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    20 September 2012, Volume 32 Issue 5
    Pseudosasa zhongyanensis S.H.Chen,K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo,a New Species of Pseudosasa of Bambusoideae from China
    CHEN Song-He;HUANG Ke-Fu;GUO Hui-Zhu;CAI Bang-Ping
    2012, 32(5):  513-515.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.001
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    A new species of the genus Pseudosasa Makino ex Nakai of Bambusoideae from China, P.zhongyanensis S.H.Chen, K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo, which was found to grow in Xiamen Wan-shi Mountain and Xiamen Tian-zhu Mountain, Fujian Province, is described and illustrated in this paper. This new species is similar to P.amabilis(McClure) Keng f. but differs by having distinct residuum, when the culm-sheathes falls, and suberine sticking out around the basic culm-sheathes scar, the culm-sheathes scar is taller than culm scar, small and eversion culm-sheathes ear on the culm-sheathes upside, wrinkle and curving oral setae on the culm-sheathes ear edge, nearly glabrous or some short pubescences occasionally on the culm-sheathes tongue.
    A New Species of Dalbergia Linn. f. and Two New Combinetion of Keteleeria and Ficus from Hainan Island
    FU Guo-Ai;YANG Yong-Kang;WANG Wen-Quan
    2012, 32(5):  516-518.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.002
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    A new species of Dalbergia Linn. f. was discovered in Hainan Island and Keteleeria hainanensis Chun et Tsiang and Ficus potingensis Merr. et Chun was retuced subspecies by species.
    Nadernejad Nazi*;Ahmadimoghadam Ali;Hosseinifard Javad;Pourseyedi Shahram
    2012, 32(5):  519-525.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.003
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    Phenylalanin ammonia-lyase (PAL) plays a pivotal role in the production of phenolic compounds, which are responsible for the success of the defense strategies in harsh environments in response to different stimuli. Measurements of the PAL activity, total phenolics, total flavonoids and anthocyanin contents were performed in flowers, leaves and fruits of three pistachio cultivars “Ahmadaghaii”, “Ohadi” and “Kallehghuchi”. The results showed that PAL activity was different in cultivars and in plant organs of pistachio trees (flowers, leaves and fruits). The highest activity rate of their compounds was observed in Ahmadaghaii cultivar. A positive correlation was observed between PAL activity, total phenolics and total flavonoids in leaves, and a negative correlation between PAL activity and anthocyanin contents in leaves and flowers of Ahmadaghaii cultivar. PAL activity and total phenolics in fruits of pistachio suffered a decrease when the maturation processes began. It is suggested that the hulls of the pistachio fruits, containing high level of phenolic compounds (especially in Ahmadaghaii cultivar), may function as a protective layer of defense chemicals against ultraviolet radiation and pathogens. The final concentration of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antocyanins in the kernel depend on PAL activity in the kernel’s cultivar. The results led to the conclusion that increase in PAL activity, phenolic compounds and flavonoids in Ahmadaghaii can help the plant to cope with the stresses better than the other cultivars. Since phenolic compounds are antioxidant and scavenge free oxygen, it is postulated that Ahmadaghaii is the most resistant cultivar to the environmental stresses.
    Morphological Characteristics,Geographical Distribution and Taxonomic Status of Bryum petelotii Thér.et Henr.
    NIU Yu-Lu;XIONG Yuan-Xin;LIU Yong-Ying;LI Lin;ZHAO Jian-Cheng*
    2012, 32(5):  526-531.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.004
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    Bryum petelotii Thér. et Henr., a moss species found in Yunnan Province and Guizhou Province in our recently research, was firstly recorded in Mainland China. A description of this species, as well as its taxonomic features and distributions, was presented in this paper. Meanwhile, the comparison among B.petelotii and its related species, Bryum argenteum and Brachymenium exile, was also conducted. Based on literature and evidences from specimens examination, the authors discussed two standpoints on the systematic and evolutional positions supported by H.Ochi and B.C. Tan on B.petelotii. The opinion that B.petelotii belongs to Bryum Hedw. was supported in the paper. The voucher specimens were deposited in the herbarium of Hebei Normal University (HBNU).
    Anatomy Features and Environment Flexibility of Rhododendron shanii Fang
    WANG Gui-Qin;LIU Yan-Ran
    2012, 32(5):  532-536.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.005
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    The relationships between the anatomy and the adaptation to the environment for stems and leaves of Rhododendron shanii Fang growing in the Dabie Mountain area were studied by means of optical microdissection technology. The results show that there are thick cuticle and multiple epidermis and stomatal absence on the leaves’ epidermis; there are hair and distribution of prominent stomatal are serried under epidermis of leaves;there are abundance of palisade tissue and fibre in mesophyll, the fibre constitutes fiber bundle forming the skeleton system of mesophyll. Cork is wide in stem, the thickness ratio is 1/5 between the secondary phloem and secondary xylem; Most of pores with pores diameter stenosis and over disperse are the tracheid and moreover fibre is very rich in secondary xylem. All these features indicate that stems and leaves have unity of structure and environment in many aspects, such structural features results from adapting to environments. These features with multiple epidermis and amphicribral bundle of the main vein and vessel deficiency etc suggests that R.shanii is at the original position of the classification system.
    Gametophyte Development of Pteris biaurita and Effects of Its Antheridiogen on the Gametophyte Development of Ceratopteris thalictroides
    DAI Xi-Ling;WANG Hui;TANG Xiao-Da;CAO Jian-Guo;WANG Quan-Xi
    2012, 32(5):  537-543.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.006
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    The gametophyte development of the fern Pteris biaurita and the effects of antheridiogen secreted by the mature gametophyte of P.biaurita on the spore germination and gametophyte development of Ceratopteris thalictroides in darkness and light conditions were investigated. The results indicated: (1) The spores are dark brown, trilete. The spore germination is of the Vittaria type. The pattern of the prothallial development belongs to the Ceratopteris type. No trichome is produced during the gametophyte development. It is discovered that the gametophytes of P.biaurita can produce antheridia but can not produce archegonia in any cultural conditions. When the sowing density was appropriate, apogamous reproduction occurred in the mature gametophyte. (2) In light condition, the antheridiogen of P.biaurita could promote the spore germination of Ceratopteris, but in dark condition, the antheridiogen inhibited the spore germination of Ceratopteris. However, the effect of either promotion or inhibition was not significant. (3) In light condition, the antheridiogen of P.biaurita could delay the formation of the notch of gametophyte (i.e. the meristem) of Ceratopteris. However, it had no significant effect on the morphology and sex differentiation of gametophyte. In dark condition, the antheridiogen of P.biaurita exhibited significant effects on the morphological development of Ceratopteris. The gametophyte of Ceratopteris in the dark condition produced well developed meristem in contrast to the control materials. However, it exhibited no significant effect on the sex differentiation of gametophyte of Ceratopteris. It can be concluded that the antheridiogen system in the fern P.biaurita may greatly differs from that in the fern Ceratopteris.
    Developmental Anatomy of Floral Nectary in Thymus marschallianus Willd
    WANG Hong;ZOU Ling*;ZHANG Wei-Hong;YANG Jie;FU Qiang
    2012, 32(5):  544-548.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.007
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    The floral nectary of Thymus marschallianus Willd is located on the base of ovary receptacle, disk-like, which inflated after mature and surrounded around the receptacle. The top of the floral nectary is divided into 4 same size slices. The nectary is composed of epidermis, nectariferous tissue and vascular bundles. Histochemistry staining showed that the starch grains were accumulated in the beginning and the later stages of nectary development, so the nectary belonged to non-starch nectary. During the development of nectary, the morphological changes of vacuoles are obvious, but the changes of starch grains and polysaccharide are not obvious. It is suggested that the nectar is transported from phloem to nectariferous tissue and then excreted by permeation through the thin cuticle of epidermis.
    Morphological Observation on Flower Bud Differentiation and Influences of Storage Conditions on the Quantity of Flower Buds of Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis
    ZHANG Xiao-Qing;GAO Jian;PENG Zhen-Hua*
    2012, 32(5):  549-553.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.008
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    Paraffin cutting method was used to observe the developing process of the flower bud differentiation of Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis ‘JinZhanYinTai’ variety. The results showed that the flower bud differentiation process lasted about two months from bract primordia differentiation in early July to carpel primordia formation in mid-September. The process could be divided into 7 phases: leaf bud formation, inflorescence primordium differentiation phase, spathe primordia information phase, sepal differentiation phase, petal differentiation phase, stamen differentiation phase and pistil differentiation phase. The phase of petal differentiation was relatively long, about 20 days. In terms of changes in the external growth of flower bud, it grew much faster in the late stage than in the early stage of differentiation. Data showed that the number of inflorescence increased after the July in virtue of smoke and sustained high temperature.
    Population Structure and Distribution Pattern of Parrotia subaequalis from Longwangshan Nature Reserve,Zhejiang Province
    REN Jie;ZHANG Guang-Fu*;HU Rui-Kun;SUN Guo;YU Li-Peng
    2012, 32(5):  554-560.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.009
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    Parrotia subaequalis, endemic to China, is a rare tree species and is ranked as one of I-class endangered species under the legal protection of country. By applying the contiguous grid quadrats and typical plots, the population structure and population pattern of P.subaequalis from Longwangshan Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province were studied. The results showed that its population size was relatively small, but the characteristics of sprouting were notable in the wild. There were six age classes in different populations of P.subaequalis, which had fewer seedlings and young trees, and more middle-aged individuals, compared with its mature individuals. Its population had weak ability to regenerate, and was generally of a declining type in terms of population structure. Within all the three sites in Longwangshan, the populations were generally of contagious distribution type, and this could be closely correlated to the growing habitats and reproductive mode of P.subaequalis. Additionally, some suggestions concerning ecological protection of this species were put forward.
    Population Variation Analysis of Seven Rhododendron concinnum Wild Populations in Qinling Mountains
    ZHAO Bing;SI Guo-Chen;GU Xin;ZHANG Yan-Long*
    2012, 32(5):  561-566.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.010
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    The morphological variations of 7 Rhododendron concinnum wild populations in Qinling Mountains were investigated. The results showed that there was certain but not significant morphological variation existing among natural populations and within the population in seven different regions of R.concinnum. The average coefficient of variation of each characteristic ranged from 0 (stamen number) to 0.28 (pedicel length), while among populations ranged from 0.08 (Zhouzhi)-0.14 (Nanzhen). Variation of flower color traits was high at species level and low at population level. The correlation analysis between the phenotypic traits of R.concinnum and geography ecological factor showed that the correlation was not significant. According to the UPGMA cluster analysis based on the Euclidean distance, 7 R.concinnum wild populations could be divided into three groups.
    Seed Germination of Periploca sepium under Drought Stress and Different Storage Time
    LI Peng-Peng;ZHANG Wen-Hui*
    2012, 32(5):  567-572.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.011
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    In order to clarify the mechanism of Periploca Sepium seed germination under drought stress and different storage time, different concentrations of polyethylene glycol (PEG) were used to simulate drought stress condition and germination period of comparison tests were carried out on three different storage time seeds. The total germination rate, germination force, vitality index and radicle growth were observed and the drought resistance was analyzed. The results showed that: different levels of drought stress and storage time had a certain influence on seed germination. Five percentages of PEG-6000 could promote the one-year seeds germination rate and germination force, mildly suppressed two-year seeds, greater influenced three-year seeds. When PEG-6000 concentration was higher than 5%, the germination rates and germination forces of three kinds of seeds decreased, while little seed germinated when the stress concentration increased to 25%. The vitality index and radicle growths of three kinds of seeds decreased, in particular in different water stress, the biggest drop was three-year seed. The best germination condition was storage for one to two years seeds in PEG-6000 5%-15%, and seeds storage for 1 year better than 2 years seeds, 3 years seeds was the worst. The drought-tolerance of three kinds of seeds decreased in the following order: storage 1 year seeds>2 years seeds>3 years seeds.
    Mechanisms of Seed Dormancy of Acer griseum
    ZHANG Chuan-Hong;ZHENG Yong-Qi*;WU Jian;CHEN Peng;LI Bo-Jing
    2012, 32(5):  573-577.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.012
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    The internal and external causes of seed dormancy of Acer griseum were studied by inhibitor bioassay method and sulfuric acid treatment. Results showed that the water-absorption of A.griseum seeds was a slow process due to its thick woody pericarp. Water content of seeds of A.griseum reached only 68% after 140 h of water-absorption treatment. The sulfuric acid treatment for 3 h did not speed up the water-absorption, but made the percarp thinner without damaging seed viability. Inhibitory substances were detected in every part of the seed, including pericarp, seed coat, cotyledon and radicle. The cotyledon extracts had the stronger inhibitory effect on seed germination percentage and radicle growth than those from the pericarp and seed coat. The main reason for seed dormancy of A.griseum was physiological dormancy of seed embryo and physical obstacle of the pericarp. How to make the hormone reaching the seed embryo through the compact pericarp was the critical to break its dormancy quickly.
    Cloning and Real-time Expression Analysis of a Novel MAPK Kinase Gene nMKK2 in Brassica napus
    ZHANG Teng-Guo;WANG Yuan-Yuan;WANG Juan;WANG Ning;ZHANG Yan;SUN Wan-Cang;CHEN Qiong-Qiong;XIA Hui-Juan
    2012, 32(5):  578-583.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.013
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    A new MAPKK cDNA BnMKK2 was isolated from Brassica napus Longyou 6. The cloned full-length cDNA was 1 344 bp, contained a 5′ untranslated region (5′UTR) of 111 bp, a 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of 165 bp, and a 1 068 bp ORF. BnMKK2 encoded a protein of 355 amino acids with a deduced molecular weight of about 39.3 kDa and with a PI of 6.8. The BnMKK2 exhibited closest homology to the Arabidopsis thaliana AtMKK2, so it was named BnMKK2(GenBank accession: HQ848661). Sequence Analysis indicated that the BnMKK2 protein exhibited closest homology to MAPKK, which is responsed to cold stress, and BnMKK2 played an important role in defending cold stress. Analysis by real-time RT-PCR indicated that the expression of BnMKK2 was increased in response to cold stress.
    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Oxidase Gene(SmACO1) from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge
    ZHOU Lu;HUA Wen-Ping;WANG Zhe-Zhi;LI Cui-Qin*
    2012, 32(5):  584-590.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.014
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    According to the transcriptome database of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, a novel ACO gene was cloned with the method of RTPCR and genome walking for the first time, and named as SmACO1(GenBank accession number: JQ026111). The genomic sequence of SmACO1 is 1 347 bp in length, consisting of 3 exons and 2 introns. The full length of SmACO1 cDNA is 1 117 bp, and has an opening reading frame of 945 bp, which encodes 314 amino acids. Bioinformatics analysis showed that SmACO1 was a stable hydrophilic protein located in the cytoplasm without signal peptide and transmembrane domain, and contains a Fe(Ⅱ)-dependent oxygenase superfamily domain. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that SmACO1 expressed differently in different organs and the expression level was the highest in flower. Furthermore, this gene could be induced by pathogen and methyl jasmonate, indicating that it might be involved in plant defenses.
    Functional Analysis of Actin Gene from Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham.ex D.Do Based on Its Bioinformatics
    ZHANG Zhen;PING Jun-Jiao;CAI Zhen-Feng;TANG Xian-Chun;QIAN Gang*
    2012, 32(5):  591-595.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.015
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    Actin, a constitutively expressed protein in higher plants, was closely related to the function such as cell division, cell movement and cell signal transduction. In order to learn the relationship between characteristics and functional roles, actin genes from full-length cDNA library in Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham. ex D. were isolated, and it was found to share 96% indentity with Glycyrrhiza uralensis(GenBank accession: ABW71681.1) using bioinformatics analysis. In the present study, actin protein was composed of 360 amino acid residues with the predicted molecular weight of 40.02 kDa and the theoretical isoelectric point of 5.85. Analyses of domain and structure indicated that the protein was dominantly composed of the imperative curls and the loosed helixes, with 4 domains in three-dimensional level. The phylogenetic tree of 28 species suggested that closer relationship was observed among S.scandens, Cicer arietinum, and G.uralensis. Notably, it was concluded that actin protein might play an important role in the regulation of gene transcription in higher plants, without changeable advanced structure even if a few amino acid mutation sites.
    Classification of Plant Functional Groups Based on Leaf Modality and Water-holding Features in Moutai Water Functional District of Guizhou
    XIAO Wei-Ping;YU Li-Fei*
    2012, 32(5):  596-602.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.016
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    The plant leaf water-holding functional groups were classified using principal component analysis, redundancy ordination analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis from the point of plant modality structure-function-plant functional groups. The results showed that, there were three factors, which determined the function of water-holding capacity, i.e. leaf size, leaf L/W and leaf roughness, then thirty one species were classified into six plant leaf water-holding functional groups based on the appraisement of water-holding capacity of the species in Moutai water functional district. The six plant functional groups were as follows: large leaf narrow leaf medium roughness high water holdup PFGsⅠ, medium leaf narrow leaf high roughness high water holdup PFGsⅡ, medium leaf broad leaf high water holdup PFGsⅢ, small leaf narrow leaf low roughness moderate water holdup PFGsⅣ, medium leaf broad leaf low roughness moderate water holdup PFGsⅤ, medium leaf normal leaf low roughness low water holdup PFGsⅥ. In the meantime, the basic features of the six PFGs were revealed.
    Restoration Efficiency of Submerged Macrophytes with Three Planting Patterns
    ZHANG Cong;HE Feng*;GAO Xiao-Hui;KONG Ling-Wei;HU Sheng-Hua;XIA Shi-Bin;WU Zhen-Bin
    2012, 32(5):  603-608.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.017
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    The restoration of submerged macrophytes is one of the effective measures to recover the contaminated water ecological system. The planting measure is the most critical approach to restore a large area submerged maerophytes in short time. In this paper, Potamogeton crispus, Vallisneria, and Hydrilla verticillata were planted by cutting, sinking and seeding in shallow zones at Maojiabu and Yuhu sublakes which is the west part of Xizi Lake. The results have shown that the survival rates of P.crispus by sinking is 71.1% higher than seeding; the survival rates of Vallisneria by cutting is 84.3% and 87.8% higher than sinking and seeding; the survival rates of H.verticillata by cutting is 69% higher than seeding. There was no significant difference in the final biomass of plant by three planting patterns.
    Cleansing of Benzene by Three Hydrophytes and Condition Optimization
    YU Fang-Lei;FENG Jia;XIE Shu-Lian*;LIU Xiao-Ling
    2012, 32(5):  609-614.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.018
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    In order to evaluate the restoration effects of aquatic plants on benzene in polluted water, the cleansing effects on benzene were studied using three hydrophytes, Chara vulgaris L., Nasturtium officinale R.Br. and Potamogeton crispus L., by L27(313) orthogonal design. The results showed that under the experimental conditions, the maximum removal rates of benzene by three hydrophytes reached 35.26%, 69.71% and 55.45%, respectively. Five parameters, i.e. temperature, processing time, biomass, interaction between temperature and time, interaction between temperature and biomass, significantly influenced on removing benzene by C.vulgaris L. The influences of temperature and biomass were significant in removing benzene by N.officinale R.Br. while processing time was significant in removing benzene by P.crispus L. All three hydrophytes could be used as good materials for purifying water. C.vulgaris L. and N.officinale R.Br. may be suitable for use in summer and autumn, meanwhile, P.crispus L. is suitable for use in winter and spring.
    Responses of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Hibiscus hamabo and Myrica cerifera Seedlings to Simulated Tidal Waterlogging
    WU Tong-Gui;YUAN Tao;WANG Zong-Xing;WU Ming;YU Mu-Kui*;SUN Hai-Jing
    2012, 32(5):  615-620.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.019
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    Wave break forest, which is important for preventing disasters from ocean, is a key component of shelterbelt forests systems in coastal area. In this paper, the photosynthetic characteristics of Hibiscus hamabo and Myrica cerifera were determined under different seawater stress simulating tidal waterlogging. The results showed that, with the seawater stress increasing, the maximum photosynthesis rate (Pmax) decreased gradually, while the light compensate point (LCP) increased, the apparent quanta yield (AQY) decreased first and then increased in the 7th, 21th day, and then increased in the 42th, 70th day, and the dark respiration (Rd) increased, but the value of W8 treatment (waterlogging 8 h with 45 cm depth) was lower than the rest treatments in the 42th, 70th day for H.hamabo. The Pmax, AQY both increased, and LCP, Rd both decreased for M.cerifera, and significant differences were found between W6 (waterlogging 6 h with 35 cm depth), W8 treatments and the rest treatments for each photosynthetic characteristic in the 42th, 70th day. Overall, H.hamabo showed better photosynthetic adaptability than M.cerifera in the 7th, 21th day, while this advantage disappeared in the 42th, 70th day.
    Effect of Different Processing Methods on the Yield of Extracts and Antioxidant Activities of Polygonatum odoratum
    WANG Dong-Mei;LÜZheng-Jiang;WANG Yong-Hong;ZHANG Hui-Hui
    2012, 32(5):  621-626.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.020
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    In order to study the effect of different processing methods on Polygonatum odoratum, the yield and antioxidant activities of polysaccharides, ethanol extracts, crude total flavonoids and water extracts were determined and compared. The results showed that the yield of polysaccharides, ethanol extracts of alcohol-steam P.odoratum and crude total flavonoids, water extracts of honey-steam P.odoratum were the higher than un-processed one, which were improved by 43.86%, 29.53%, 49.46% and 34.66%, respectively. The polysaccharides and water extracts of alcohol-steam P.odoratum exhibited the best DPPH scavenging activity at the same concentration than other samples with the IC50/DPPH=0.345±0.019 and 0.441±0.022 mg·mL-1, respectively. The crude total flavonoids and ethanol extracts of honey-steam P.odoratum exhibited the best DPPH scavenging activity at the same concentration than other samples with the IC50/DPPH=0.047±0.011 and 0.199±0.036 mg·mL-1, respectively. The DPPH scavenging activity of crude total flavonoids of honey-steam P.odoratum was higher (90.29%) than other extracts at the concentration of 1 mg·mL-1, which was higher than the rutin and quercetin at the concentration of 0.05 mg·mL-1. Both processing methods improved the total reductive ability of polysaccharides, crude total flavonoids and water extracts, while reduced the total reductive ability of ethanol extracts.
    Geographic Variation of Saponins Contents in Sapindus mukorossi Peels from Different Habitats
    SHAO Wen-Hao;JIANG Jing-Min*;DONG Ru-Xiang;YUE Hua-Feng;DIAO Song-Feng
    2012, 32(5):  627-631.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.021
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    Through the analysis of saponins contents in Sapindus mukorossi peels from different habitats, the results showed that the differences of saponins contents among 14 different habitats were significant, and the average content was 8.85%. There was a significant positive correlation between peel saponins content and longitude of those habitats. The peel saponins contents were significantly different between eastern and western habitats, the western habitats had higher saponins contents. Furthermore, the cluster analysis indicated the peel saponins contents obviously differentiated between eastern and western habitats. The differentiation was especially noticeable in southwest habitats, including Yifeng in Jiangxi province, Rongjiang in Guizhou province and Longzhou in Guangxi province, which showed higher contents of peel saponins. Hence, those habitats were good for selecting high peel saponins contents of S.mukorossi.
    Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Chenopodium album L. Populations in Four Natural Islands of South of Changdao,Shandong Province by ISSR
    ZHANG Heng-Qing;FANG Xiao-Di;WU Jin-Mei;DU Yang;TAN Kun;FAN Qiang-Jun;ZHU En-Wei
    2012, 32(5):  632-635.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.022
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    Using ISSR method, the genetic diversity and genetic structure of 81 individuals in four natural populations of Chenopodium album L. distributed in four islands in Changdao, Shandong Province, i.e. Beichangshan island, Nanchangshang island, Daheishan island and Xiaoheishan island were studied in this paper. Through the amplification of ISSR with 13 primers, 157 loci were detected. The results showed that the percentage of polymorphic loci was 66.24% with a high genetic diversity (Shannon’s information index was 0.332 0 at the species level); genetic differentiation existed among populations (Nei’s gene diversity was 0.220 1 at the species level); at the species level, genetic variance was 9.27% among populations according to GST value. The genetic distance analysis showed that XHS population and NCS population have the highest population genetic identity, genetic distances and geographic distances have no correlation.
    Bryophyte Diversity and Their Monitoring for Heavy Metal Pollution from Xinlu Carlin Gold Deposit in Guizhou Province
    FU Lan;ZHANG Zhao-Hui;*
    2012, 32(5):  636-640.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2012.05.023
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    Twenty-eight bryophyte taxa in 17 genera of 10 families from Xinlu Carlin gold field were investigated. Nine species belong to Pottiaceae and 8 species belong to Bryaceae. Among them, Pottiaceae and Bryaceae are the dominate families. By analyzing β diversity of four sites in this area, we found that β diversity difference between barren rock field-waste residue field and relatively polluted area-clear area is the largest, bryophyte community structure is the biggest difference, and similarity is the lowest. A particular regularity was proved by monitoring 6 kinds of heavy metals Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Hg, As of bryophytes and their substrates from different areas in Xinlu Carlin gold deposit, that is waste residue field>barren rock field>relatively polluted area>clear area. It might be closely related to the mining and smelting. Obviously, further researches on bryophytes can be used to monitor the pollution of heavy metals in gold deposits.