Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 1985, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 23-62.
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Llu Bing-lun
Abstract: The pollen morphology of 91 species and 3 varieties inclu-ding 18 genera in Verbenaceae from China was observed by me-ans of optical microscope, and in which 27 species observed by means of scanning electron microscope. The pollen morphology of the family Verbenaceae is one of the eurypalynous. Accordingto the numbers and characters of the apertures and exine orna-mentation the pollen morphology of the Verbenaceae can be divided into the nine types:1. the tricolpate with verrucae; 2.the tricolpate with vestigial spines; 3. the tricolpate with fin-ely-reticulate; 4. the tricolpate with granulate-finely reticulate;5. the tricolpate with the reticulate; 6. the pancolpate(6-8);7. the triporatel; 8. the tricolporate; 9. the 3(4) colporate. The tricolpate is the basic and primitive type. The pollen morphological key of the genera has been shown in this paper based on the pollen grain characters. The varieties of the pollen grain morphological characters, the different evolutional trends of the apertures and the close affinity between Verbenaceae and Labiatae are also discussed in the present study.
Llu Bing-lun. POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF THE FAMILY VERBENACEAE IN CHINA[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 1985, 5(4): 23-62.
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