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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 1989, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (3): 1-14.

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Kung Hsian-shiu   

  1. Chengdu Institute of Biology, Academia Sinica, Chengdu, Sichuan
  • Online:1989-09-15 Published:2016-06-13
  • Supported by:
    The project supported by NSFC

Abstract: Polystichum moupinense (Franch.) Bedd. and its relatives form a naturalgroup under the fern genus Polystichum. They are common in morphologi-cal features distinguished from other groups by the bipinnatifid or pinnatelanceolate or linearilanceolate, chartaceous blade with lanceolate micros-cales on the surface beneath, and by the persistent petioles forming apatch hiding and protecting the buds. Geographycally, all the species ofthis group, without exception, are confined in the high mountain zone, mainly of west China to Himalaya including Tibbet, Yunnan, Sichuan, westHubei, south Shanxi and Gansu, of which a few ones disjunctively extendto Taiwan and Japan. Hitherto, 18 species are recognized in China, among which 5 speciesare discribed for first time, namely P. habarnse, P. salwinense, P. obtusipinnum, P.nigrum and P.melanostipes. Four species and one variety previously known asdistinct are reduced here to synonyms. Nephrodium lichiangense Wright haslong been neglected by botanists, Prof. Ching correctly combined it tothe genus Polystichum, which appeared in the present paper.