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Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 1980, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 91-101.

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Zhou Li-hau   

  1. North-western Planteau Institute of Biology, Academia Sinica
  • Online:1980-09-15 Published:2016-06-13

Abstract: The present paper sr is a preliminary study about the taxonomy of Meconopsis in Qinghai and Tibet plateau:based upon the specimens of the Norch-western, Platean Instituts of Biology, Academia Sinica.The main contents of this paper involve 17 species, 2 varieties and 1 form.Among them, 2 section, 1 species and 1 form are described as new, and 3 species are first recorded from Qinghai and Tibet.The type specimens are preserved in our herbarium. In this paper, the geographical distribution and evolution of genus Meconopsis are described and soil conditions of these species are studied. Besides, the significances of some species in the medicine are mentioned.