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    20 November 2008, Volume 28 Issue 6
    Berberis pingbaensis,a new species of Berberis Linn.(Berberidaceae) from Guizhou,China
    AN Ming-Tai;LUO Qing-Lian
    2008, 28(6):  641-643.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.001
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    Berberis pingbaensis M. T. An,a new species of the genus Berberis(Berberidaceae) from Guizhou,China,is described and illustrated.It is similar to B. aggregate Schineid., but it’s smaller with dioxide on fruit.
    A New Species of the Genus Dianthus from Xinjiang,China
    DONG Lian-Xin;YANG Chang-You;WANG Ming-Xiu;HUANG Min-Ren;CAI You-Ming
    2008, 28(6):  644-647.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.002
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    The genus Dianthus L. contains about 300 species in the world, is distributed mainly in Europe and Asia, no wild species distribution in Europe. There are sixteen recorded species in China, among them eight species is unique in Xinjiang. In this paper, a new species, Dianthus nashanicus C.Y.Yang et L.X.dong from South Tianshan mountain Red deer reserve in Xinjiang, is described and illustrated. It is most similar to D. superbus, but differs by having white petal with partite and filamentous, Laryngeal has no filiform squama. The leaf is lanceolate. The pollen is sphericity, they exine sculpture conspicuous difference in SEM. Seed capsule is smooth. Its habitat and population size was reported in details.
    Floral Organogenesis of Kmeria septentrionalis(Magnoliaceae)
    LIN Qi;DUAN Lin-Dong;YUAN Qiong
    2008, 28(6):  648-652.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.003
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    The floral development of Kmeria septentrionalis Dandy(Magnoliaceae) is reported for the first time using scanning electron microscope. The so-called linear-lanceolate inner tepals in pistillate flowers are actually staminodes whose initial time and ontogenetic positions are the same as those of the stamens in staminate flowers. In addition, a few vestigial anther cells, remained in some matured staminodes, indicate that the pistillate flower of K. septentrionalis is evolved from the bisexual flower. The pistillate floral morphology of K. septentrionalis is found similar to those of K. duperreana(Pierre) Dandy and Magnolia thailandica Noot. & Chalermglin, therefore, the structures between tepals and pistils are staminodes in pistillate flowers of the three species.
    Floral Organogenesis of Triglochin maritimum Linn.(Juncaginaceae)
    WU Hai-Yan;SU Xue;CHEN Wen;DONG Li-Na;YANG Xia;SUN Kun*
    2008, 28(6):  653-656.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.004
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    The floral organogenesis of Triglochin maritimum Linn. was observed under scannning electron microscope (SEM). Floral development of T. maritimum consists of the sequential initiation of alternating, trimerous whorls of floral appendages in centripetal and acropetal succession: two whorls of tepals, two of stamens, and two of carpels in the typical monocotyledonous pattern. Our observation did not find an association of the tepal and stamen primordia (the “CA complex”). The common base of the stamen and its opposing tepal in later stage maybe a result of subsequent intercarary upgrowth, which is secondary result. There are differences in position, timing and rates of development between whorl of tepals and stamens. Differential timing and rates of growth of the inner tepals and outer stamens result in the former appearing to be located internal to the latter in the mature flower. In the late stage of floral development, we observed the decreasing case of the number of carpel. It seems that the present observation of T. maritimum does not support the interpretation of the flower of Triglochin as a reduced lateral branch of the inflorescence, though a more detailed study would be requried to confirm this.
    Megasporogenesis,Microsporogenesis and Development of Gametophytes in the Rare Endangered Plant Manglietia patungensis Hu
    CHEN Fa-Ju;LI Feng-Lan*;LIANG Hong-Wei;YAO Lu;HE Zheng-Quan
    2008, 28(6):  657-662.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.005
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    A detailed morphological description of megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis, and development of the male and female gametophytes in the rare endangered plant Manglietia patungensis Hu is presented for the first time after three-year’s continuous investigation. The ovule is anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellate and with a obturator. No irregularities have been found in the process from the differentiation of archesporial cells to the formation of megaspores. The megaspore mother cells undergo miosis and develop into a linear tetrad. The large one at chalazal end is functional megaspore and developed into a polygonum type of embryo sac after the third mitotic division. Each anther of M. patungensis Hu with four sacs, a mature anther wall successively comprises an epidermis, endothecium, two-layered middle layer and one or two-layered glandular tapetum. The meioses of microspore mother cell is normal and cytokinesis is modified simultaneous type, and tetrads are tetrahedral, decussate and isoblateral,occassionally linear. The pollen grains are monocolpate and two-celled at shedding and the pollen grains germination rate is more than 90%. These results indicate that the key factors for the low seeding rate do not involved the development process of male and female gametophytes.
    The Development on Leaves’ Trichomes of Elaeagnus mollis Diels
    CAO Zhi-Yong;WEI Xue-Zhi*;YANG Rui-Lin;LU Ying-Mei;LIU Zi-Wen
    2008, 28(6):  663-667.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.006
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    A detailed observation of trichomes’ structure and development on the surface of China second class protected plant-Elaeagnus mollis Diels leaves’ trichomes was conducted under scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and stereomicroscope.The leaves beared two types of trichomes, branchy and peltate trichomes, which comprised head and stalk. Both of them originated from the protodermal cells and formed four cells through two successive periclinal divisions. During the late stage of development, the type of trichomes was affected by the differention degree of the four cells. The head cell would developed into branchy trichomes if the four cells splited into eight ones not in a level,and the one would developed into peltate trichomes if the four cells splited into eight ones in a level. The development of stalk were similar, which developed from the near epidermis cells and mesophyll cells.
    Micro-morphology of Leaf Epidermis of Caragana in Inner Mongolia
    LI Yi-Fan;JIANG Sha*;GU Song;MA Cheng-Cang;GAO Yu-Bao
    2008, 28(6):  668-678.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.007
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    The Leaf epidermis of Caragana microphylla Lam.,C. davazamcii Sancz. and C. korshinskii Kom that growing in the Inner Mongolia steppe were observed using light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Some index that is expressible as quantity was measured by analyses system of microphotograph. The results reveal that the epidermal cells on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces are irregular or polygonal shapes,and their anticlinal walls are mainly straight-arched,scarcely sinuolate; The most epidermis cells are squamiform and have wax membane; Ornamentations of cuticular membrane are more striate. There are four types of stomatal aperture including anisocytic,anomocytic,paracytic and actinocytic distributed on epidermis,and the former two types are occupied mostly. Wax ornamentation has diverse patterns and covers the outer stomatal ledge (or rim). The inner margin of outer stomatal ledge (or rim) is smooth or sinuolate. These results suggested that the leaf epidermal micro-morphyological characters of C. microphylla,C. davazamcii and C. korshinskii are regulated by both the inherited and the environmental factors, most characters keep constant on genus level,whereas others which might offer the information to accessorial classification index are inconstant; The similarity of some morphological characters on ecological adaptive countermeasure were represented,whereas it is likely there is more conversant relationship between C. microphylla Lam and C. davazamcii Sancz. among the three species of Caragana.
    Observation on the Pollen Morphology of Cold-Resistant Plum Resources in Heilongjiang Provinve
    LIU Hai-Rong
    2008, 28(6):  679-683.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.008
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    Pollen morphology of 31 plum resources from cold areas was observed by SEM, and the index of the polar axis, the equatorial axis, the crestiform axis, the perforation axis and the perforation frequency were also measured. The analysis shows that the pollen size of 31 plum species belong to small to middle type. The sharp of most of the plum species is protate (rate=2~1.14) and the sharp of nuixin plum, long plum 17 and jilin plum 6 is preprotate (rate>2). All of them have 3 pullulation channels with the same distance and the same direction with the polar axis. The exine sculpture of 31 types is open, half open and unopen. The exine sculpture of 31 plum resources have 7 types, most of the plum species belong to crestiform sculpture and branch multpullulation sculpture, short sweet plum and longyuan honey plum are cloudy sculpture, yanji plum is brain veins sculpture. Based on the index of the polar axis, the equatorial axis, the crestiform axis, the perforation axis and the perforation frequency, using the droppings cluster analysis, nuixin plum has far distance relationship with other species.
    Genomic DNA Extraction and Optimization of RAPD Analytic Conditions of Fagus engleriana
    ZHOU Ze-Gang;FANG Yan-Ming*;WANG Biao
    2008, 28(6):  684-688.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.009
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    Total DNA in leaf tissue of Fagus engleriana was extracted by four methods. Improved CTAB method was proved as the best one. The DNA sample obtained by this method was fit for RAPD experiment. RAPD reaction system(25 μL):40ng DNA template, 0.8 μmol·L-1 primer,Taq DNA polymerase 1.25 U, 2.0 mmol·L-1 Mg2+, 0.16 mmol·L-1 each dNTP. PCR amplification program was denaturation at 94℃ in advance for 3 min,then followed by 45 cycles,each cycle: denaturation at 94℃ for 30 s,anneal at 37℃ for 1 min and extention at 72℃ for 2 min.
    Genetic Diversity of Part of Large Bryophyte in Northeast Region Using RAPD
    LI Jing;SHA Wei
    2008, 28(6):  689-692.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.010
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    The systemtic relationship of 20 species large bryophyte were generated using RAPD method.Seven primers were screened from 200 random primers,and a total of 82 DNA fragments were amplified,79(96.34%)of which were polymorphic.The average number of DNA band produced by each primer was 11.71.Neis similarity coefficients were calculated with the software of NTSYSpc version and dendrogram of 20 species bryophyte was constructed using UPGMA.20 kinds of bryophyte were divided into two genus at 0.27 genetic similar coefficient.They were Sphagnum and Bryum.20 kinds of bryophyte may be divided into four genus at 0.42 genetic similar coefficient.They were Sphagnum including 1 species,Acrocarpi-Haplolepodeae including 2 species,Acrocapi-Diplolepideae including 6 species and Pleurocarpi-Diplolepideae including 10 speices.Bryiidae were divided three clusters.Sphagnum was a primitive cluster,Polytrichum was a evolutive cluster.The result was in accordance to most of the classified system of the bryophyte classical taxology.
    Establishment and Optimization of ISSR Reaction System for Winterfat Using Orthogonal Design
    LEI Xue-Feng;YI Jin*;HOU Li-Li
    2008, 28(6):  693-697.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.011
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    The orthogonal design was used to optimize ISSR amplification system of winterfat in five factors (Taq DNA polymerase, dNTP, primer, Mg2+ and DNA templet) at four levels respectively. The data were analyzed by software MINITAB. As a result, a satisfactory ISSR reaction system for winterfat with desirable repeatability and polymorphic bands was established. In a total volume of 20 μL ISSR-PCR system, it contained 1×buffer, 1.5 U Taq DNA polymerase, 0.2 mmol·L-1 dNTP, 0.5 μmol·L-1 primer, 2.5 mmol·L-1 Mg2+ and 10 ng template DNA. This optimized ISSR reaction system would provide the basis for the analysis of diversity, map construction and genetic variation of important traits of Ceratoides with ISSR markers.
    Genetic Diversity of Rare and Endangered Plant Taxus chinensis var. mairei
    RU Wen-Ming;QIN Yong-Yan;ZHANG Gui-Ping;ZHANG Jin-Tun
    2008, 28(6):  698-704.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.012
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    Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD markers) provides a powerful tool for investigation of genetic variation in natural and domesticated populations. We described genetic variations in eight Taxus chinensis var. mairei populations distributed in Shanxi province. Twenty-one arbitrary 10 base pair primers produced 134 amplification bands, 123 of which were polymorphic (91.79%). Polymorphic percentage of the eight populations was 67.16% (HDX), 67.91(FHG), 66.42% (XTH), 66.42% (MH), 50.75% (LSDX), 43.28% (YMS), 78.36% (CZBG), 50.75% (MOH), respectively. Species diversity indicated by Shannon index was 2.180, 31.7% of which was from the inter-populations, 68.3% of which was from the intra-populations. Species diversity indicated by Nei index was 0.571 and the coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) among the populations was 0.181. The genetic distance between Hongdouxia and Mohe populations was the largest (0.55), Hongdouxia and Fenghuanggu was the smallest (0.109 2). It was concluded from the present study that there exists high genetic diversity in natural populations of T. chinensis var. mairei. Low genetic diversity is not a key factor in threatening its natural populations. The reasons that lead T. chinensis var. mairei to endangered plant are related to the destruction of habitat, innate biological, ecological characteristics and poor regeneration ability of natural populations.
    Cloning and Analysis of hmgr Gene conserved fragments in Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr
    CAO Xiao-Ying;JIANG Ji-Hong*;JU Xiu-Yun;DAI Chuan-Chao
    2008, 28(6):  705-709.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.013
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    Based on total RNA extracted from Euphorbia pekinensis, a 458 bp fragment of hmgr was obtained using reverse transcription PCR strategy and two degenerated oligonucleotides. Sequence analysis revealed that the conserved fragments are 458 bp. At the same time, the three fragments named hmgr1,hmgr2 and hmgr3 were obtained, which were 98.03%、96.29% and 78.38% identification in nucleotide acid compared with hmgr in E.pekinensis reported previously, and 98.68%, 96.71% and 85.53% identification in corresponding amino acid. The three fragments may be new members of hmgr gene family. Sequencing analysis also showed that the three framents had high identity with hmgr from other plants. Deduced amino acid sequence were also analyzed by PROSITE, ClustalX and Phylogenic tree, and data indicated that hmgr3 were different from hmgr1, hmgr2 and hmgr in E.pekinensis reported previously.
    Molecular Cloning and Characterization of LeEBF1 and LeEBF2 from Tomato
    LONG Jiao-Yue;HU Zong-Li;CHEN Xu-Qing;YAN Bo;CHEN Guo-Ping*
    2008, 28(6):  710-715.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.014
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    Two full-length cDNAs of LeEBF1(EIN3 binding F-box protein 1)and LeEBF2(EIN3 binding F-box protein 2)were cloned from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) by RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). They were 2 866 and 2 891 bp, with open reading frame (ORF) of 1 911 bp and 1 995 bp, encoding 637 and 665 amino acids, respectively. Putative LeEBF1 and LeEBF2 proteins, each containing a well-conserved F-box motif in the amino terminus and 14 tandem leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) in the carboxyl terminus, shared 58.6% of identity with each other. Identities with other species EBF proteins within F box motif ranged from 24.4% to 73.2%. Northern blot analysis results indicated that the expression levels of LeEBF1 and LeEBF2 in young leaves were higher than those in mature leaves of wild type and Nr. During the development of fruits, LeEBF1 and LeEBF2 expressed relatively weaker at IMG stage than at other stages tested. In a conclusion, LeEBF1 and LeEBF2 may play an important role in leaf and fruit development of tomato.
    Discovery and Identification of Male Sterility Platycodon grandiflorum Germplasm JXB-1
    WU Ji-Ri;YAN Yi-Zi;QUAN Xue-Li;PIAO Jin;WU Song-Quan
    2008, 28(6):  716-719.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.015
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    A male sterile germplasm JXB-1 was discovered at three-year-old wild Platycodon grandiflorum germplasms area in Longjing city in 2006 and its development and reproduction were further studied. The results showed that there was no obvious difference in flower’s outward appearance between JXB-1 and normal plant, but JXB-1 had shriveled and cracked anther with no microspore, forced anther with irregular and no activities, its self-pollination rate was zero and crosspollination rate was 100%. Anther and microsporogenesis observations showed that JXB-1 anther abortion mainly took place at tetrad stage because small spore growth was stopped for tapetum cells premature disintegration. Vegetative propagations of tissue culture for JXB-1 was all male sterile. It was preliminarily shown that JXB-1 was a male sterility germplasm, had high affinity with other germplasms and can be used as fine breeding material.
    AFLP Fingerprints Analysis of Fructus Evodiae
    RAN Gui-Ping;HUANG Hai*;HUANG Jin-Bao
    2008, 28(6):  720-725.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.016
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    In the present study,the DNA fingerprints of Fructus Evodiae was reported.Fructus Evodiae is one of the most commercially important herbs in Guizhou Province.Amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) techniques was used to analyze the DNA fingerprints of 3 types of Fructus Evodiae including Evodia rutaecarpa var.officinalis, E. rutaecarpa var.bodinieri and E. rutaecarpa(Juss.)Benth.Three primer combinations (E-AGC/M-CAG,E-AGC/M-CTG and E-ACG/M-CTG) screened out from eighteen primer pairs were used to conduct genetic analysis and variety identification of nineteen materials of Fructus Evodiae.93 bands were generated and 57 fragments appeared to be polymorphic(61.3% on average).The fragment profiles of the nineteen materials were obtained and could be distinguished from each other. The results showed that AFLP was an efficient method to identify the germplasms of Fructus Evodiae and could be a supplement for the morphological identifcation methods for Fructus Evodiae.UPGMA cluster analysis was also performed.Genetic similarity coefficient(SC) ranged from 0.235 to 0.941,indicating that Fructus Evodiae is rich in genetic diversity. Dendrogram revealed that E. rutaecarpa var.officinalis and E. rutaecarpa var.bodinieri from Yuqing region were clustered into one group,which suggested that human cultivation activities have influenced on the genetic characteristics of Fructus Evodiae.
    A Effective Preparation Method for DNA from Gene Silencing Plant Induced by Virus
    HE Xiu-Xia;YU Yuan-Hua;GUO Hong-Yu;ZHANG Shu-Hua
    2008, 28(6):  726-729.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.017
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    According to the requirement of PCR, with the improved CTAB method, taking tomato as material, the minipreparation DNA of tomato leaf was realized; Although the organization quantity which used to extract the genome DNA is few, and the genome DNA has degenerated after the electrophoresis, but was sufficient for uses in the PCR examination. taking it as the template to amplify the DNAmβ and 1.7A of the Su gene silencing plant induced by Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus, the fragment size was 1 300 bp and 500 bp,respectively. The result of sequence determined is the corresponding gene partial fragments. This method does not need to use liquid nitrogen, can operate independently, and can stablely and accurately formalizated the PCR examination in the gene silence tomato plant.
    Effect of Experimental Warming on Carbon and Nitrogen Content of Sub-alpine Meadow in Northwestern Sichuan
    SHI Fu-Sun;CHE Hua-Feng;WU Ning*
    2008, 28(6):  730-736.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.018
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    From 2006 to 2007, a total number of 5 open top chamber (OTC) experiments were carried out in the sub-alpine meadow of northwestern Sichuan province, and the effects of the OTCs on temperature, soil water content, plant biomass accumulation, and on carbon and nitrogen content were examined. In the growing season, the mean soil temperatures at depth of 15 cm and of ground surface and the air temperature at 30 cm above ground were enhanced by 0.28, 0.46 and 1.4℃, respectively by the OTC facility. However, soil water content in OTC was 5.49% lower than that in the control one. With the warming and drying effect, plant biomass accumulation, carbon and nitrogen content of the sub-alpine meadow obviously changed. The above-ground live biomass and below-ground root biomass both decreased in the OTC plots compared to the control plots during the growing season except that the above-ground live biomass increased a little in October. The C concentration of above-ground live in the OTC plots was higher than that in the control plots throughout the growing season, while the N concentration in the OTC plots was lower than that in the control plots. The C concentration of below-ground root in the OTC plots was also higher than that in the control plots throughout the growing season, and a significant difference was detected in August, while the N concentration in the OTC plots was also lower than that in the control plots. The C stock in the OTC plots increased compared to the control plots, and ranged from 0.90% to 5.65%, while the N stock in the OTC plots decreased compared to the control plots, and ranged from 0.40% to 1.28%.
    Effect of GA3 and IAA on the Dynamic Accumulation of Holocellulose and Chlorophyl Content in Neosinocalamus affinis
    HU Shang-Lian;JIA Ju-Qing;CAO Ying;SUN Xia;LU Xue-Qin
    2008, 28(6):  737-740.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.019
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    The effects of GA3 and IAA with different concentrations and combinations on the dynamic accumulation of holocellulose and chlorophyl content in Neosinocalamus affinis were studied. The objective of the study is to provide theoretic basis for genetic improment of bamboos used in pulp industries. The results showed that the effects of GA3 and IAA with different concentrations and combinations on the dynamic accumulation of holocellulose content were different. In 30 days after the treatments, the accumulation intensity of holocellulose was much higher under the GA350IAA200 treatment than under the GA3200IAA50 treatment. The result was inverse after 30 days (40 to 50 days). The final results revealed that the content of holocellulose was significantly higher at 0.01 level under the GA3 and IAA treatments than under the control treatments. GA3 and IAA were generally capable of improving the accumulation of chlorophyl content. The chlorophyl content in GA3200IAA50 was higher than that of GA350IAA20 treatments. The results of correlation analysis showed that the relationships of chlorophyl content with holocellulose content were not significant and positive.
    Morphological Studies and Changes of Two Metabolites Content During Floral Bud Differentiation Period in Iris germanica cv. Lovely Again
    CHANG Zhong-Yang;ZHANG Jin-Zheng*;SUN Guo-Feng;LIU Hong-Zhang
    2008, 28(6):  741-745.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.020
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    Iris is one of the most famous ornamental in the world, to learn the mechanism of flower bud differentiation in Iris, we chose the Iris germanica cv. Lovely Again as material, the process of flower bud differentiation was observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results were as follows: The process of flower bud differentiation can be divided into six stages from the beginning of flower bud differentiation, i.e., inflorescence initiation, outer perianth initiation, stamen initiation, inner perianth initiation, pistil initiation, and beard hairs initiation. Total soluble sugars content was measured by Anthrone Reagent, amounts of protein was mensurated by Commassie Blue G-250, the samples were taken from the three different parts of plant body during the second floral bud differentiation period, apical bud, rhizome and leaf, respectively. The results were as follows: (ⅰ) Total soluble sugars content was highest in the early flower bud differentiation stage, and the relationship of soluble sugars content among the three different parts was: highest in rhizome, followed by the leaf and apical bud; (ⅱ) The amounts of soluble proteins increased during the early initiation stage and then decreased, the maximum of protein content occurred at the early stage of inflorescence initiation.
    The Differentiation of Morphology and Anatomy on Bisexual Flower Buds of Main Vine in Muskmelon(Cucumis melo L.var. reticulatus Naud.) Induced by Ethephon
    TONG Jiang;WU Zhen*;JIANG Fang-Ling;LONG Yu-Juan;GUO Shi-Rong
    2008, 28(6):  746-750.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.021
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    The muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.var. reticulatus Naud.) varity ‘Xi Yu No.1’ was treated with 150 mg·L-1 ethephon at appearance of the fourth euphylis,in this study in order to induce the formation of bisexual flowers in main vine,materials treated with fresh water was used as control. The flower buds were extracted from main and lateral vine of control and treated seedlings at different stages,then their differentiation processes were observed from morphological and anatomical viewpoints. The results showed that the flower primordium in main vine of seedlings,which were treated with ethephon differentiated into bisexual flower sustainably and formed bisexual flower at last. The flower primordium in main vine of untreated seedlings had the same differentiation process with bisexual flowers at early stage. After the appearance of pistill development was stopped and male flowes were finally formed. The development process of bisexual flowers in main vine of treated seedlings was the same as the bisexual flowers in lateral vine.
    Synergistic Effects of Long-lasting Brassinosteroid TS303 and Prophyl Dihydrojasmonate on Enhancing Photosynthetic Capacity of Soybean
    DONG Deng-Feng;LI Yang-Rui*;JIANG Li-Geng
    2008, 28(6):  751-756.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.022
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    The effects and the action mechanisms of long lasting Brassinosteroid(TS303), Propyl dihydrojasmonate(PDJ) and their mixture on soybean photosynthetic capacity were investigated. The results showed that: (1) 0.01~1 mg·L-1 TS303 promofed in dry matters with optimal concentration of 0.1 mg·L-1, but had no significant effect on distribution between shoot and root. 1~100 mg·L-1 PDJ promoted dry matter distribution to root as indicated by increasing in R/T, PDJ among 1~10 mg·L-1 increased in dry matters with optimal concentration of 5 mg·L-1, while an inhibitory effects occurred when applied at 50 and 100 mg·L-1; (2)Both 0.1 mg·L-1 TS303 and 5 mg·L-1 PDJ promoted leaves areas, net photosynthetic rate and their derivative index photosynthetic capacity, and a synergistic effect occurred when they were applied in combination; (3)0.1 mg·L-1 TS303 and 5 mg·L-1 PDJ applied alone or in combination all promoted chlorophyll concentrations and PSⅡ actual efficiency (ΦPSⅡ), indicating the enhancement of light energy harvest and utilization. TS303 increased ΦPSⅡ through increasing in photochemical quenching (qP) rather than effectual PSⅡ efficiency (Fv′/Fm′) just in contrast to PDJ; (4)0.1 mg·L-1 TS303 and 5 mg·L-1 PDJ applied alone or in combination all increased in stomatal conductance (Gs), carbonic anhyrase activities, RuBPCase concentrations and activities, indicating the enhancement of CO2 transportation and fixation; (5)0.1 mg·L-1 TS303 and 5 mg·L-1 PDJ applied alone or in combination all increased in sucrose concentrations and ratios of sucrose to starch in leaves, and increased in starch in root, indicating the amelioration to leaf carbohydrate accumulation and feedback inhibition of photosynthesis. The results suggested that it might be the differential mechanisms of TS303 and PDJ that resulted in the synergistic effect.
    The Comparative Study of Several Factors on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Effects of Elacagnus mollis
    ZHAI Jing-Juan;WANG Xiao-Hua;LI Shuang-Shuang;BI Run-Cheng*
    2008, 28(6):  757-759.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.023
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    A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of the proper temperature treatment, the changing temperature treatment, the laser treatment, the ultrasonic treatment, the H2O2 treatment,the PEG treatment on the germination of Elacagnus mollis Diels. Then germination rate, germination force,germination index,root length,bud length,plantheigh,stalkwidth and chlorophylls content were determined.The results showed that the seeds which were in changing temperature pretreatment, in the PEG pretreatment can effectively relieve the influence of inhibitor on the seed sprouts, therefore, these way is effective to break the seed dormancy and enhance the sprouting rate.
    Mensuration and Analysis of Heavy Metals in Eupatorium adenophorum from Shui Yindong Gold Deposit in Guizhou
    WANG Wen-Yun;ZHANG Zhao-Hui*
    2008, 28(6):  760-763.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.024
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    Concentrations of Cr, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg and As in Eupatorium adenophorum and its soil, which collected from Shui Yindong gold deposit in Guizhou, were analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The results showed that the soil in this research area was seriously contaminated with extremely high heavy metal’s concentration of Hg(12.575 mg·kg-1) and As (501.374 mg·kg-1). Compared to soil environmental quality standards of China (GB15618-1995), the average concentrations of Hg and As were 8.383 and 12.534 times higher, respectively. The results showed that this area had been seriously contaminated by Hg and As. The enrichment ability of E. adenophorum to Cr, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg and As were quite different. Especially, it could accumulate Cr intensively. The absorbability migration abilities to heavy metals Cr, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg and As of E. adenophorum were also obviously different. The absorbability migration abilities to Pb, Zn, Cr of E. adenophorum were very strong. The absorbability migration abilities to heavy metals of the stem and leaf of E. adenophorum were also obviously different. The absorbability migration ability to Cr,Pb and Cd of its stem were very strong while it to Zn,Pb and Hg of its leaf were very strong. E. adenophorum is very significant for the entironment revegetation of this mine as its tolerance to Cr, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg except for As.
    Experimental Study on Impregnating Specimen and Color Preservation of Four Desert Plants
    FENG Ying;GU Zhong-Yi;YAN Xiao-Fei
    2008, 28(6):  764-766.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.025
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    Using impregnating specimen can preserve plants shape and color. In this research, with different CuSO4 concentration of solution and four desert plants as variable factors,experiments were conducted by orthogonal design L9(34). The results showed that the optimal combination were:Haloxylon ammodendron(C.A.Mey. ) Bge. in 15%CuSO4, Calligonum mongolicum Turcz. in 10%CuSO4, Ephedra intermedia Schrenk in 5%CuSO4, Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. in 5%CuSO4 impregnating solution, the optimal formvla had better simulation effect. Experimental results show that the method is effective for the kind of problems and instructive to experiment.
    Determination of Lutein in Leaves of Sweet Potato by HPLC
    SHI Jin;LUAN Yu-Shi;*;WANG Jing-Yun;TIAN Jun-Ping
    2008, 28(6):  767-769.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.026
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    A HPLC method for the determination of lutein in leaves of sweet potato was developed in this research for selecting the breed which has the highest content of lutein. The analysis was carried on a Waters SunFireTM C18(150 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm) column. The mobile phase was methanol-water (95:5, v/v), the flow-rate was 0.8 mL·min-1 and wavelength was 445 nm. Linearity was found in the range of 5~100 μg·mL-1, the average recovery was 99.5%, and the relative standard deviations for lutein was 1.9%(n=5). This method is reliable, accurate and suitable for the determination of lutein in leaves of sweet potato. There were significant differences in the lutein content of most samples tested and among them, Sushu No.8 are the highest.
    Analysis of the Volatile Constituents from Seeds of Polygonum orientale by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Solid-phase Microextraction
    CHEN Yan;XUE Xiao-Juan;ZHU Hong*
    2008, 28(6):  770-774.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2008.06.027
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    Effect of sample temperature and adsorption time on the SPME(solid phase microextraction) treatment of seeds of Polygonum orientale L. were investigated. The optimal extraction conditions were absorption at 60℃ for 60 min and desorption at 250℃ for 5 min. Samples of seeds of P. orientale L. were analyzed by GC-MS coupled with SPME. Through comparison with mass spectra database,forty-tree components were identified,covering 76.73% of the total peak areas in the GC-MS total ion current chromatography. The characteristic components were Thujopsene(6.99%),Caryophyllene5.59%),2,5,5,8a-Tetramethyl-6,7,8,8a-tetrahydro-5H-naphthalen-1-one(5.52%),α-Caryophyllene(4.29%),1,2,4a,5,6,8a-hexahydro-4,7-dimethyl-1-(1-methylethyl)-Naphthalene(4.04%),Caryophylleneoxide(3.60%),α-Cyperone(3.54%),4,5,5a,6,6a,6b-hexahydro-4,4,6b-trimethyl-2-(1methylethenyl)-2H-Cyclopropa-benzofura n(3.54%),Geranylacetone(3.48%).