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    20 November 2007, Volume 27 Issue 6
    Camellia maoniushanensis, Rare and Endangered Plant,a new species of the Camellia(Theaceae)from China
    LIU Jian-Lin;MENG Xiu-Xiang;LUO Qiang;LI Xiao-Jiang;YUAN Ying;YANG Hong
    2007, 27(6):  641-644.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.001
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    Camellia maoniushanensis J. L. Liu et Q. Luo, a new species of the Theaceae from Mt. Maoniushan,Xichang City,Sichuan province, China, is described and illustrated. Camellia maoniushanensis is closely related to C. pitardii Cohen Stuart, from which it differs apparently by the narrow and small leaves, narrowly elliptic, lanceolate-elliptic or lanceolate, 4-9 cm long, 1.1-2.7 (-3) cm wide, the leaf blades upward intensely incurvate to semiorbicular, petals external densely appressed hairy in infra medial, with the filaments of the outer ones 2.2-2.9 cm long, connate the middle part or supra middle part.
    New Bamboo from Guizhou,China
    HI Jun-Yi;YI Tong-Pei;WANG Hai-Tao
    2007, 27(6):  645-650.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.002
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    Yushania angustifolia Yi et J. Y. Shi, Yushania tenuicaulis Yi et J. Y. Shi, two new species of the Bambusoidiae from Guizhou, China, are described and illustrated. This paper also records new distribution of Sasa longiligulata McClure and Bonia saxatilis (Chia,H.L.Fung et Y.L.Yang)N.H.Xia on Guizhou, and gives first supplementary descriptions for flower of Sasa longiligulata McClure.
    Taxonomic notes on the genus Leymus Hochst.(Poaceae) from China
    CAI Lian-Bing;SU Xu
    2007, 27(6):  651-660.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.003
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    The genus Leymus Hochst. from China is taxonomically revised on the basis of herbarium materials and field observation in this paper. As a result, a total of 3 sections, 33 species and 7 varieties of the genus is recognized in China. Among these taxa, the sect. Racemosus L. Zhi contains 4 species, the sect. Leymus comprises 24 species and 7 varieties, the sect. Anisopyrum (Griseb.) Tzvel. consists of 5 species, the 3 species described as new and the 4 taxa treated as new (i.e. 3 new combinations and a new name) wholly belong to the sect. Leymus. Furthermore, the past studying records, morphological characters and geographic distributions of some taxa of Leymus are briefly introduced as well.
    Karyotype of Schisandra propinqua (Schisandraceae)
    YANG Zhi-Rong;LIN Qi*
    2007, 27(6):  661-663.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.004
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    Using the common slice-making method, the karyotype of Schisandra propinqua(Wall.)Baill. was analyzed for the first time. The results showed that S. propinqua is 2n=2x=20m+8sm, the constitution of relative length is 2n=28=2L+14M2+8 M1+4S and ratio of the longest chromosome to the shortest is 2.14. In addition, its karyotype belongs to 2B type, asymmetry index is 0.59. Secondary constriction and satellite are not found. The feature of karyotype suggested that S. propinqua should be relatively advanced in Schisandra Michx..
    Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte in Vitex trifolia var. simplicifolia (Verbenaceae)
    WANG Zhong-Li;KONG Dong-Rui;WANG Lei
    2007, 27(6):  664-668.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.005
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    The microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte of Vitex trifolia var. simplicifolia were observed by means of conventional paraffin sections. The main results are as follows: (1) Anther wall comprises epidermis, fibrous endothecium, one middle layer and glandular tapetum with two-nucleate cells. The development of anther wall belongs to dicotyledonous type. (2)There are multicellular glands on the epidermis of anther. (3) Wall thickening occurs in both endothecium and some cells of connective tissue. (4)The tapetum has dual origin: towards outside the tapetum is derived from the primary parietal layer, whereas on the inner side it develops from the cells of the connective. The tapetum is secretory and two-nucleate. (5)Cytokinesis of microsporocyte meiotic division is of simultaneous,and the tetrads are tetrahedral, occasionally isobilateral. (6) The mature pollen grains are two-celled with three colpates.
    The Influence on Peroxidase Activity and Polyamine Oxidase Activity of Leaves in Wheat Seedings Exposed to Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation and Irradiated by He-Ne Laser
    MA Xiao-Li;HAO Jin-Hua;HAN Rong*
    2007, 27(6):  669-673.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.006
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    The seedlings of wheat were exposed to He-Ne laser irradiation after enhanced UV-B radiated,in order to determine some physiological traits in the damage induced by UV-B radiation. The seeds were cultivated in Petridishes in a constant temperature incubator(25℃)until they were germinated.The germinated seeds were exposed to 10.08 kJ·m-2·d-1 UV-B radiation, one by one, and then they were irradiated by He-Ne laser with 5 mW·mm-2 Power density.Changes about the content of free proline(Pro) and the activity of the peroxidase(POD) and polyamine oxidase(PAO)were measured to test the repair role of laser irradiation. The results showed that the damage of wheat seedlings induced by enhanced UV-B radiation in physiology can be repaired partly by He-Ne laser irradiation with decreasing the content of free Pro and raising the activity of POD and PAO. This is the first investigation reporting the use of laser irradiation treatment to repair the wheat damage induced by UV-B radiation in peroxidase and polyamine oxidaset. It implied that the changes of PAO activity have the relativity with POD in some extent.

    Effect of NaHCO3 on Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Activity of Oxygen Scavenging Enzymes of Polygon sibricum Under NaHCO3
    WEI Zhi-Gang;YANG Chuan-Ping;WANG Yan-Min;LIAN Lian;LIU Guan-Jun
    2007, 27(6):  674-678.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.007
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    The effect of membrane lipid peroxidation and activity of oxygen scavenging enzymes of Polygon sibricummaterial of Polygon sibricum was studied under different NaHCO3 concentration and time. The results indicated there was the terminally notable relationship between NaHCO3 concentration and activity of activities of catalase(CAT), malondialdehyde(MDA) contents and the permeability of plasma; the notable relationship between NaHCO3 concentration and superoxide dismutase (SOD), no significant relationship between NaHCO3 concentration and peroxides (POD); Under different concentration of NaHCO3 stress, the activities of SOD and CAT, MDA content and had terminally notability difference, POD and the permeability of plasma had notability difference; under different time of NaHCO3 stress, the activities of SOD and CAT had terminally notability difference, the activities of POD, MDA and the permeability of plasma had notability difference.

    The Micro-morphology of Leaf Lower Epidermis of Polygonum section Aconogonon and Koenigia from China
    ZHU Li-Tao;LU Fa-Jun;HOU Yuan-Tong;LI Fa-Zeng*
    2007, 27(6):  679-686.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.008
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    The leaf lower epidermal characteristics of 21 species of Polygonum sect. Aconogonon and Koenigia from China were observed under light microscope(LM).Three main types of leaf lower epidermal micro-morphology could be recognized in the present paper;(1)The stomata are anomocytic; the shape of the leaf epidermal cells is irregular,and the anticlinal walls are undulate;(2)The stomata are anomocytic or nontypical anisocytic; the shape of the leaf epidermal cells is irregular or polygonal,and the anticlinal walls are straight to curved and undulate;(3)The stomata are anisocytic; the shape of the epidermal cells is polygonal,and the anticlinal walls are straight to curved.The present data indicated that the sect. Aconogonon is a natural group with highly uniform stomata.The results of this study didn’t support to ascribe P. forrestii Diels and P. nummularifolium Meissner into the genus Koenigia.The generic status of Knorringia is supported,and P. polystachyum and P. pinetorum should be retained in sect. Aconogonon.

    Cultivar Fingerprinting in Radish(Raphanus sativus) with SRAP and AFLP Marker
    ZHAO Li-Ping;LIU Li-Wang;*;GONG Yi-Qin;WANG Ming-Xia;YU Fan-Min;WANG Long-Zhi
    2007, 27(6):  687-693.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.009
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    Two molecular marker systems, SRAP and AFLP, were employed to fingerprint the radish cultivars. The SRAP-PCR system was optimized with the concentration of primer at 0.3 μmol·L-1,dNTPs at 0.2 mmol·L-1 and Mg2+ at 3.0 mmol·L-1. Similar patterns were obtained from 12 gradient annealing temperature for 50°C with primer em2-me2. The fingerprinting and genetic diversity of seven radish cultivars was analyzed using the optimized SRAP-PCR and AFLP marker system. All cultivars can be distinguished clearly with SRAP primer combinations and 14 AFLP primer combinations. Total of 155 bands were observed with 11 SRAP primer combinations, of which 84 were polymorphic bands. Cluster analysis and relatively genetic distance indicated that all cultivars were clustered into four groups. There was the closest relationship between ‘CB-03-2’ and ‘SHCB-02-1’ with the genetic distance (GD) of 0.054 9 and a distant relationship between ‘Qihongdalian’ and ‘Heiseng’. The cluster analysis of AFLP data showed that all cultivars clustered into three groups with the closest relationship between ‘CB-03-2’ and ‘SHCB-02-1’. The cluster analysis of combination of SRAP and AFLP marker data indicated that ‘CB-03-2’ and ‘SHCB-02-1’ had the closest relationship (GD=0.047 6) and all cultivars clustered into three clusters.

    Comparative Study on Protein Composition Changes in Rye and Maize Induced by Photosystem Inhibiting and Microtubules Depolymerization Herbicides
    LI Xue-Mei;LU Guo-Fang;WANG Zhen-Ying;PENG Yong-Kang*
    2007, 27(6):  694-700.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.010
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    Changes in chlorophyll content, composition of chloroplast protein and root meristems protein in rye and maize treated by AmiprophoseMethyl (APM) and Atrazine were studied. Results revealed that for the concentrations of 0.1 mg·L-1 and 1 mg·L-1 Atrazine, chlorophyll contents of rye decreased from 1.72±0.034 mg·g-1 FW (control) to 1.62±0.05 mg·g-1 FW and 1.25±0.015 mg·g-1 FW, respectively. Both kinds of herbicides could induce the protein composition changes of root meristems in rye and maize, when rye and maize were treated with 0.1 mg·L-1 Atrazine, 4 protein spots, spot 7, spot 18~20 were induced and 12 protein spots, spot 6, spot 8~17 and spot 21 were lost in root meristems of rye, 4 protein spots, spot 5, spot 14~16 were induced and 4 protein spots, spot 17~20 were lost in root meristems of maize. 2 protein spots, spot 19~20 were induced and 13 protein spots, spot 1~13 were lost in chloroplast of rye, however, Atrazine could not cause the contents of chlorophyll and chloroplast protein composition changes in maize. For the concentration of 4 mg·L-1 APM, 1 protein spot, spot 1 was induced and 4 protein spots, spot 2~5 were lost in root meristems of rye, and 15 protein spots, spot 4~5, spot 7~16, spot 21~23 were induced and 4 protein spots, spot 1~3, spot 6 were lost in root meristems of maize. No effect of APM on the contents of chlorophyll and protein compositions of chloroplast was observed in two crops.
    Structure of Vegetative Organs of Eremochloa ophiuroides and Zoysia japonica Related with Resistance
    WANG Hui;ZHOU Shou-Biao*;SHI Guo-Qin
    2007, 27(6):  701-707.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.011
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    The micromorphological features of leaf epidermis and stem were investigated under lightmicroscope(LM) and scanning electron microscope(SEM).The structure of stem and leaf blade showed close relation to the grass drought, trample resistance.In terms of the epidermis,bulliform cell, vascular bundle, and the fibrous girdle of stem, the conclusion that Zoysia japonica from Fuyang in Anhui Province was more tolerant to drought, salt and drown stress than the other, Eremochloa ophiuroides from Jinzhai was the best in trample resistance were obtained for the first time.
    The Diurnal Changes of Photosynthesis in the Endangered Plant Sinocalycanthus chinensis and Its Accompanying Plants
    MA Jin-E;JIN Ze-Xin*;ZHANG Wen-Biao;
    2007, 27(6):  708-714.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.012
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    The photosynthetic parameters of Sinocalycanthus chinensis in both overstory and understory, including the diurnal changes of net photosynthetic rate (Pn), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), dark respiration rate (Rd) and stomatal resistance (rs), were measured using a LCA4 Portable Photosynthesis System. The photosynthetic parameters of the accompanying plants such as Boehmeria platanifolia, Rhus chinensis and Weigela japonica var. sinica were also measured for comparison. The results showed that the diurnal changes of photosynthesis of S. chinensis in the overstory took on “double-peak” curve with remarkable midday depression. The midday depression was mainly due to non-stomatal limitations. On the contrary, the diurnal changes of photosynthesis of S. chinensis in the understory took on “one-peak” curve with low Pn. The maximal Pn was only half of that of S. chinensis in the overstory. The correlation analysis showed that the limiting factor for this low Pn might be light intensity (p=0.001). Compared with its accompanying plants, S. chinensis was in a disadvantaged status in the community with low photosynthetic capacity, water use efficiency, and the ratio of photosynthetic rate to respiration rate.
    Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chenopodium album L. Grew under Drought-stress Condition
    SUN Cun-Hua;LI Yang;DU Wei;JIN Hui-Li;WANG Dong-Sheng;CHEN Xiang-Ling;XU Xin-Na
    2007, 27(6):  715-720.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.014
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    Drought is one of the stress conditions that often severely effects plant growth. The loss of agricultural production due to drought stress is estimated to nearly equal the total losses caused by all other environmental stresses. In this study, the photosythetic parameter of Chenopodium album L. under artificially simulated drought stresses were examined to provide a theoretical basis for effectively increasing agricultural production in arid areas. C. album L. was grown from freshly harvested seeds under natural light. Six pots of plants showing similar growth was treated with drought stress by controlled irrigation: 15% water content of soil was kept by weighing, watered once two days for the entire experimental process; the pots were protected from exposure to rain. The photosythetic parameter of Chenopodium album L. was determined with LI-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System in the first ten-day of July. The result shows that the diurnal variation curve of photosynthesis in the leaves of C. album L. assumes was a two-peak pattern, had the middle-day depression and belongs to the stomatal limitation type under the drought stress condition. Its net photosynthetic rate(Pn) reached the peak value at about 8:00. Compared with the plant growing under normal condition, the photosynthetic light saturation point (LSP), the net photosynthetic rate(Pn), apparent quantum yield(AQY), carbondioxide saturation point(CSP) and carboxylation efficiency(CE) all reduced, was 1 200 μmol photon·m-2·s-1, 8.01 μmol photon·m-2·s-1, 0.016 1 μmol CO2·mol-1 photons、1 200 μmol CO2·mol-1 and 0.017 6 μmol·m-2·s-1 respectively; However, light compensation point (LCP),carbondioxide compensation Point(CCP) all increased,was 44.88 μmol photon·m-2·s-1 and 46 μmol CO2·mol-1 respectively. Under the drought stress condition,although the photosynthetic capability of C.album L. decreases, but comparing C.album L. with other C3-plant it still have a great capability of assimilation CO2. Chenopodium album L. is a drought-resistance plant.
    Salt Tolerance of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. and Caragana korshinskii Kom. During Germination
    LIU Bao-Yu;ZHANG Wen-Hui*;LIU Xin-Cheng;JIANG Shan
    2007, 27(6):  721-728.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.014
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    The indexes of germination, growth, vigor and physiology of E.angustifolia L. and C.korshinskii Kom. during germination were observed. The correlation and regression analyses were done between the indexes of germination, growth and vigor and salinity, through which the critical concentrations of E.angustifolia L. and C.korshinskii Kom. during germination were gotten. And the correlation analyses were done between physiological indexes and salinity, physiological indexes and corresponding germination and growth indexes respectively, which threw a light on the germination and growth responses of E.angustifolia L. and C.korshinskii Kom. to salt stress at the physiological level. The results were gotten as follow: (1)Radicle hydration percentage had no correlation with salinity, while initial germination time, dormancy and death were positively correlated with salinity, and all the other indexes were negatively correlated with salinity; (2)Radicle hydration percentage had no correlation with early growth of germinated seeds, while dormancy and death were negatively correlated with germination and all the other physiological indexes were positively correlated with growth; (3)Among the three aspects of germination, germination velocity was most inhibited by salinity, while germination percentage was lest, and germination initiation was in-between. And early growth was more sensible to salinity than germination percentage, moreover, radicle growth was more inhibited than hypocotyl growth; (4)E.angustifolia L. was more tolerant to NaCl stress than C.korshinskii Kom., and the critical concentrations of both species were higher than 0.1 mol·L-1 during germination.
    Effects of Eupatorium adenophorum Sprengel invasion on Soil Enzyme Activities and Physical and Chemical Factors
    LIU Chao;FENG Yu-Long*;TIAN Yao-Hua
    2007, 27(6):  729-735.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.015
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    Eupatorium adenophorum is one of the most noxious invasive weeds in China. To explore the effects of this weed invasion on soil fertility, the activities of six enzymes and 12 physical and chemical factors were compared among the soil within 0~30 cm depth under a more than 10 years old invaded grassland by E. adenophorum, a secondary grassland (abandoned maize field in November of 2001), a primary grassland of Themeda yunnanensis and a two years old artificial grassland of Setaria sphacelata. The results showed that each variable measured in this study changed significantly among communities and soil layers according to a two-way ANOVA. The activities of polyphenol oxidase, alkaline phosphatase and urase, the contents of organic matter, total N, total P, total Ca, hydrolytic N, active P, active K, and pH value decreased with the increase of soil depth. In general, the activities of alkaline phosphatase and urase, the contents of organic matter, total N, total P, total Ca, hydrolytic N, active P, and pH value were higher in the soil under E. adenophorum community compared to the soils under other communities. Total soil K content was lower in the soil under E. adenophorum than in the soils of other communities, while the active K content was similar among the four communities. These results indicate that E. adenophorum invasion for more than 10 years can increase soil fertility, create favorable soil conditions for itself.
    AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity Among Lespedeza bicolor Populations
    WANG Xiu-Rong;ZHAO Yang;*;CHEN Xiao-Yang;PIAN Rui-Qi
    2007, 27(6):  736-740.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.016
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    Genetic diversities of Lespedeza bicolor were evaluated using AFLP in this study. Five pairs of primers were used for evaluating genetic diversity. 253 AFLP markers were observed,among which 245 markers (PPL=96.8%) were polymorphic. At species level,Ao=1.968,Ae=1.643,H=0.369 and I=0.544. And at population level,P=62.99%,Ao=1.605,Ae=1.479,H=0.257,I=0.373. The coefficient of genetic differentiation was 0.233 2, which indicated that 76.68% variability occurred in populations of L.bicolor 14 populations of L.bicolor were divided into three groups by the dendrogram constructed using Nei’s genetic distance. There was no relativity between the genetic diversity parameters (P,H,I) and geographic & climatic factors (longitude,latitude,AMT,AMP), and no fixed distribution pattern of genetic diversity was found either.
    Population Genetic Diversity Analysis of Oxytropis aciphylla Ledeb. of Inner Mongolia
    LU Ping;ZHAO Meng-Li;HAN Guo-Dong;LI Cui;LIU Hui;LIU Qiu-Yan
    2007, 27(6):  741-745.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.017
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    The genetic diversity of Oxytropis aciphylla Ledeb. was analyzed using inter simple sequence repeat(ISSR) markers. The results indicated that there was relatively high genetic diversity in Oxytropis aciphylla Ledeb. 215 bands were amplified from 5 natural populations by 11 ISSR primers. The percent of polymorphic loci was 98.14%. The Shannon information index I was 0.328 7, and Nei’s index H was 0.197 2.The total gene diversity Ht was 0.210 8, and the gene diversity within populations Hs was 0.160 4. 76.11% of genetic variation existed within populations while 23.89% of genetic variation existed among populations. The Gst was 0.238 9, and the gene flow was 1.592 9. There was genetic variation trend among populations. However the genetic drift would not cause the differentiation. The Nei’s UPGMA Dendrogram displayed that the genetic distance was close among 4 populations distributed in dessert steppe regions, while relatively far in a dessert population.
    Study on the Morphological Variations of Cerasus subhirtella var. ascendens in Different Populations
    WANG Xian-Rong;XIE Chun-Ping;YI Xian-Gui;XIANG Qi-Bai
    2007, 27(6):  746-752.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.018
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    The measurement of numerical taxonomy was applied to study the morphological variations of Cerasus subhirtella var. ascendens in different populations between Fujian Wuyi Mountain and Jiangsu Baohua Mountain. The 35 morphological indices analysis showed,the individuals in 2 populations were incorporated into 2 types according to the results of clustering analysis and principal component analysis(PCA),and the morphological variations are naturally showed in the results. The PCA results indicated that the characteristics of length,breadth,the angle of leaf basal in lamina and the characteristics of calyx-tube,corolla dimension and inflorescence pedicel in the flower were the main reasons leading to the morphological variations,and the F-test of single factor variance analysis verified the conclusion. Finally,the cherry in Fujian Wuyi Mountain should be treated as a new variation of Cerasus subhirtella in taxonomy.
    The Primary Study on Pollination Biology of a Protective Plant,Elaeagnus Mollis Diels
    WEI Xue-Zhi;LIU Ya-Juan;GUO Xiao-Hu;LIANG Jian-Dong;SHI Li-Xin;GONG Jiang-Qiao
    2007, 27(6):  753-757.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.019
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    Field and experimental observations on pollination in Elaeagnus Mollis Diels showed that: (1)Elaeagnus Mollis Diels can go self-and cross-pollination. The effective pollinators were native captive bees in the species. (2)The floral morphological characteristics of Elaeagnus Mollis Diels are harmonied with the pollinator’s morphological structure and pollination behavior. The pollinators use their heads and thoraxes to transfer pollens. (3)Elaeagnus Mollis Diels has floral nectary structure and secreting nectar yield reaches the peak 1~2 d after its blooming. Because of ample nectar yield it has obvious advantage in attracting the pollinators,and the visiting frequency of floral visitors on Elaeagnus mollis Diels was remarkably higher than other plants at same flowering time.(4)There is no apomixes in Elaeagnus Mollis Diels.
    Cytogenetic Damage Induced by Sulfur Dioxide in Vicia faba Root and Leaf Meristematic Cells
    LIU Jing;YI Hui-Lan*
    2007, 27(6):  758-762.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.020
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    Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a common air pollutant, present at low concentrations in the urban air, and at high concentrations under occupational exposures. It was produced by combustion and processing of sulfur-containing fossil fuels and was a main component of the gaseous pollutants contributing to the formation of acid rain in China. Consequently, it has become important to study the toxic effects of SO2 in the environment to human. Vicia faba has been used for evaluating chromosomal aberrations since the early 1920s, and has been proven to be an efficient test system for genotoxicity monitoring of environmental pollutants. It is sensitive and convenient, and produces objective results. The test of Vicia faba was carried out according to Kanaya et al. Dry seeds were soaked for 36 h in distilled water and allowed to germinate on layers of moist cotton at 23℃±1℃ in the dark. Seedlings of Vicia faba, which reached about 20 cm in height, were divided into two groups. One group was exposed to 2.80 mg·m-3 SO2 for various durations (4, 4×2, 4×3, 4×4, 4×5, 4×6 h), and the other group was exposed to 28 mg·m-3 SO2 for 4 or 4×2 h, each followed by 20 h recovery. Cytogenetic damage was investigated in root and leaf meristematic cells after seedlings of Vicia faba exposed to SO2. The results showed that mitotic index (MI) decreased, but micronuclei (MN) frequencies increased significantly in both root and leaf meristematic cells comparing to those of the seedlings still incubated in sand. The results also showed that the frequencies of micronuclei in root tips were lower than those in leaf cells when a lay of paraffin was added above the roots incubated in tap water, and higher than those in leaf cells without the separating of paraffin, indicating the importance of water during SO2 toxic effects occurrence to plants. Present results suggest that SO2 is genotoxic to root and leaf cells of Vicia faba, and roots of Vicia faba is better to be used as a test system for genotoxicity monitoring of SO2.
    Effects of Light Quality on Anthraquinones in Roots of Rumex gmelini
    MA Wei;WANG Zhen-Yue*;CHEN Li-Chao;WANG Zong-Quan;ZHAO Hai-Peng;WANG Dan
    2007, 27(6):  763-769.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.021
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    To explores effects of light quality on anthraquinones constituents in roots of Rumex gmelini Turcz. Herbs were treated under red, yellow, green and blue films, together with a control (CK) of no shading. An HPLC method was applied to determinate the content of anthraquinones constituents of R. gmelini at different development stages. Statistical analysis was carried out using the ANOVA test. Compared with treated and blank groups, contents of anthraquinones in roots of 2-year-old Rumex gmelini Turcz. were increased significantly under yellow film shading. The content of anthraquinones in roots of 1-year-old Rumex gmelini Turcz. were increased significantly in blank and compared groups. Conclusions is contents of anthraquinones in roots of 2-year-old Rumex gmelini Turcz. were increased significantly by yellow film shading.
    A Elicitor-induced Semi-biological Synthesis Methods of Vinblastine in Catharanthus roseus
    JIANG Shou-Gang;ZU Yuan-Gang*;YANG Lei;FU Yu-Jie;LUO Meng;WANG Xiao-Peng;LI Jia-Lei
    2007, 27(6):  770-773.  doi:10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2007.06.021
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    Production of vinblastine increased about 50% in elicitor [0.01 mol·L-1 (Zn2+)+0.5 mg·L-1 (IAA)], homogenized time 2.5 min, cultivation ventilation equivalent 0.30 L·min-1(5 min)、cultivation solid-liquor ratio 1:15, cultivation time 2 h, cultivation temperature 20℃~25℃.