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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 413-420.

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Shen Xian-sheng1, Zhang Xiao-ping2   

  1. 1. Anhui Educational College, Hefei 230061;
    2. Department of Biology, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000
  • Received:1996-04-01 Online:1997-12-15 Published:2016-06-14

Abstract: It is first published that there are 2, 498 species of seed plants in Anhui Province, which belong to 898 genera and 163 families (not including cultivated plants and varieties).Among them there are about 6 families, 13 genera, 18 species in Gymnospermeae;26 families, 211 genera, 593 species in Monocotyledoneae and 131 familes, 674 genera, 1, 887 species in Dicotyledoneae.Anhui flora belongs to the flora region of East China and one of North China.It is basically temperate in nature and has a certain endemic elements, and it is chiefly related with E.Asia in geographical relationships.It is obvious in horizontal and vertical vicariance.The flora origin is not after the Tertiary Period.Anhui flora may be divided into 5 districts:South Anhui mountainous district, Dabie mountainous district, the Yangtze River valley and Jiang-huai hilly district, the Northern Huai River plain district and the Northern Huai River hilly district.

Key words: Anhui province, Seed plants, Flora