Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 1996, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3): 310-314.
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Qiu Li-chuan1, Xie Shu-lian2
Abstract: The bryoflora Guancen Mountains forest area in Shanxi province is composed of Amblyste-giaceae, Pottiaceae, Bryaceae, Mniaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Thuidiaceae which are the main part of the bryoflora and Mnium, Bryum, Brachythecium, Tortula, Drepanocladus are chief representatives. The geographical compositions of bryoflora are predominant temperate elements. Bryophytes of the Guancen Mountains forest area is close relative with those of the North china and is distant relative with those of the South China. The moss is in close relationship with its zonal vegetation.
Key words: Bryophytes, Bryoflora, Guancen Mountains, Luya Mountains, Shanxi
Qiu Li-chuan, Xie Shu-lian. A PRELIMINATY STUDY ON THE BRYOFLORA OF GUANCEN MOUNTAINS FOREST AREA IN SHANXI PROVINCE[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 1996, 16(3): 310-314.
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