植物研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 26-36.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2021.01.004
程薪宇1,2, 焉志远1, 郭梦桥1,2, 徐海军3, 佟斌1, 倪红伟1,4()
Xin-Yu CHENG1,2, Zhi-Yuan YAN1, Meng-Qiao GUO1,2, Hai-Jun XU3, Bin TONG1, Hong-Wei NI1,4()
Hong-Wei NI
About author:
CHENG Xin-Yu(1985—),male,Ph.D.,lecturer, mainly engaged in plant systematics and anatomy.
Supported by:
程薪宇, 焉志远, 郭梦桥, 徐海军, 佟斌, 倪红伟. 黑龙江省植物花期对气温变化的响应[J]. 植物研究, 2021, 41(1): 26-36.
Xin-Yu CHENG, Zhi-Yuan YAN, Meng-Qiao GUO, Hai-Jun XU, Bin TONG, Hong-Wei NI. Response of Flowing Time to Temperature Changein Heilongjiang Province[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2021, 41(1): 26-36.
科 Family | 属数 Genera number | 种数 Species number | 标本数 Herbarium number | 科 Family | 属数 Genera number | 种数 Species number | 标本数 Herbarium number | |
猕猴桃科Actinidiaceae | 1 | 1 | 19 | 木犀科Oleaceae | 1 | 1 | 31 | |
凤仙花科Balsaminaceae | 1 | 1 | 30 | 柳叶菜科Onagraceae | 1 | 1 | 49 | |
桔梗科Campanulaceae | 4 | 8 | 401 | 兰科Orchidaceae | 2 | 2 | 72 | |
忍冬科Caprifoliaceae | 2 | 4 | 68 | 花荵科Polemoniaceae | 1 | 1 | 33 | |
石竹科Caryophyllaceae | 3 | 4 | 218 | 蓼科Polygonaceae | 1 | 2 | 67 | |
藜科Chenopodiaceae | 1 | 1 | 46 | 报春花科Primulaceae | 2 | 3 | 415 | |
菊科Compositae | 22 | 29 | 1 504 | 鹿蹄草科Pyrolaceae | 1 | 1 | 79 | |
山茱萸科Cornaceae | 1 | 1 | 31 | 毛茛科Ranunculaceae | 13 | 31 | 1 832 | |
景天科Crassulaceae | 1 | 1 | 31 | 蔷薇科Rosaceae | 9 | 20 | 1 223 | |
莎草科Cyperaceae | 4 | 5 | 265 | 茜草科Rubiaceae | 1 | 2 | 89 | |
杜鹃花科Ericaceae | 3 | 4 | 288 | 杨柳科Salicaceae | 1 | 7 | 189 | |
龙胆科Gentianaceae | 2 | 4 | 171 | 虎耳草科Saxifragaceae | 7 | 11 | 418 | |
牻牛儿苗科Geraniaceae | 1 | 4 | 199 | 玄参科Scrophulariaceae | 2 | 2 | 69 | |
禾本科Gramineae | 3 | 4 | 169 | 椴树科Tiliaceae | 1 | 1 | 23 | |
藤黄科Guttiferae | 1 | 1 | 32 | 伞形科Umbelliferae | 3 | 3 | 159 | |
鸢尾科Iridaceae | 1 | 1 | 36 | 荨麻科Urticaceae | 1 | 1 | 34 | |
唇形科Labiatae | 2 | 2 | 75 | 败酱科Valerianaceae | 1 | 1 | 53 | |
豆科Leguminosae | 8 | 17 | 948 | 葡萄科Vitaceae | 1 | 1 | 37 | |
百合科Liliaceae | 5 | 5 | 285 | 合计Total | 37 | 115 | 188 | 9 688 |
编号 No. | 物种 Species | 回归系数 Regression coefficient | 物种信息 Species information | 标本数 Herbarium number | |||||
春季 Spring | 夏季 Summer | 秋季 Autumn | 当年 Current year | 上年 Last year | 植物类型 Plant type | 花期 Florescence (month) | |||
1 | 齿叶蓍Achillea acuminata | 0.001 8 | 0.015 9 | -0.012 0 | -0.010 5 | 0.005 1 | H | 7~8 | 54 |
2 | 短瓣蓍Achillea ptarmicoides | -0.020 4 | -0.011 8 | -0.007 2 | 0.006 9 | -0.004 7 | H | 7~9 | 46 |
3 | 薄叶乌头Aconitum fischeri | 0.062 4* | 0.033 1 | 0.035 5 | 0.042 7 | 0.055 3 | H | 8 | 30 |
4 | 弯枝乌头Aconitum fischeri var.arcuatum | 0.063 6 | 0.313 3* | 0.059 3 | 0.110 3* | 0.040 6 | H | 8 | 30 |
5 | 吉林乌头Aconitum kirinense | -0.016 3* | -0.022 4 | -0.021 0 | -0.020 1 | -0.052 8* | H | 7~9 | 69 |
6 | 北乌头Aconitum kusnezoffii | 0.022 5* | -0.055 0 | -0.011 4 | -0.014 7 | -0.010 3 | H | 7~9 | 67 |
7 | 细叶乌头Aconitum macrorhynchum | 0.022 9* | 0.082 3 | 0.056 7 | 0.051 6 | 0.070 6 | H | 9 | 46 |
8 | 宽叶蔓乌头Aconitum sczukinii | 0.016 8* | -0.169 8* | -0.010 8 | -0.017 8 | -0.002 8 | H | 8~9 | 31 |
9 | 草地乌头Aconitum umbrosum | 0.073 1* | 0.308 8* | 0.340 3* | 0.276 3* | -0.390 2* | H | 7 | 82 |
10 | 狗枣猕猴桃Actinidia kolomikta | -0.053 9 | -0.132 1* | -0.087 5 | -0.144 1* | -0.154 3* | W | 6~7 | 19 |
11 | 展枝沙参Adenophora divaricata | 0.000 5 | -0.010 3 | 0.022 3 | 0.017 4 | 0.025 5 | H | 7~9 | 32 |
12 | 长白沙参Adenophora pereskiifolia | 0.013 5 | 0.118 4* | 0.086 2 | 0.051 4 | 0.040 8 | H | 7~8 | 50 |
13 | 薄叶荠苨Adenophora remotiflora | 0.016 2 | 0.015 1 | 0.000 7 | 0.012 8 | 0.038 2 | H | 7~8 | 32 |
14 | 轮叶沙参Adenophora tetraphylla | -0.007 2 | 0.010 9 | 0.035 5* | 0.018 1 | 0.022 4 | H | 7~8 | 67 |
15 | 侧金盏花Adonis amurensis | -0.141 5* | -0.150 9* | -0.205 1* | -0.118 5* | -0.231 2* | H | 3~4 | 58 |
16 | 华北剪股颖Agrostis clavata | -0.018 1* | -0.023 5* | -0.010 9 | -0.020 7* | -0.007 1 | H | 6~8 | 48 |
17 | 山韭Allium senescens | 0.044 6* | 0.085 4* | 0.072 4* | 0.063 5* | 0.086 3* | H | 7~8 | 71 |
18 | 东北点地梅Androsace filiformis | 0.021 3* | -0.030 7 | 0.007 3 | 0.007 2 | -0.041 2* | H | 5~6 | 198 |
19 | 黑水银莲花Anemone amurensis | -0.051 0* | -0.207 4* | -0.301 5* | -0.185 1* | -0.390 2* | H | 5 | 86 |
20 | 毛果银莲花Anemone baicalensis | 0.010 5* | -0.029 4 | -0.078 2 | -0.011 9 | -0.034 7 | H | 5~6 | 120 |
21 | 二歧银莲花Anemone dichotoma | -0.059 4* | -0.109 9* | -0.092 3* | -0.084 7* | -0.094 7* | H | 6~7 | 82 |
22 | 白芷Angelica dahurica | 0.044 7* | 0.075 3* | 0.048 2* | 0.051 5* | 0.053 8* | H | 7~9 | 48 |
23 | 尖萼耧斗菜Aquilegia oxysepala | -0.038 2* | -0.135 9* | -0.080 5* | -0.083 4* | -0.061 7* | H | 5~6 | 45 |
24 | 碱蒿Artemisia anethifolia | -0.069 5 | -0.603 3* | -0.226 1 | -0.199 0 | -0.419 0* | H | 8~9 | 32 |
25 | 红足蒿Artemisia rubripes | 0.003 2 | -0.039 3 | -0.004 3 | -0.024 9 | 0.001 2 | H | 8~9 | 37 |
26 | 宽叶山蒿Artemisia stolonifera | 0.018 0 | 0.051 7 | 0.044 3* | 0.046 2* | 0.043 3* | H | 7~9 | 35 |
27 | 三脉紫菀Aster ageratoides | -0.016 7 | -0.094 4* | 0.021 4 | -0.013 7 | -0.064 2* | H | 7~10 | 38 |
28 | 圆苞紫菀Aster maackii | -0.008 0 | 0.086 6* | 0.019 2 | 0.007 3 | 0.003 8 | H | 7~9 | 67 |
29 | 紫菀Aster tataricus | 0.032 7 | 0.082 3* | 0.053 6* | 0.078 1* | 0.061 0* | H | 7~9 | 56 |
30 | 落新妇Astilbe chinensis | 0.068 3* | -0.089 7 | 0.102 9 | 0.088 2 | 0.138 2* | H | 7~8 | 48 |
31 | 斜茎黄耆Astragalus adsurgens | -0.027 4 | -0.014 1 | -0.023 3 | -0.014 1 | -0.028 8 | H | 7~8 | 42 |
32 | 黄耆Astragalus membranaceus | 0.031 3* | 0.009 9 | 0.018 5 | 0.022 8 | 0.023 5 | H | 6~8 | 47 |
33 | 关苍术Atractylodes japonica | 0.022 0 | 0.012 8 | 0.026 5 | 0.021 6 | 0.024 4 | H | 7~9 | 31 |
34 | 羽叶鬼针草Bidens maximowicziana | -0.027 6* | 0.002 7 | -0.012 1 | -0.021 4 | -0.030 0 | H | 7~9 | 39 |
35 | 大叶柴胡Bupleurum longiradiatum | 0.002 1 | -0.016 4 | -0.006 9 | -0.008 8 | -0.006 2 | H | 7~9 | 63 |
36 | 膜叶驴蹄草Caltha palustris var.membranacea | 0.054 5 | -0.043 1 | -0.060 3 | 0.011 4 | -0.098 7* | H | 5~6 | 44 |
37 | 聚花风铃草Campanula glomerata | 0.001 2 | 0.009 9 | 0.010 9 | 0.011 3 | 0.018 2 | H | 7~9 | 64 |
38 | 紫斑风铃草Campanula punctata | -0.012 5 | -0.063 7* | -0.022 2 | -0.020 4 | 0.002 2 | H | 6~9 | 47 |
39 | 灰脉薹草Carex appendiculata | -0.068 9* | -0.050 2* | -0.073 3* | -0.045 2* | -0.083 9* | H | 6~7 | 50 |
40 | 黄囊薹草Carex korshinskyi | -0.003 2 | 0.019 1 | 0.028 5* | 0.008 7 | 0.021 2 | H | 7~9 | 61 |
41 | 灰绿藜Chenopodium glaucum | -0.014 7 | -0.033 7* | -0.015 4 | -0.015 8 | -0.024 7* | H | 5~9 | 46 |
42 | 五台金腰Chrysosplenium serreanum | -0.031 7 | -0.099 5 | -0.111 8* | -0.077 9* | -0.124 9* | H | 4~5 | 32 |
43 | 中华金腰Chrysosplenium sinicum | 0.025 7 | -0.048 7 | 0.084 0 | -0.006 6 | -0.129 0* | H | 5~7 | 64 |
44 | 兴安升麻Cimicifuga dahurica | 0.004 2 | 0.004 6 | 0.007 5 | 0.010 1 | 0.011 2 | H | 7~8 | 35 |
45 | 单穗升麻Cimicifuga simplex | 0.008 5 | 0.043 0 | 0.029 3 | 0.024 7 | 0.028 6 | H | 8~9 | 53 |
46 | 褐毛铁线莲Clematis fusca | 0.023 2 | -0.052 4 | -0.015 3 | 0.003 6 | 0.005 5 | H | 6~7 | 45 |
47 | 棉团铁线莲Clematis hexapetala | -0.024 7* | -0.031 1 | -0.036 8* | -0.029 5* | -0.030 1* | H | 6~8 | 51 |
48 | 西伯利亚铁线莲Clematis sibirica | -0.077 7* | -0.185 2* | -0.135 9* | -0.116 8* | -0.115 0* | H | 6~7 | 48 |
49 | 辣蓼铁线莲Clematis terniflora var.mandshurica | -0.005 0 | -0.042 6* | -0.030 8* | -0.017 7 | -0.018 6 | H | 6~8 | 66 |
50 | 灯笼草Clinopodium polycephalum | -0.015 0* | -0.044 2* | -0.043 2 | -0.029 4* | -0.047 8* | H | 6~8 | 31 |
51 | 小蓬草Conyza canadensis | 0.017 8 | -0.063 4 | 0.006 4 | 0.008 2 | 0.112 8* | H | 5~9 | 35 |
52 | 三轮草Cyperus orthostachyus | 0.047 0 | 0.075 4 | 0.078 5 | 0.187 9* | -0.045 4 | H | 8~9 | 77 |
53 | 翠雀Delphinium grandiflorum | -0.077 7* | -0.119 2* | -0.090 9* | -0.083 5* | -0.112 1* | H | 6 | 60 |
54 | 宽苞翠雀花Delphinium maackianum | 0.001 6 | -0.163 7* | 0.068 1 | -0.065 2* | -0.171 7* | H | 7~8 | 37 |
55 | 光萼溲疏Deutzia glabrata | -0.049 5 | 0.043 2 | 0.026 2 | -0.012 3 | 0.059 3 | W | 6~7 | 26 |
56 | 东北溲疏Deutzia parviflora var.amurensis | -0.026 1 | -0.202 8* | -0.309 8* | -0.147 9* | -0.097 7 | W | 6B~7A | 53 |
57 | 小叶章Deyeuxia angustifolia | -0.019 3 | -0.086 0* | -0.063 9* | -0.041 4* | -0.006 9 | H | 7~8 | 30 |
58 | 大叶章Deyeuxia langsdorffii | -0.023 9* | -0.052 9* | -0.036 1* | -0.036 7* | 0.007 4 | H | 7~9 | 55 |
59 | 石竹Dianthus chinensis | 0.012 1 | 0.021 0 | 0.037 1 | 0.032 5 | 0.015 6 | H | 6C~9 | 53 |
60 | 东风菜Doellingeria scabra | -0.011 5 | -0.013 2 | -0.027 1 | -0.003 5 | 0.011 0 | H | 6~9 | 50 |
61 | 光萼青兰Dracocephalum argunense | -0.007 4 | -0.007 3 | -0.004 3 | 0.001 7 | -0.002 3 | H | 7~9 | 44 |
62 | 拟扁果草Enemion raddeanum | 0.603 0* | 0.810 9* | 0.054 3 | 0.573 3* | 0.781 2* | H | 5 | 126 |
63 | 柳兰Epilobium angustifolium | 0.079 0* | 0.155 6* | 0.100 3* | 0.104 1* | 0.096 3* | H | 6 | 49 |
64 | 宽叶羊胡子草Eriophorum latifolium | -0.033 9 | -0.028 0 | -0.022 6 | -0.022 3 | -0.030 7 | H | 6~8 | 45 |
65 | 林泽兰Eupatorium lindleyanum | 0.046 2* | 0.066 9* | 0.103 5* | 0.092 9* | 0.111 1* | H | 8~9 | 92 |
66 | 东方草莓Fragaria orientalis | 0.007 3 | 0.044 8* | 0.024 1 | 0.029 6* | -0.019 7 | H | 5~7 | 83 |
67 | 兴安拉拉藤Galium dahuricum | -0.014 6 | -0.048 4* | -0.020 7* | -0.021 7* | -0.028 6* | H | 6~8 | 46 |
68 | 蓬子菜Galium verum | -0.047 9* | -0.071 8* | -0.066 2* | -0.058 4* | -0.060 2* | H | 6~7 | 43 |
69 | 条叶龙胆Gentiana manshurica | -0.011 0 | 0.109 6* | 0.016 5 | 0.111 9* | -0.033 9 | H | 7~9 | 39 |
70 | 龙胆Gentiana scabra | 0.043 7* | 0.094 8* | 0.065 0* | 0.063 6* | 0.064 2* | H | 8~9 | 30 |
71 | 三花龙胆Gentiana triflora | 0.054 0* | 0.085 0* | 0.065 5* | 0.071 6* | 0.073 1* | H | 8~9 | 45 |
72 | 粗根老鹳草Geranium dahuricum | -0.002 5 | 0.007 3 | 0.017 9 | 0.016 9 | -0.004 0 | H | 7~8 | 46 |
73 | 毛蕊老鹳草Geranium platyanthum | 0.039 4* | -0.097 2* | -0.059 4* | -0.048 4 | -0.044 2 | H | 6~7 | 87 |
74 | 鼠掌老鹳草Geranium sibiricum | -0.054 2 | -0.005 5 | -0.016 6 | -0.010 3 | -0.005 4 | H | 6~7 | 33 |
75 | 宽托叶老鹳草Geranium wallichianum | 0.029 7 | 0.045 8 | 0.004 5 | 0.034 4 | 0.009 1 | H | 6~7 | 33 |
76 | 路边青Geum aleppicum | -0.017 4* | -0.058 2* | -0.030 0* | -0.025 1* | -0.028 2 | H | 6~9 | 55 |
77 | 手参Gymnadenia conopsea | 0.001 4 | -0.025 1 | -0.033 0* | -0.021 0 | -0.032 3* | H | 7~8 | 41 |
78 | 花锚Halenia corniculata | -0.061 4* | -0.113 4* | -0.081 7* | -0.063 9* | -0.080 2* | H | 7~8 | 57 |
79 | 乳头基荸荠Heleocharis mamillata | -0.036 8 | -0.059 4 | -0.084 5* | -0.054 7 | -0.012 6 | H | 7~8 | 32 |
80 | 山柳菊Hieracium umbellatum | 0.038 7* | 0.083 8* | 0.053 9* | 0.053 1* | 0.050 0* | H | 8~9 | 50 |
81 | 黄海棠Hypericum ascyron | 0.015 8 | 0.013 0 | 0.025 5 | 0.014 6 | 0.010 0 | H | 7~8 | 32 |
82 | 猫儿菊Hypochaeris ciliata | 0.049 8 | 0.249 8* | 0.092 2 | 0.104 2 | 0.078 1 | H | 7 | 37 |
83 | 水金凤Impatiens noli-tangere | 0.020 1 | 0.035 8 | 0.010 7 | 0.017 2 | 0.005 1 | H | 7~9 | 30 |
84 | 旋覆花Inula japonica | -0.021 3* | -0.023 1* | -0.038 8* | -0.026 1* | -0.008 2 | H | 6~9 | 132 |
85 | 玉蝉花Iris ensata | -0.004 3 | -0.016 6 | -0.032 7* | -0.006 2 | -0.011 3 | H | 6~7 | 36 |
86 | 中华小苦荬Ixeris chinensis | -0.148 8* | -0.344 1* | -0.167 2 | -0.675 0* | -0.230 5 | H | 6~7 | 50 |
87 | 全叶马兰Kalimeris integrifolia | -0.007 4 | -0.024 6 | -0.010 2 | -0.010 7 | -0.007 5 | H | 6~9 | 47 |
88 | 长萼鸡眼草Kummerowia stipulacea | -0.010 3 | 0.176 1* | 0.000 1 | 0.055 7 | 0.050 5 | H | 7~8 | 39 |
89 | 山莴苣Lagedium sibiricum | 0.047 1* | 0.050 2 | 0.037 5 | 0.053 5* | 0.042 3 | H | 7~8 | 67 |
90 | 矮山黧豆Lathyrus humilis | 0.164 4* | 0.247 9* | 0.186 2* | 0.193 6* | 0.042 5 | H | 6 | 83 |
91 | 三脉山黧豆Lathyrus komarovii | -0.017 1 | -0.026 2 | -0.023 3 | -0.021 6 | -0.009 1 | H | 5~6 | 69 |
92 | 毛山黧豆Lathyrus palustris subsp.plosus | 0.007 3 | -0.098 3* | -0.038 2* | -0.035 2* | -0.026 6 | H | 6~7 | 98 |
93 | 山黧豆Lathyrus quinquenervius | 0.033 5 | -0.005 3 | 0.100 2* | 0.028 5 | 0.028 7 | H | 6~7 | 37 |
94 | 杜香Ledum palustre | -0.142 2* | -0.124 4* | -0.104 4* | -0.114 9* | -0.139 3* | W | 6~7 | 65 |
95 | 火绒草Leontopodium leontopodioides | -0.094 5* | -0.177 2* | -0.139 4* | -0.116 9* | -0.141 6* | H | 7~9 | 107 |
96 | 胡枝子Lespedeza bicolor | 0.015 1 | -0.022 4 | -0.001 8 | 0.008 1 | 0.022 5 | W | 7~9 | 88 |
97 | 兴安胡枝子Lespedeza daurica | 0.024 3 | 0.011 5 | 0.021 4 | 0.078 8* | 0.007 0 | W | 7~8 | 51 |
98 | 尖叶铁扫帚Lespedeza juncea | 0.040 1* | 0.065 3* | 0.047 5* | 0.058 4* | 0.072 7* | W | 7~8 | 34 |
99 | 蹄叶橐吾Ligularia fischeri | 0.005 5 | -0.011 0 | -0.003 2 | 0.003 9 | 0.008 3 | H | 7~9 | 62 |
100 | 山梗菜Lobelia sessilifolia | 0.005 6 | -0.024 8 | -0.016 6 | -0.012 1 | -0.008 2 | H | 7~9 | 40 |
101 | 金花忍冬Lonicera chrysantha | -0.084 7 | -0.148 1 | -0.095 8 | -0.084 0 | -0.137 6 | W | 6 | 15 |
102 | 金银忍冬Lonicera maackii | 0.133 4 | -0.258 2* | 0.055 4 | -0.286 6* | -0.276 5* | W | 5~6 | 16 |
103 | 长白忍冬Lonicera ruprechtiana | -0.035 5 | -0.126 4 | -0.061 1 | -0.107 9 | -0.093 8 | W | 6 | 21 |
104 | 虎尾草Lysimachia barystachys | -0.049 2* | -0.179 1* | -0.084 0* | -0.127 2* | -0.022 5 | H | 6C~7 | 96 |
105 | 黄连花Lysimachia davurica | -0.014 4 | -0.013 8 | -0.020 9 | -0.014 3 | -0.026 1* | H | 7~8 | 121 |
106 | 朝鲜槐Maackia amurensis | 0.013 3 | -0.102 8 | -0.102 8 | 0.016 2 | 0.013 6 | W | 6~7 | 20 |
107 | 二叶舞鹤草Maianthemum bifolium | -0.086 5* | -0.041 7 | -0.090 7* | -0.047 5 | -0.101 6* | H | 5~6 | 55 |
108 | 山罗花Melampyrum roseum | 0.033 3 | 0.148 7* | 0.081 4* | 0.067 8* | 0.079 6* | H | 7~8 | 37 |
109 | 草木犀Melilotus officinalis | -0.035 6* | -0.106 0* | -0.066 5* | -0.058 5* | -0.066 5* | H | 6~8 | 53 |
110 | 唢呐草Mitella nuda | -0.315 2* | -0.248 5* | -0.400 9* | -0.306 5* | -0.305 7* | H | 6 | 36 |
111 | 稠李Padus racemosa | -0.075 0* | -0.101 1* | -0.091 7* | -0.090 8* | -0.133 2* | W | 5~6 | 48 |
112 | 耳叶蟹甲草Parasenecio auriculatus | 0.150 8* | -0.169 2* | 0.139 0 | 0.359 2* | -0.164 5 | H | 6~7 | 42 |
113 | 北重楼Paris verticillata | -0.033 4* | -0.067 7* | -0.060 3* | -0.040 6* | -0.066 3* | H | 5~7 | 69 |
114 | 梅花草Parnassia palustris | -0.041 3* | -0.038 5 | -0.022 1 | -0.027 5 | -0.019 9 | H | 7~9 | 32 |
115 | 败酱Patrinia scabiosaefolia | 0.013 5 | 0.013 1 | 0.009 4 | 0.015 7 | 0.005 9 | H | 7~8 | 53 |
116 | 东北山梅花Philadelphus schrenkii | -0.033 9 | -0.145 4* | -0.149 4* | -0.080 7 | -0.172 6* | W | 6 | 37 |
117 | 密花舌唇兰Platanthera hologlottis | -0.008 2 | -0.014 0 | -0.012 6* | -0.013 8* | -0.009 9 | H | 6~7 | 31 |
118 | 桔梗Platycodon grandiflorus | 0.004 9 | 0.004 6 | 0.010 6 | 0.012 0 | 0.011 7 | H | 7~9 | 69 |
119 | 草地早熟禾Poa pratensis | -0.021 4 | -0.002 1 | -0.000 8 | -0.016 3 | -0.005 5 | H | 6~8 | 36 |
120 | 小花荵Polemonium liniflorum | -0.014 0 | 0.058 4* | 0.007 2 | -0.005 4 | -0.010 7 | H | 6~8 | 33 |
121 | 分叉蓼Polygonum divaricatum | 0.038 2 | 0.100 4* | 0.074 8* | 0.063 8* | 0.084 6* | H | 7~8 | 32 |
122 | 耳叶蓼Polygonum manshuriense | 0.005 5 | -0.061 4* | -0.004 8 | -0.000 8 | -0.010 7 | H | 6~7 | 35 |
123 | 皱叶委陵菜Potentilla ancistrifolia | 0.009 4 | -0.035 2 | -0.015 2 | -0.012 9 | -0.013 2 | H | 7~8 | 39 |
124 | 长叶二裂委陵菜Potentilla bifurca var.major | -0.052 4* | -0.034 8 | -0.038 5 | -0.044 8* | -0.050 4* | H | 6~8 | 45 |
125 | 狼牙委陵菜Potentilla cryptotaeniae | -0.023 2 | -0.057 6 | -0.094 0 | -0.075 8 | -0.114 2* | H | 7~8 | 45 |
126 | 金露梅Potentilla fruticosa | -0.037 5* | -0.045 8 | -0.041 0* | -0.033 9* | -0.010 6 | W | 6~8 | 36 |
127 | 朝天委陵菜Potentilla supina | -0.034 3* | -0.059 3 | -0.038 6 | -0.046 5* | -0.031 0 | H | 5~8 | 33 |
128 | 兴安白头翁Pulsatilla dahurica | 0.007 8 | -0.173 6 | 0.005 5 | -0.029 3 | 0.025 9 | H | 5~6 | 47 |
129 | 红花鹿蹄草Pyrola incarnata | -0.067 9* | -0.070 5* | -0.083 2* | -0.070 4* | -0.078 6* | H | 6~7 | 79 |
130 | 茴茴蒜Ranunculus chinensis | 0.007 0 | 0.016 5 | 0.016 2 | 0.010 2 | 0.028 6* | H | 5~9 | 47 |
131 | 毛茛Ranunculus japonicus | -0.009 5 | -0.012 5 | -0.018 8 | -0.014 5 | -0.005 4 | H | 5~9 | 41 |
132 | 匍枝毛茛Ranunculus repens | -0.000 9 | -0.029 3 | -0.014 4 | -0.023 7 | 0.002 5 | H | 5~9 | 72 |
133 | 兴安杜鹃Rhododendron dauricum | -0.051 3* | -0.109 6* | -0.066 6* | -0.060 2* | -0.088 8* | W | 4~6 | 47 |
134 | 刺果茶藨子Ribes burejense | -0.203 8* | -0.245 5* | -0.398 0* | -0.271 6* | -0.260 7* | W | 5~6 | 36 |
135 | 水葡萄茶藨子Ribes procumbens | -0.001 6 | -0.021 6 | -0.046 8 | 0.013 8 | -0.051 3 | W | 6 | 27 |
136 | 矮茶藨子Ribes triste | -0.149 0* | -0.157 9* | -0.149 7* | -0.103 2* | -0.200 3* | W | 5C~6 | 27 |
137 | 刺蔷薇Rosa acicularis | -0.128 3* | -0.157 7* | -0.155 5* | -0.135 5* | -0.126 6* | W | 6~7 | 88 |
138 | 山刺玫Rosa davurica | 0.011 8 | -0.098 1* | -0.024 6 | -0.022 9 | -0.001 7 | W | 6~7 | 93 |
139 | 北悬钩子Rubus arcticus | -0.047 5* | -0.140 2* | -0.093 8* | -0.084 1* | -0.099 6* | W | 6~7 | 103 |
140 | 山楂叶悬钩子Rubus crataegifolius | -0.164 5* | -0.379 7* | -0.199 6 | -0.283 0* | -0.356 7 | W | 6 | 27 |
141 | 库叶悬钩子Rubus matsumuranus | -0.054 4 | -0.092 3* | -0.118 0* | -0.026 3 | -0.049 0 | W | 6 | 71 |
142 | 细枝柳Salix gracilior | -0.138 8 | 0.324 4 | 0.121 4 | -0.217 1 | 0.030 0 | W | 5 | 50 |
143 | 兴安柳Salix hsinganica | -0.070 6 | -0.114 7 | -0.063 2 | -0.107 9* | -0.093 8* | W | 5~6 | 21 |
144 | 朝鲜柳Salix koreensis | -0.255 6* | -0.457 0* | -0.363 2* | -0.311 9* | -0.319 9* | W | 5 | 17 |
145 | 旱柳Salix matsudana | 0.068 5 | -0.145 2 | 0.093 5 | -1.008 8* | 0.202 2 | W | 4 | 16 |
146 | 大黄柳Salix raddeana | -0.111 4 | 0.109 9 | 0.096 6 | -0.095 3 | 0.165 7 | W | 5 | 19 |
147 | 谷柳Salix taraikensis | -0.149 6* | -0.103 5* | -0.153 0* | -0.140 0* | -0.130 0* | W | 4C~5 | 37 |
148 | 三蕊柳Salix triandra | -0.207 9* | -0.264 3* | -0.246 6* | -0.244 6* | -0.198 6* | W | 5 | 29 |
149 | 地榆Sanguisorba officinalis | 0.030 8* | 0.075 6* | 0.047 4* | 0.053 4* | 0.053 3* | H | 7~9 | 40 |
150 | 小白花地榆Sanguisorba tenuifolia var.alba | -0.023 0* | -0.027 3 | -0.025 4* | -0.020 6 | -0.025 8* | H | 7~9 | 63 |
151 | 龙江风毛菊Saussurea amurensis | 0.015 2 | 0.014 5 | 0.032 5* | 0.0702* | 0.051 6* | H | 8~9 | 41 |
152 | 费菜Sedum aizoon | -0.001 1 | -0.006 8 | -0.003 4 | -0.001 8 | 0.043 4* | H | 6~7 | 31 |
153 | 蔓茎蝇子草Silene repens | -0.013 5 | -0.054 2* | -0.025 7* | -0.029 9* | -0.002 7 | H | 6B~9 | 75 |
154 | 泽芹Sium suave | -0.009 5 | 0.041 9* | 0.009 9 | -0.001 3 | -0.010 8 | H | 7~9 | 48 |
155 | 兴安鹿药Smilacina dahurica | -0.073 4* | 0.022 2 | -0.066 0 | -0.044 8 | -0.058 2 | H | 5~6 | 38 |
156 | 兴安一枝黄花Solidago virgaurea var.dahurica | -0.001 6 | -0.005 2 | -0.006 7 | 0.000 7 | -0.042 9* | H | 7~8 | 50 |
157 | 珍珠梅Sorbaria sorbifolia | -0.061 0* | -0.032 1 | -0.076 7* | -0.065 7* | -0.072 5* | W | 7~8 | 130 |
158 | 石蚕叶绣线菊Spiraea chamaedryfolia | -0.122 4* | 0.019 4 | -0.281 0* | -0.152 8 | -0.179 1* | W | 5~6 | 52 |
159 | 欧亚绣线菊Spiraea media | 0.007 3 | -0.084 5 | -0.047 0 | -0.003 9 | -0.048 7 | W | 5~6 | 22 |
160 | 绣线菊Spiraea salicifolia | -0.038 3* | -0.000 2 | -0.030 0 | -0.024 6 | -0.011 8 | W | 6~8 | 90 |
161 | 绢毛绣线菊Spiraea sericea | -0.364 7* | -0.325 2* | -0.320 2* | -0.318 3* | -0.373 3* | W | 6 | 60 |
162 | 细叶繁缕Stellaria filicaulis | -0.030 4 | -0.049 7 | -0.044 2* | -0.043 9* | -0.020 6 | H | 5B~7 | 32 |
163 | 繸瓣繁缕Stellaria radians | 0.011 9 | -0.019 0 | 0.018 5 | 0.002 2 | 0.047 9* | H | 6B~9 | 58 |
164 | 红瑞木Swida alba | -0.032 6 | -0.054 3* | -0.036 5* | -0.034 2* | -0.020 9 | W | 5~7 | 31 |
165 | 兔儿伞Syneilesis aconitifolia | -0.052 5 | 0.182 9* | -0.002 0 | 0.067 7 | -0.009 4 | H | 6~7 | 43 |
166 | 暴马丁香Syringa amurensis | -0.086 3* | -0.194 8* | -0.161 3* | -0.117 4* | -0.105 0* | W | 6 | 31 |
167 | 红轮狗舌草Tephroseris flammea | 0.030 8* | -0.007 1 | 0.017 6 | 0.023 5 | 0.014 6 | H | 7~8 | 43 |
168 | 狗舌草Tephroseris kirilowii | -0.122 9* | -0.055 1 | -0.149 9* | -0.129 4* | -0.050 7 | H | 6~7 | 37 |
169 | 尖齿狗舌草Tephroseris subdentata | -0.061 4* | -0.074 1 | -0.034 6 | -0.086 3* | -0.075 1 | H | 6~7 | 47 |
170 | 唐松草Thalictrum aquilegiifolium var.sibiricum | -0.015 3 | -0.042 6* | -0.025 7* | -0.032 1* | -0.040 4* | H | 6~8 | 90 |
171 | 贝加尔唐松草Thalictrum baicalense | -0.073 4 | 0.032 5 | -0.067 8 | -0.032 4 | -0.181 3* | H | 6 | 82 |
172 | 东亚唐松草Thalictrum minus var.hypoleucum | -0.031 6 | -0.051 3* | -0.052 1* | -0.023 3 | -0.052 8* | H | 6~7 | 47 |
173 | 紫椴Tilia amurensis | 0.005 0 | 0.045 6 | -0.003 2 | 0.011 0 | 0.001 8 | W | 6~7 | 23 |
174 | 野火球Trifolium lupinaster | 0.005 4 | -0.001 9 | -0.001 4 | 0.007 9 | 0.003 2 | H | 6~9 | 89 |
175 | 短瓣金莲花Trollius ledebourii | -0.054 2* | -0.086 7* | -0.039 0 | -0.040 8 | -0.020 5 | H | 6~7 | 45 |
176 | 长瓣金莲花Trollius macropetalus | 0.001 2 | 0.022 4 | -0.014 3 | 0.007 4 | -0.009 1 | H | 6~8 | 50 |
177 | 女菀Turczaninowia fastigiata | 0.030 2 | 0.004 5 | 0.086 2* | 0.054 6 | 0.082 5* | H | 8~9 | 37 |
178 | 狭叶荨麻Urtica angustifolia | -0.005 3 | -0.068 5* | -0.028 5 | -0.026 1 | -0.000 6 | H | 7~8 | 34 |
179 | 笃斯越桔Vaccinium uliginosum | -0.242 6* | -0.243 0* | -0.258 8* | -0.206 6* | -0.253 3* | W | 6 | 95 |
180 | 越桔Vaccinium vitis-idaea | -0.132 9* | -0.252 8* | -0.179 2* | -0.149 9* | -0.152 2* | W | 6~7 | 81 |
181 | 毛穗藜芦Veratrum maackii | 0.012 5 | -0.047 9 | 0.000 5 | -0.006 1 | -0.018 7 | H | 8 | 52 |
182 | 细叶婆婆纳Veronica linariifolia | 0.033 3* | 0.022 5 | 0.033 3 | 0.051 2* | 0.037 1 | H | 7~8 | 32 |
183 | 鸡树条Viburnum opulus var.calvescens | -0.104 6* | -0.108 5* | -0.195 3* | -0.125 2* | -0.105 4* | W | 6~7 | 16 |
184 | 山野豌豆Vicia amoena | -0.009 4 | -0.022 7 | -0.025 5* | -0.014 4 | -0.027 1 | H | 6~7 | 76 |
185 | 广布野豌豆Vicia cracca | 0.011 5 | 0.013 4 | 0.007 6 | 0.012 2 | 0.014 9 | H | 6~8 | 58 |
186 | 白花大野豌豆Vicia pseudorobus f.albiflora | 0.017 1 | 0.068 5 | 0.035 0 | 0.038 9 | 0.057 5 | H | 7~8 | 34 |
187 | 歪头菜Vicia unijuga | 0.008 5 | -0.030 4 | -0.003 9 | 0.022 4 | 0.006 9 | H | 7~8 | 30 |
188 | 山葡萄Vitis amurensis | -0.029 5* | -0.122 0* | -0.072 5* | -0.074 0* | -0.064 2* | W | 5~6 | 37 |
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