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植物研究 ›› 1986, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 117-125.

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包文美1, 刘保东1, 敖志文2   

  1. 1. 哈尔滨师范大学生物系, 黑龙江哈尔滨;
    2. 东北林业大学, 黑龙江哈尔滨
  • 出版日期:1986-09-15 发布日期:2016-06-13


Bao Wen-mei1, Aur Chih--wen1, Liu Bao-dong2   

  1. 1. Biology Department of Harbin Pedagogical University, Harbin, Heilongjiang;
    2. North-Eastern Forestry University, Harbin, Helongiiang
  • Online:1986-09-15 Published:2016-06-13

摘要: 紫萁科东北记载有2种,笔者采到的孢子仅紫萁属的亚洲分株紫萁(Osmunda cinnamomea L.var.asiatica Fernald),此为分株紫萁(O.cinnamomea L.)分布于亚洲的变种。Yuasa(1935)观察过分株紫萁的精子结构。Momose(1942)做过日本紫萁(O.japonica Thunb.)孢子萌发的研究。Hasegawa(1955)一般地报导了产于日本的紫萁属3个种的有性世代。Stokey(1956)对紫萁科3属中的7个种做过其配子体的培养研究,其中有分株紫萁(O.cinnamomea L.)。

Abstract: The development of gametophytes of Osmunda cinnamomea L.var. asiatica Fernald was studied. The spore is tetrahedral(47.4×44.3μm.), trilete, and ellipsoidal in equatorial view,subspheroidal in polar view, with various short club shaped ornamentations. The pattern of spore germination is of centrifugal type (Momose 1942) or polar germination (Nayar 1971). In the cultures on the north windowsill late in spring and summer the majority of the spores germinate into a two-celled filament with a chloroplast-containing rhizoid. The wedge-shaped apical cell may appear in 4 days. These are similar to O. cinnamomea L. described by Stokey et al. (1956). However the spores germinate into quadrantal-shaped masses at 2000 Lux. and 20℃. The mode of development in this variety seems similar to that of O. regalis L. described by same authors.The prothallial development is of the Osmunda type (nayar 1971). The adult prothalli are naked and typically cordate, broad rounded-obovate, broad obovate or broad lanceolate, and length longer than width (often 2×1.5). When the sex organs appear, the midrib is about in 6-7 celled thick, obovate,ovate or elongate obovate. The antheridia appear in 6-8 weeks, and the archegonia 4 weeks later.The antheridia develop on the margin or ventral surface of the prothallus. They are of large primitive type with 7-8 celled wall. The operculum is discharged at dehis-cence. Each antheridium contains about 48-51 spermatozoids 28 flagellated. The archegonia develop along the side of the midrib. Only 6 archegonia arranged regularly in 3 couples on the both opposite sides of the midrib have been found. Its neck is 6 celled-high. tapers toward the tip and extends straight from the prothallus. In the present work, The germination of the spore in this variety shows different characteristics under different conditions, as mentioned above. They are either similar to O. cinna-momea L. under insufficient light or to O. Tegalis L. under full illumination. This implies that this variety may have rather broad adaptations to the varying environments.