Bulletin of Botanical Research ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 210-219.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.006
• Systematic and Evolutionary • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xunkang ZHOU, Fan DU, Xing ZHOU, Mengwei XU, Chengcheng HE, Riqiang YUAN, Ming SHI()
Ming SHI
CLC Number:
Xunkang ZHOU, Fan DU, Xing ZHOU, Mengwei XU, Chengcheng HE, Riqiang YUAN, Ming SHI. Geographic Distribution and Priority Protection Levels of Key protected Wild Plants in Wenshan Prefecture[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2024, 44(2): 210-219.
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URL: https://bbr.nefu.edu.cn/EN/10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2024.02.006
Table 1
Overview of eight nature reserves in Wenshan Prefecture
全称 Full Name | 所在县市 County/City | 设立日期 Establishment time | 面积 Area/hm2 | 海拔 Altitude range/m | 主要保护对象 Main objects of protection |
云南文山国家级自然保护区 Yunnan Wenshan National Nature Reserve | 文山市、西畴县 Wenshan City,Xichou County | 2003 | 26 867.00 | 1 200.0~2 991.2 | 岩溶中山南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林、亚热带山地苔藓常绿阔叶林以及野生动植物 Karst Nakayama South subtropical monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest, subtropical montane mossy evergreen broadleaf forest,and wildlife |
麻栗坡老山省级自然保护区 Malipo Laoshan Provincial Nature Reserve | 麻栗坡县 Malipo County | 2005 | 20 500.00 | 107.0~2 288.5 | 滇东南热带山地季风常绿阔叶林及珍稀动植物 Tropical monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forests and rare plants and animals in the Southeast Yunnan Province |
麻栗坡马关老君山省级自然保护区 Malipo and Maguan Laojun Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve | 麻栗坡县、马关县 Malipo County,Maguan County | 1981 | 4 509.00 | 1 140.0~2 579.3 | 季风常绿阔叶林、山地苔藓常绿阔叶林 Monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forests, montane mossy broad-leaved evergreen forests |
马关古林箐省级自然保护区 Maguan Gulinqing Provincial Nature Reserve | 马关县 Maguan County | 2002 | 6 832.60 | 160.0~2 028.4 | 热带季雨林、雨林、石灰山季雨林及热带野生动物 Tropical monsoon rainforests,rainforests, limestone monsoon rainforests and tropical wildlife |
丘北普者黑省级自然保护区 Qubei Puzhehei Provincial Nature Reserve | 丘北县 Qubei County | 2002 | 10 746.00 | 1 446.0~1 860.0 | 野生动植物、高原湖泊 Wildlife,plateau lakes |
广南八宝省级自然保护区 Guangnan Babao Provincial Nature Reserve | 广南县 Guangnan County | 2002 | 5 232.00 | 930.0~1 520.0 | 河谷峰丛峰林及岩溶地貌 River Valley Crests,Peak Forests and Karst Landscapes |
富宁驮娘江省级自然保护区 Funing Tuoniang River Provincial Nature Reserve | 富宁县 Funing County | 2002 | 15 725.00 | 140.0~1 330.0 | 水域湿地及岩溶山地热区森林生态系统 Watershed wetlands and forest ecosystems in karst mountain hotspots |
下兴箐州级自然保护区 Xiaxingqing State Nature Reserve | 麻栗坡 Malipo County | 1982 | 190.67 | 107.0~2 579.3 | 南亚热带常绿阔叶林 South subtropical broad-leaved evergreen forest |
Table 2
Priority protection levels of key protected wild plants in Wenshan Prefecture
指标系数 Coefficient of indicators | 指标分项 Breakdown of indicators | 赋分指标 Functional indicators | 分数 Mark |
濒危系数(C濒) Endangerment factor (C-endangerment) | (1)州内县域分布频度 Frequency of distribution of counties in the state | a)1个县分布 1 county distribution | 5 |
b)2~3个县分布 2~3 counties distribution | 4 | ||
c)4~5个县分布 4~5 counties distribution | 3 | ||
d)6~7个县分布 6~7 counties distribution | 2 | ||
e)8个县分布 8 counties distributed | 1 | ||
(2)州内海拔分布跨度 Elevation distribution spanning the state | a)1~2个海拔段 1~2 altitude segments | 5 | |
b)3~4个海拔段 3~4 altitude segments | 4 | ||
c)5~6个海拔段 5~6 altitude segments | 3 | ||
d)7~9个海拔段 7~9 altitude segments | 2 | ||
e)≥10个海拔段 ≥10 altitude segments | 1 | ||
(3)州内现存多度 Multiple degrees exist in the state | a)≤10株 ≤10 stocking | 5 | |
b)11~100株 11~100 stocking | 4 | ||
c)101~500株 101~500 stocking | 3 | ||
d)501~2 000株 501~2 000 stocking | 2 | ||
e)>2 000株 >2 000 stocking | 1 | ||
(4)人为影响 Human interference | a)影响较严重 More serious impact | 3 | |
b)影响一般 General impact | 2 | ||
c)影响较小 Lesser impact | 1 | ||
遗传价值系数(C遗) Coefficient of genetic value (C-genetic) | (1)特有性 Endemic | a)文山州特有 Endemic to Wenshan Prefecture | 4 |
b)云南特有 Endemic to Yunnan | 3 | ||
c)中国特有 Endemic to China | 2 | ||
d)非中国特有 Not endemic to China | 1 | ||
(2)是否极小种群野生物种 Are Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations(PSESP) | a)云南极小种群野生植物 PSESP in Yunnan | 3 | |
b)中国极小种群野生植物 PSESP in China | 2 | ||
c)非极小种群野生植物 Non-PSESP | 1 | ||
保护系数(C保) Protection factor (C-protection) | (1)保护级别 Protection level | a)国家一级 Grade 1 National Key Protection | 4 |
b)国家二级 Grade 2 National Key Protection | 3 | ||
c)省级Ⅱ级 Yunnan Province Grade Ⅱ Key Protection | 2 | ||
d)省级Ⅲ级 Yunnan Province Grade Ⅲ Key Protection | 1 | ||
利用价值系数(C利) Utilization value factor (C-utilization) | (1)利用价值情况 Utilization value situation | a)大量利用 Extensive utilization | 3 |
b)常规利用 Conventional utilization | 2 | ||
c)很少利用 Rarely utilization | 1 |
Table 3
Composition of key protection families of wild plants in Wenshan Prefecture
类型 Typology | 科(占比) Family (Proportion/%) | 种(占比) Species (Proportion/%) | 举例(物种数量) Example(Number of species) |
合计 Total | 93(100.00) | 387(100.00) | |
≥10种 ≥10 species | 8(8.60) | 208(53.75) | 兰科Orchidaceae(114)、樟科Lauraceae(18)、木兰科Magnoliaceae(15)、山茶科Theaceae(15)、石杉科Huperziaceae(14) |
6~9种 6~9 species | 5(5.38) | 32(8.27) | 红豆杉科Taxaceae(7)、无患子科Sapindaceae(7)、苏铁科Cycadaceae(6)、桫椤科Cyatheaceae (6)、小檗科Berberidaceae(6) |
2~5种 2~5 species | 35(37.63) | 102(26.36) | 龙脑香科Dipterocarpaceae(5)、肉豆蔻科Myristicaceae(5)、梧桐科Sterculiaceae(5)、禾本科Gramineae(4)、夹竹桃科Apocynaceae(4) |
1种 1 species | 45(48.39) | 45(11.63) | 大戟科Euphorbiaceae、杜英科Elaeocarpaceae、山龙眼科Proteaceae、野牡丹科Melastomataceae、亚麻科Linaceae |
Table 4
Grade and composition of key protected wild plants in Wenshan Prefecture
保护等级 Protection level | 文山州物种数量 Number of species in Wenshan Prefecture | 云南省物种数量 Number of species in Yunnan Province | 中国物种数量 Number of species in China | ||
物种数量 Species | 占云南 Percentage of Yunnan province/% | 占全国 Percentage of China/% | |||
国家一级 Grade 1 National Key Protection | 36 | 63.16 | 28.8 | 57 | 125 |
国家二级 Grade 2 National Key Protection | 259 | 53.62 | 26.54 | 483 | 976 |
合计 Total | 295 | 54.63 | 26.79 | 540 | 1 101 |
省级Ⅰ级 Yunnan Province Grade Ⅰ Key Protection | 0 | 0.00 | 5 | ||
省级Ⅱ级 Yunnan Province Grade Ⅱ Key Protection | 24 | 43.64 | 55 | ||
省级Ⅲ级 Yunnan Province Grade Ⅲ Key Protection | 78 | 49.06 | 159 | ||
合计 Total | 102 | 46.58 | 219 |
Table 5
Priority conservation levels of wild plants under key conservation in Wenshan Prefecture
优先保护综合值 Priority protection composite value | 优先保护等级 Priority protection level | 物种数量 Species | 占比 Proportion/% | 定性描述 Characterization |
0.700~0.940 | Ⅰ | 39 | 10.08 | 亟待拯救和保护 Needs to be saved and protected urgently |
0.600~0.699 | Ⅱ | 142 | 36.69 | 优先保护和重点关注 Priority protection and special attention species |
0.500~0.599 | Ⅲ | 123 | 31.78 | 适当采取保护措施 Appropriate protective measures |
0.372~0.499 | Ⅳ | 83 | 21.45 | 需要持续监测 Continuous monitoring requirement |
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