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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 513-515.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2013.05.001

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A New Species of Fargesia Franch. emend. Yi from Western Guizhou of China(Babusoideae)

YANG Lin;YI Tong-Pei   

  1. Dujiangyan Campus,Sichuan Agricultural University,Dujiangyan 611830
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2013-09-20 Published:2013-09-20
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Abstract: A new species of the genus Fargesia Franch. emend. Yi of Bambusoideae comes from Western Guizhou Province of China was described in this article. It is Fargesia weiningensis Yi et L. Yang. The new species is similar to F.qinlingensis Yi et J. X. Shao, but its culms are up to 6 m high, medullas of crumbs, wide branch up to 3 mm in diam., culm sheaths on the back with dense bristle, without horizontal nerves, fimbria of ligule up to the length of 1.5 cm, blade of sheath reflexed and involution, leaf sheath without horizontal nerves, with ridge on the top, leaf blade bigger, up to the length of 15.5 cm and the width of 1.5 cm.

Key words: Fargesia Franch. emend. Yi (Bambusoideae), new species, Guizhou, China

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