 species are the areas which have the most rich diversity of fern. The results reflected that habit, coverage and disturbance are main environmental factors for the fern growth in Shanghai.
    Effects on initial growth of Lolium perenne under heavy metal progressive stress
    DUO Li-An;GAO Yu-Bao;ZHAO Shu-Lan
    2006, 26(1):  117-122.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.024
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    The experiment was conducted to investigate effects on initial growth of Lolium perenne L.under Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ stress. The results showed that four heavy metals didn’t inhibit seed germination significantly, especially Cu2+ and Zn2+ stress. At high concentrations, Cu2+ and Cd2+ stress decreased plant height, root length and aboveground biomass greatly, especially Cu2+ which inhibited root growth mostly. Compared with control, root length decreased by 85.48% at Cu2+ level of 300 mg·L-1. High level of Cd2+ decreased chlorophyll content significantly. Compared with control, chlorophyll content decreased by 45.51% at Cd2+ level of 300 mg·L-1. Chlorophyll contents increased at all stress levels of Cu2+ and Zn2+.From the process of progreessive stress, some heavy metal had positive effect on some growth index at low concentrations, but inhibited growth at high concentrations.
    Syringin content of Acanthopanax senticosus samples in Heilongjiang different zones measuring by HPLC method
    ZHANG Yan-Hua;SUN Li-Fu;SHI Wei-Lin;WANG Qi-Chao;
    2006, 26(1):  123-126.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.025
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    Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim) Harms belongs to Araliaceae, which is a popular plant medicine with lots of bioactive substance around the world. Eleutheroside has many functions, such as resisting weariness and senescence, restraining tumor growth etc. Syringin is a main component of eleutheroside. Ultrasonic extraction method with 1.5 hour, sixty percent carbinol liquor as extractant and 55℃ are the best combination of extraction method. HPLC suitable condition was 266 nm as measuring wavelenghth, carbinol and water(28:72) used as mobile phase, 1 mL·min-1 as velocity of flow, column temperature with 25℃. Syringin content in root and stem were compared and analyzed in similar habitats in Heilongjiang different zones. The results showed that in the seven investigation zones, syringin content of this species was highest in Wuying National Nature Reserve, which grew under Pinus koraiensis original forest, but lowest in Snow Hollow Beauty Spot of Wudalianchi and Miror Lake area of Mudan river. This result would be benefit on gathering many-prickle acanthopanax and selecting the cropping habitats.
    Analysis of constituents of essential oil by GC-MS from Actinidia arguta
    YANG Ming-Fei;ZHAO Qiu-Yan;LIU Guang-Ping
    2006, 26(1):  127-129.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.01.026
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    The constituents of essential oil of Actinidia arguta were analyzed by GC/MS.13 peaks were separated and 12 compounds were identified. The identified constituents accounts for 99.03% of peak areas of essential. The major chemical constitutes in essential oil were ester and alcoho. The major chemical compound was butanoic acid ethyl ester(86.89%).