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    20 July 2006, Volume 26 Issue 4
    Two new species of Cyanophyta from Jilin Province, China
    LÜLin-Hai;ZHOU Chun-Li;XIAO Hong-Xing*
    2006, 26(4):  385-386.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.010
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    Two new species of Cyanophyta from Jilin Province are described in the paper, Scytonema cineraceum C.L.Zhou et H.X.Xiao, sp. nov., Thallus caespitosus, pulvinatus,subglobosus, lixivius. Cyanostylon rupestris L .H.Lü et H.X. Xiao, sp. nov., Massa plantae crustaceae, mollis, helvola vel rubiginosa.
    New fern records from Guizhou Province, China
    DAI Zhao-Xia;GOU Guang-Qian*
    2006, 26(4):  387-388.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.011
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    Four species of Pteridophyte in Guizhou Province belonging to 4 genera in 3 families are firstly reported. They are Coniogramme suprapilosa (Gymnogrammaceae), Metathelypteris glangdulosa, Glaphyropteridopsis glabrata (Thelypteridaceae) and Dryopteris commixta (Dryopteridaceae).
    Studies on the genus Schiffneria Steph. (Hepaticae)
    LI Wei;GAO Chien;WU Yu-Huan
    2006, 26(4):  389-391.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.012
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    The genus Schiffneria Steph. was founded in 1894 by F. Stephani. A new species——Schiffneria yunnanensis C. Gao & W. Li sp. nov. was found during our studying on Chinese specimen. The gametophyte of Schiffneria is thalloid, the inflorescence shoot shows ancestral characters, so it should be put in the Pallaviciniales belonging to Jungermanniideae.
    Review of taxonomy researches on Chinese Orthotrichaceae
    MO Ya-Ying;GUO Shui-Liang;CAO Tong
    2006, 26(4):  392-396.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.014
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    Orthotrichaceae is a worldwide moss family. The early and modern taxonomic researches on family in China both were summarized in this paper. The prospect of significance and tendency of the Chinese Orthotrichaceae in the future was also given.
    A review of phylogeny of Carlemanniaceae
    YANG Xue;PENG Hua*;LU Shu-Gang
    2006, 26(4):  397-401.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.013
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    Carlemanniaceae consists of 2 genera, Carlemannia and Silvianthus. There are 3 species in Carlemannia, 1 species including 1 subspecies in Silvianthus. The two genera had been put into Rubiaceae or Caprifoliaceae in the opinions of some taxonomists. Airy Shaw set up Carlemanniaceae having those two genera in 1965 and this division had been agreed by many other authors, but the systematic position of Carlemanniaceae was also in dispute even the relationship between Carlemannia and Silvianthus themselves,and the relationships with many other families, such as Gesneriaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Saxifragaceae and Verbenaceae are still very complicated and ill-defined. APGII considered its closest sister group was Jasminum or Ligustrum in Oleaceae but this conclusion was supported less. In this paper, the research references and recent materials to the family were reviewed and the scientific name Silvianthus bracteatus ssp. tonkinensis (Gagnep.) H. W. Li was treated as a synonym of Silvianthus bracteatus ssp. clerodendroides (Airy Shaw) H.W.Li. In the mean time, some suggestions have been provided for the research works in the future.
    The distribution pattern and ecological adaptation of Caragana sibirica Fabr.
    ZHAO Yi-Zhi
    2006, 26(4):  402-404.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.016
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    Caragana sibirica Fabr. is a typical mesophytes, it is both a typical and original species of Caragana. The author suggests the present distribution pattern of C.sibirica Fabr. belongs to the discontinuous one from the southeast of Western Siberia (Altai-Sayan) to the north of Eastern Asia (North China-North East-Far East). In the southeast of Western Siberia, C.sibirica Fabr. is a companion species under the evergreen aciculisivae of frigidtherm type (taiga) composed of Larix sibirica Ledeb. and Abies sibirica Ledeb. and at the edge of it. In the north of Eastern Asia, it is a companion species under the broadleaf aestatisilvae of mesotherm type and thermophilic type composed of Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Turcz. and Q. leaotongensis Koidz. and at the edge of it.
    Comparative expression analysis of Crlea gene in Catharanthus roseus under drought stress by real-time quantitative PCR
    ZU Yuan-Gang;NIE Ming-Zhu;FANG Si-Liang;YU Jing-Hua;GUO Xiao-Rui
    2006, 26(4):  405-410.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.017
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    A full-length Crlea(Crlea for Catharanthus roseus late embryogenesis abundant) gene was first isolated from Catharanthus roseus. Gene expression profiles of Crlea gene in leaves and roots under drought stress were monitored by real-time quantitative PCR. The results showed that a similar accumulation pattern of Crlea gene in leaves and roots over the observation period of 0.5 to 8 hours. The expression of Crlea mRNA was strengthened with the prolongation of stress time. In leaves, expression amounts of Crlea gene were 9.984 and 20.431 times higher than that of control respectively at 6 and 8 h. Similarly, the expression amounts of Crlea gene in root obviously increased (2.831 times higher than that of control) at 8 h. Primary results show the expression of Crlea gene is non-tissue-specific and up-regulated under drought stress.
    Cytological investigation on microsporogenesis of male sterility of pepper
    LI Ying-Ying;WEI You-Ying*;ZHANG Rui-Hua;LÜJie
    2006, 26(4):  411-415.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.015
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    Cytological investigation on microsporogenesis of male sterility of pepper were studied, the results were as following: Abortion was found from multiplication stage of sporogenous cells.Sporogenous cells were vacuolated, misshapen, stretched-out and the clearance between cells was enlarged. Tapetum cells were elongated, vacuolated or tapetum was made up of multilayer cells or discomposed tardily. The structure of powder chamber was abnormal and replaced by indifferentiated cells full of thin cytoplasm. Cell layers of powder chamber wall and middlelevel were increased, tapetum cells were hypertrophied and sporogenous cells or microspore mother cells were disaggregated. Quartered microspore couldn’t be released because the callose wall of microspores couldn’t decompose. Cytoplasm of monocytic microspore were decompounded.
    Studies on callus induction and multiplication of Glechoma longituba (Nakai) Kupr.
    CHEN Guang-Deng;LI Yun-Xiang*;GUO Liang;HAN Wei;LAN Ying
    2006, 26(4):  416-420.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.018
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    The callus induction of Glechoma longituba was preliminary explored in this paper. Bud, leaf and leafstalk were cultured on different cultural conditions. The results showed that the callus of G. longituba could be induced on MS or LS medium supplemented with different kinds of hormones: 2,4-D, NAA, KT, BA. The frequency of callus induction was different when different explants were cultivated in medium supplemented with different types and different concentrations of hormones. The callus was induced by using leafstalk and leaves as explants; 2,4-D could promote to dedifferentiation, but NAA could restraint the callus to form. KT or BA mixed with 2,4-D both promoted the induction. MS+2,4-D, darkness and light in turn or LS+2,4-D,darkness were both good for callus induction, and the optimized condition for induction and multiplication was MS+2,4-D(1.5 mg·L-1)+BA(1.0 mg·L-1) in darkness and light in turn (14 hours illumination every day). After 30 days,the inducing rates of leaf could reach 91.38% and The inducing rates of leafstalk could reach 100%.After being subcultured for 14 days,the average multiplication rates could be up to 202.2%.

    Karyotype analysis and cytological observation of mitosis in pasqueflower
    ZHANG Zi-Xue;ZHU Li-Meng;SUI Yi-Hu;CUI Guang-Rong;SHI Wei-Jing
    2006, 26(4):  421-423.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.019
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    Karyotype of pasqueflower (Pulsatilla chinensis (Bge.)Regel.) was formulated as 2n=16=10m+2sm+ 4st,belonging to Stebbin’s (1971) 2A type. The karyotype,chromosome number and characteristics in different phases of mitosis in pasqueflower were reported firstly in the world.
    Influence of light, agar and carbon sources to growth of in vitro cultured root tips of Fraxinus mandshurica
    FENG Dan-Dan;WANG Hong-Mei;ZHANG Li-Jie;XIA Xiang-You;SHEN Hai-Long
    2006, 26(4):  424-426.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.020
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    The effects of light, agar and carbon sources on the growth of in vitro cultured root tips of Fraxinus mandshurica were studied. The results showed that the growth of root tips in liquid medium was better than that in agar-solidified medium and solid-liquid two phase medium, for that increasing agar concentrations in medium will reduce the root growth; darkness was beneficial for Fraxinus mandshurica root tip culture in vitro; as the carbon sources, sucrose was better than glucose and maltose as the carbon sources, and 3% sucrose was best for the root tip growth of Fraxinus mandshurica.
    The study on in vitro rooting of regenerated shoots of Begonnia×Rieger
    WEI Zhan-Cai;ZHOU Xin
    2006, 26(4):  427-429.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.021
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    For establishing an efficient method in vitro rooting protocol for regenerated shoos of Begonnia×Rieger and decreasing the cost of rooting, the effects of basal medium strength, white sugar concentration and agar concentration were investigated in this study.The results showed that the strength of basal medium and white sugar concentration produced more effects on rooting. Considering rooting frequency and rooting quality, 1/4MS basal medium and 15 g·L-1 white sugar were the best choice for rooting of Begonnia×Rieger. In all treatment of different agar concentration, there were no obvious difference in rooting frequency and rooting quality, for decreasing the cost, we selected 3 g·L-1 agar as the best concentration for rooting.
    Different factors on formation of rooting in Asparagua officinalis in vitro
    WU Cui-Rong;LIU Li-Na;YU Ai-Ping;ZHAO Xiao-Mei;ZHOU Gen-Yu*
    2006, 26(4):  430-434.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.022
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    Using Asparagua officinalis stem shot as explant, the paper discussed the factors that affected the rooting in vitro. The concentration of sucrose, abiosalt and plant growth regulator were studied. The result indicated that 1/2MS and 20g·L-1 sucrose promoted rooting;Rooting rate arrived at 100% when it was pretreated in the twelfth with 1/4MS and 20 g·L-1 sucrose. Its quality of root excelled the root in the medium with hormone;pretreatment of hormone couldn’t enhance rooting rate.Therefore,low salt or low sucrose pretreatment was a kind of good way for advancing rate of rooting in Asparagua officinalis.
    Induction differentiation and plant regeneration of Elaeagnus angustifolia
    YANG Yu-Hong;ZHANG Wen-Hui;*
    2006, 26(4):  435-441.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.024
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    Elaeagnus angustifolia L. belonging to Elaeagnaceae is a very important tree species, mainly distributed over the northwest of China and has ability of resistance to saline-alkali. In order to accelerate reproduction and keep its excellent ability, the formation of cotyledon callus and plantlet regeneration from seed explants of Elaeagnus angustifoli were studied. And the organogenesis types of callus and regeneration shoots were discussed. The optimal culture conditions were established with the methods of the orthogonal tests and single factor tests. They are as follows:①explants: the cotyledon of 10 days old seedling;②Efficiency differentiation induction media: MS+0.5 mg·L-1 NAA+2.0 mg·L-1 BA+3%sucrose;③Efficiency seedling induction media: MS+0.1 mg·L-1 NAA+1.0 mg·L-1 BA+3%sucrose;④Robust seedling media: MS+0.1 mg·L-1 NAA+1.0 mg·L-1 BA+0.2 mg·L-1 GA3+3%sucrose;⑤Rooting media: 1/2MS+1.0 mg·L-1 ABT1.0 mg·L-1 +1.5% sucrose.
    Hybrids of wheat-rye substitution lines 5A/5R× 6A/6R by genome in situ hybridization
    ZHONG Li
    2006, 26(4):  442-446.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.023
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    Genome in situ hybridization and C-banding were applied to study the hybrids of two wheat-rye substitution lines 5A/5R and 6A/6R , the mechanism of homoeologous chromosome pairing was clarified and wheat-rye translocation lines was created. The chromosome behavior of pollen mother cell (PMCs) in meiosis was investigated in hybrid F1, homeologous chromosome pairing between wheat and rye occurred in 22.9% of PMC. Wheat-rye translocation lines were indentified via C-anding and Genome in situ hybridization (GISH) in hybrid F2 and later generations. In F2 generation, translocations happened in 9 of 45 plants, reached to 20%. These translocation lines were generated from homeologous chromosome pairing, or mis-division and reconstruction of univalent chromosomes.
    Genetic diversity among the clones of aspen hybrid detected by simple sequence repeat DNA marker
    ZHANG Jing-Ran;SHANG Jie;WANG Qiu-Yu*
    2006, 26(4):  447-451.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.025
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    Using 5 pairs of SSR primers, the genetic diversity of 52 hybrid clones of Aspen is detected. The result shows that percentage of polymorphic loci is 100% in five loci studied, in which the average number of alleles is 4.4, the locus PTR7 is the greatest amount in effective alleles, and the locus PTR12 is the least. Besides, there is the highest genetic diversity among the clones of Populus tremula×P.tremuloides, and the lowest variation in that of P.davidiana×P.tremuloides; By cluster analysis on the basis of genetic distance, it demonstrates that hybrid of P.tremula×P.tremuloides and P.tremula are firstly clustered, and then hybrid of P.davidiana×P.tremuloides, P.davidiana are finally clustered. This study demonstrates that hybrid clones of Populus tremula×P.tremuloides from Fenland have higher genetic diversity than the other Aspen clones, what is very important to enlarge genetic sources, cross breeding and heterosis utilization of this species in the future.
    The genesis of microspore and the formation of male gametophyte in Swertia davidii Franch.
    LI Li;HUANG Heng-Yu
    2006, 26(4):  452-460.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.026
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    The present paper firstly reports the microsporogenesis and the formation of male gametophyte in Swertia davidii Franch..The main results showed that anther is tetrasporangiate.The development of anther walls conforms to the Basic type and comprises of epidermis, endothecium, three middle layers and tapetum at the mature stage. The tapetum cells have dual origin and belong to the glandular type. The degenerating tapetum nuclei in the middle of anther locules are from the tapetum cells, which undergo mitosis, then intrude into the anther locules and degenerate in situ at the early stage. Three middle layers are ephemeral. Endothecium degenerates shortly after differentiating; epidermis persists and develops to become histogram elongated and fibrous-thickening. The cytokinesis of the microspore mother cells in meiosis is of the Simultaneous type. Most of the microspore tetrads are tetrahedral and there are still a few other types, such as isobilateral, dilateral and “T”-shaped. Pollen grains are 2-celled when shed.
    Regeneration of transgenic maize plants with MDMV CP gene
    ZHOU Xiao-Mei;JIA Wei-Long;ZHAO Yun-Yun
    2006, 26(4):  461-464.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.002
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    The maize calli derived from immature of inbred line Z31 were used for transformation mediated by microprojectile bombardment. The fertile transformants were obtained from resistant calli which had been subcultured on selecting medium containing 6 mg·L-1 Bialaphos for 3 months. Successful genetic transformation was confirmed by PCR,PCR-Southern blot assay and DNA dot hybridization. The incidence of virus disease was low on transgenic plants, thus showing that it had a certain resistance to MDMV.
    Effect of the derivatives of sulfur dioxide on the germination, growth and cell division of maize seedlings
    LIU Xiao-Ling;LI Xiu-Fen;BAI Jian-Ying;YI Hui-Lan*;MENG Zi-Qiang
    2006, 26(4):  465-469.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.004
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    Effects of sodium sulphate, sodium bisulfite and sodium sulfite on germination, growth and cell division were investigated in maize (Zea may L.) seedlings. Our results showed that germination rate and seedling growth had linear respond to treated concentration and duration time. Germination rate, root length and bud height decreased with increasing concentrations of sodium bisulfite and sulfite in the range of 2.5~20.0 mmol·L-1 or sodium sulphate at above 20.0 mmol·L-1 while other treatments, such as 0.1 mmol·L-1 sodium bisulfite, sodium sulfite and sodium sulphate, promoted the proceeding of germination and seedling growth. The difference among different treatment groups enhanced with exposed time. With different effective concentrations, sodium bisulfite at 2.5 mmol·L-1 and sodium sulfite over 20 mmol·L-1 inhibited mitosis division in seedling root tips. However, mitotic index increased after seedlings incubated for 72 h with three kinds of chemicals, respectively, sodium bisulfite in the range of 0.1~0.5 mmol·L-1, sodium sulfite in the range of 0.1~10 mmol·L-1 and sodium sulphate in the range of 0.1~20 mmol·L-1. At the same time, pycnosis were also observed in root tip cells. Our results indicated that sodium sulphate, sodium bisulfite and sodium sulfite, with their different effective concentrations each, were toxic to seedling growth, seed germination and cell division, and also their toxicity increased with exposed time. The sequence of their toxicity is bisulfite>sulfite>sulphate.
    Factors influencing Agrobacterium mediated transformation of interleukin-2 gene to tomato
    GE Yan-Hui;CUI Ji-Zhe*;YU Li-Jie;SONG Wen-Hua
    2006, 26(4):  470-474.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.001
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    An efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for transferring Interleukin-2 gene (il-2) into tomato was developed by studying several factors that affect the frequency of shoot differentiation and the efficiency of Agrobacterium mediated transformation of explant tissues. Two Agrobacterium strains (EHA105 and C58C1), two types of explant (cotyledon and hypocotyls)and three vectors with different selectable markers (Kanr, PPTr and Hygr) were tested for their influences on transformation. Total 2018 cotyledon and hypocotyl explants from three tomato cultivars were transformed by co-cultivation with Agrobacterium, and 47 selective agent-resistant plants were obtained. 44 out of those were il-2 positive by PCR assay. PCR-Southern hybridization of the PCR-tested plants confirmed the PCR assay, indicating that the il-2 gene had been introduced into tomato.
    Cloning and sequence analysis of gene encoding plasma aquaporin of Tamarix albiflonum
    DONG Yu-Zhi;YANG Chuan-Ping;ZHANG Dao-Yuan;WANG Yu-Cheng
    2006, 26(4):  475-479.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.006
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    Plant aquaporins are water-selected-channels in plants and are involved in seed germination, cell elongation, stoma movement, fertilization and so on. Some plant aquaporins also play an important role in response to drought stress. In this paper the gene encoding the Tamarix albiflonum Aquaporin (AQP) was amplified by 5′rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE) based on the sequence information obtained from the expressed sequence tag of subtractive hybridization library constructed under PEG6000 stress. The cDNA of the Tamarix albiflonum AQP gene is 1043 bp long, encoding a protein of 287 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 30.9KDa,has 6 transmembrane regions, and possessing the MIP family signal consensus sequence SGXHXNPAVT and the higher plant PIP highly conservative sequence GGGANXXXXGY and TGI/TNPARSL/ FGAAI/VI/VF/YN. A comparative molecular analysis of nucleotide sequence in NCBI databases showed that it shared 95% homology with the gene of Arabidopsis thaliana (MIP-C), with a theoretical isoelectric point of 8.84.
    A multiplex polymerase chain reaction method for rapid detection of foreign genes in transgenic birch (Betula platyphylla)
    ZHAN Ya-Guang;SU Tao;HAN Mei;SUN Dong
    2006, 26(4):  480-485.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.003
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    A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) assay was developed to simultaneously detect target gene (bt), selectable marker gene (nptⅡ) and reporter gene (gus) of T-DNA from 18 transgenic birch. Three sets primers were designed and synthesized based on transferred vector sequence. Under the optimized conditions, the assay yielded a 247 bp DNA fragment from bt gene, 449 bp DNA fragment from nptⅡ gene, 668 bp DNA fragment from gus gene. The results of the mPCR using positive control showed that the sensitive and simultaneous detection of foreign genes were as normal as simplex PCR assay, also a little higher. After simultaneous detecting 18 transgenic birches using mPCR, we found that the method could decrease the risk of contamination, save time and reduce the cost and so on. The mPCR method provides a useful rapid technique for detecting multiple genes in transgenic birch and offers data on transgenic copy number, flanking sequences of transgenic T-DNA, and some other transgenic integration researches.
    The highly effecitive methods for extracting EGCG from fresh tea
    GAO Yan-Hua;ZU Yuan-Gang*;YANG Lei;WANG Lei;ZHU Lei;WANG Yan-Bing
    2006, 26(4):  486-489.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.005
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    EGCG was effectively extracted from homogenates of fresh old age tealeaves by pulping and negative pressure-cavitation homogenous solid-liquid phase combined extraction technology. The extracting craftwork was compared with the traditional extraction of the old age tealeaves. The results showed that the fresh old age tealeaves were boiled to kill the enzymes firstly, the optimum combination extracting craftwork was as followed:the homogenate extract times was 1 min at normal temperature, the ratio of liquid to material was 1:10, then the homogenate filter residue was extracted by negative pressure-cavitation homogenous solidliquid phase. The EGCG content of the combined extraction was 502.85 mg. The combined craftwork with the fresh old age tealeaves was superior traditional extraction with dry ones.
    Branching structure analysis of mongolian pine plantation
    XIAO Rui;LI Feng-Ri;LIU Zhao-Gang
    2006, 26(4):  490-496.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.007
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    Based on the branch analysis data from 30 sample trees of 6 permanent plots for Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) plantation, the branching structure of crown was discussed by analyzing the branching probability, branching pattern, branching angles of primary and secondary branches for different stand conditions and tree sizes in Mongolian pine plantation. The mean branching number of primary and secondary branches was 3.84 and 2.80, respectively, and both of the branching probability was followed the normal distribution. The distribution of around the bole for primary and secondary branches was mainly distributed in the range of azimuth (from 46°~225°) where had a good light condition. An uniform was appropriate to reflect branching pattern around the bole for primary branches, not for secondary branches. The branching angle at the upper part of crown was smaller than the middle and lower part of crown, and mean branching angle in the upper crown and the middle or lower crown was 45.6°and 49.4°, respectively. The branching structure of primary branches for different sizes showed the average number of branches in each whorl was similar between dominant and suppressed trees, 3.89 and 3.94, respectively, and they were larger about 0.5 than middle trees. The differences of horizontal distribution for primary branches in each azimuth intervals (45° class size) were 0.24%~2.81% and they were not significant from ANOVA for different tree sizes. The mean branching angles for dominant, middle, and suppressed trees were 48.5°、42.2°、50.7°, respectively.
    A study on the flora of the seed vines in Central China region
    YAN Li-Hong;QI Cheng-Jing;LIU Xiao-Xiong
    2006, 26(4):  497-506.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.008
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    Hunan Province and Hubei Province are located at N24°39′~ 33°20′and E108°21′~ 116°07′, belonging to subtropical monsoon zone, where climate is warm and wet,and terrain is complex. Vines are very rich in the area, but its research is virtually a blank. In this paper we studied on the flora of the seed vines in Central China region, choosing Hunan Province and Hubei Province as the representative. Based on statistics of plants list of the area, there are 838 species of seed vines belonging to 175 genera in 62 families, of which 784 species of 159 genera in 60 families are native. We analyzed the speciality of seed vines flora at the families, genera and species levels in depth and discussed the relationship of the seed vines in Central China region with its neighbouring regions and the differentiating zones within the area. Our results showed that the seed vines accounts for 11% of the total seed plants in Central China region and 61.7% of the total seed vines were concentrated on the large families with 30 species or more. Its Tropical members are obviously more than in the Temperate. The members of the Pantropic, the Tropic Asian, the E.Asian (especially Chinese) endemics and the E.Asian-N.America disjuncted patterns at the family and genera levels were relatively rich, and many of them were archaic elements. Moreover, there were rich endemic elements in the area with one E.Asian endemic family, 6 Chinese endemic genera and 507 Chinese endemic species including 35 endemic species to the Central China region. The flora of the seed vines of Central China region was characterized with rich species, diversity arealtypes, rich endemic and archaic elements. Compared with the seed flora of the Central China region, the seed vines flora was of relatively strong tropical characteristics and shared more geographic resources with Himalayan region and the southwest of China.
    Study on the seed bank of urban green space
    WANG Jie-Qing;GUAN Chong;ZHU Ning
    2006, 26(4):  508-512.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2006.04.009
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    The soil seed bank composition, the type quantity, the spatial distribution and the species multiplicity of the urban green space were studied,the result shows that 42 kinds of plants appear in the soil seed bank of urban green land, among them 1 477 plants appear in first floor, the diversified index is 2.05, the degree of consistency is 0.58, the max diversified index of species is 3.56, second layers of diversified indexes of species, degree of consistency and diversified index of biggest species are lower than the first floor, it is 1.94, 0.56 and 3.47 respectively, plant kinds should be a little fewer. The abundant degree of plants, seed seedling amount, and the diversified index in the seed bank of the urban green land are lower than the natural second growth forest in outer suburbs. The soil seed bank of urban green land contains some potential populations, some plants can be used for city afforestation.