Ling Yeou-ruenn
1982, 2(4):
454 )
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In the present paper there are mainly two parts:1. To give the chinese genera and species of Olacaceae a revision and addition, such as a new plant name, Olax ausirosinensis Y. R. Ling nom. nov. instead of O. laxiflora Merr. ex Li, which was non effective publication a new stage, Subfam. Erythropaloideae Y.R. Ling, stat. nov. under Olacaceae instead of Erythropalaceae van Tiegh.; and a new note of distribution of Schoepfia, such as S. jasminodora Sieb. & Zucc. which was distributed to the S. Qingling Mrs.——S. Gansu, S. Shaanxi and S. Henan. Besides that, draw a line between Olax wigtiana Wall. ex Wight & Arn and O. imbricata Boxb. as well as Schoepfia jasmincdora Sieb. & Zucc. and S. chinensis Gardn. & Champ. On the other hand, correct the distrbution region of the latter, shown by H. Sleumer、and correct the inflorescentia of Schoepfia into cyma scorpoidea or cyma helieoidea instead of spike or raceme.2. According to the researched materials by the auther and the other publicated materials from the information on morphology, anatomy, taxonomy, pollenology, and palynology etc. an attempt would be made to regard the origin and the evolution of Class Olacales, in which include primitive, intermediate and more advanced characters as well. It's possible, in Olacales (cr Olocaccae) the primitive species, which have been dead now, arose at the late Cretaceus or even earlier time. The original centre would be in the ancient tropical continent of S. America and the primitive species would be derived from the lateral branehlet, which had been derived from the branch i. e. from the primitive species of Magnoliales to Rosales, but not straight from Rosales, Celaslrales or Ranales, which had been shown by J. Hutchinson, A. A. FpoccreЙм, А. Л. Тахтажян and A. Cronquist. However, at the beginning of this branchlet Prcteales, Celastrales and Rhamnales had been separated yet. But at the later of this branchlet Santalales and BalanoPhorales had been developed from the primitive species of Clccales, so that the latter are closely related to the former. At the end of the paper the character of the floristics of Olacaceae would be shown, perheps the most account of the genera in that, especialy in more primitive Subfam. AnaccIoscideoe, is in S. America, but the most account of species is in S. Asia. As a matter of fact, there are two divided centre i. e. North of S. America or within N.-W. Africa and North of S. America and S.-W. and S. Asia (from Arabia to India, lndochina, Malaysiana, S. China, Philipine and so on). As a result of the separation of the ancient geography and the climate many species are as a discontinuous distribution within the continents of the tropical and sutropical zones. So the continent of the tropical zones of N.-W. Africa, S. Asia and North of S. America are the present geographic distribution centre of Olacaceae.