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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2004, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 379-384.

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Some ideas on the 《Botanical Gardening》

LING Yeou-Ruenn, XIE Zhen-Hua   

  1. South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510520
  • Received:2003-08-27 Online:2004-09-15 Published:2016-06-14

Abstract: The function and jobs of Botanical Gardens should be the ground of the research and experiment for Plant Systematics and Engineering Technology.It's included the research fields on Bio-diversity,also given the popular education of Botany,environment science and concerned with other natural and social sciences for the people,either students or tourists,and researched and exchanged for the Information Sciences.Besides,to design the gardening and to product the gardening plants both are the useful work for the BGs.Comparing BGs between China and abroad,now,it should strengthen the administration,increase the Chinese cultural sculptures in some BGs in China.Also authors consider,the purpose of plant acclimatization in BGs is for breeding and improving the varieties and cultivars of plants,do not emphasizing the technique "from seeds to seeds",because some good seedlings or nursery plants are from artificial propagation,even from "Clone".The species of Salix and Populus are difficult to get breedings from seeds,but it easy to get seedlings from asexual reproduction,and the harmful weeds,such as Eupatoriun coelesticum L.,Mikania micrantha H.B.K.and Eichhornia crassipes(C.Mart) Solms.are easy to expand the distribution areas "from seeds to seeds" without the artificial acclimatization.

Key words: ideas, Botanical Gardening