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植物研究 ›› 1993, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 220-223.

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刘清泉1, 曳宏玉2   

  1. 1. 山西省林业厅, 山西, 太原 030002;
    2. 山西省林业勘测设计院, 山西, 太原 030002
  • 修回日期:1993-01-01 出版日期:1993-09-15 发布日期:2016-06-14


Liu Qing-quan1, Ye Hong-yu2   

  1. 1. Foresty Department of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030002;
    2. Shanxi Forest Surveying Designing Institute of Shanxi Province Taiyuan 030002 Shanxi
  • Revised:1993-01-01 Online:1993-09-15 Published:2016-06-14

摘要: 本文发表了槐属一新种即:窄叶槐(Sophora angustifoliola Q.Q.Liu et H.Y.Ye, sp.nov);油松一新变型即:密枝油松(Pinustabulaeformis Carr.f.densa Q.Q.Liu et H.Y.Ye, f.nov);侧柏一新变型即:垂枝侧柏(Platycladus orientalis(L.)Franco f.pendula Q.Q.Liu.et H.Y.Ye, f.nov.);灰楸一新变型即:白花灰楸(Catalpafargesii Bur.f.alba Q.Q.liu et H.Y.Ye, f.nov);山西省槐属一新分布即:五色槐(Sophora japonica L. var. violacea Carr.)

关键词: 稀有濒危树种, 新种, 新变型, 新分布

Abstract: During carryirig out the investigation of Shanxi ancient trees recent inyears, the authors found something new and it is scientific significance.In this paper, the authors report five taxa, including one new species:the narrow-leaved pagoda tree (Sophora angustifoliola Q. Q. Liu et H. Y.Ye), one new distribution to Shanxi:the colored pagoda tree (Sophora japonica var. violacea Carr.), three new forms:the dense-branched Chin-ese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis f. densa Q. Q. Liu et H. Y. Ye), the creeping Chinese arbor-vitae (Platycladus orientalis f. pendula Q. Q. Liu et H. Y. Ye)and the white flowered grey catalpa (Catalpa fargesii f. alba Q. Q. Liu etH. Y. Ye). Descriptions and distribution areas of the above taxa arealso involved.

Key words: Rare and endangered tree, New species, New form, New distribution