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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 1989, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2): 123-137.

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Li Liang-qian, Zhang wu-xiu   

  1. Institute of Botany Academia Sinicae, Beijing
  • Online:1989-06-15 Published:2016-06-13

Abstract: Pollen grains of 17 species and 1 variety of the genus Adonis in Ranun-culaceae distributed in China, Japan and Europe were examined by LM andSEM. Adonis po11en can be divided into 2 types according to characters ofthe aperture and the exine. They are as follows:Type 1. Two poles of exine not thickened. Margin of colpi irregularand not thickened. Surface of exine undulate or rough. (Sect. Consiligo) Type 2. Two poles of exine distinctly thickened. Margin of colpe reg-ular and thickened. Surface of exine nearly plane. (Sect. Adonis) These types are identical with the two sections, perenaial Sect. Consi-ligo and annual Sect. Adonis, which were described based on morphology.In the meantime, variation of pollen morphology in the genus is found onlyin Sect. Consiligo (Pollen type 1), and it can be divided into 4 subtypesbased on forms of pollen porferation and exine ornamentation. They are asfollows:Subtype 1:Porferations indistinct, spinules biger and longer. (A. brev-istyla) Subtype 2:Porferations major and pores arrangment irregular. (A. ver-nalis, A. pseudoamurensis, A. wolgensis). Subtype 3:Porferations minor and pores scattered. (A. bobroviana, A.sutchuenensis, A. coerulea, A. chrysocyatha, A. sibirica, A. villosus) Subtype 4:Porferations minor aod pores arranging in rows. (A. amuren-sis, A. dahurica, A. romosa) According to comparative study of polynology and morphology the pre-sent author consideres that A. brevistyla might be primitive and A. chrysocy-atha representing a blind branch in Sect. Consiligo.