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植物研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 527-534.doi: 10.7525/j.issn.1673-5102.2016.04.007

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


常维霞1,2, 姚小华2, 龙伟2, 叶思诚2, 束庆龙1   

  1. 1. 安徽农业大学林学与园林学院, 合肥 230036;
    2. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所, 富阳 311400
  • 收稿日期:2016-03-05 出版日期:2016-07-15 发布日期:2016-06-15
  • 通讯作者: 束庆龙,E-mail:qlshu@ahau.edu.cn E-mail:qlshu@ahau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:常维霞(1989-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事经济林育种研究。
  • 基金资助:

Cross-compatibility of Four Kinds of Camellia Species

CHANG Wei-Xia1,2, YAO Xiao-Hua2, LONG Wei2, YE Si-Cheng2, SHU Qing-Long1   

  1. 1. College of Forestry and Gardening, AnHui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036;
    2. China Subtropical Forestry Research Institute of Forestry, CAF, Fuyang 311400
  • Received:2016-03-05 Online:2016-07-15 Published:2016-06-15
  • Supported by:
    Agricultural science and technology project of breeding new varieties in ZheJiang province "breeding good quality and demonstration of high yield camellia varieties"(2012C12908-16);National science and technology project "Creation of high yield and good quality of new camellia germplasm"(2009BADB1B01);Key technology research and demonstration of camellia industry(2009BADB1B00)

摘要: 为探明油茶的自交亲和状况,以山茶属攸县油茶(Camellia yuhsienensis Hu)、浙江红山茶(C.chekiangoleosa Hu)、多齿红山茶(C.polyodonta How)、南山茶(C.semiserrata Chi)、为试验材料,采用自交异交控制授粉,结合田间座果率动态调查,统计分析不同授粉处理后的结实性及果实的性状特征,并计算自交亲和指数。结果表明,4份材料的自交亲和指数有差异,自交亲和指数高低依次为:攸县油茶(0.2888)> 多齿红花油茶(0.2511)> 浙江红花油茶(0.1222)> 南山茶(0)。4个物种自交亲和指数均小于1,因而,认为4个物种均为自交不亲和植物。4种授粉方式后的结实率及结籽数呈现异株异花> 自由授粉> 同株异花自交> 自花自交的趋势。在蒴果性状上,自交处理所得果实的性状指标均低于异交处理水平。油茶自交授粉后,落果迅速,异株异交授粉处理在各个时期座果率均高于自交处理的水平。4种油茶具有普遍自交不亲和性,自交不亲和是4个物种落花落果,结实低,产量低的主要原因。

关键词: 攸县油茶, 浙江红山茶, 多齿红山茶, 南山茶, 自交亲和指数

Abstract: By artificial pollination, dynamic survey of fruits setting rates, and analyzing the seed setting rates and fruits characters among different kinds of pollinations, four kinds of Camellia species were tested to study the characteristics of self-compatibility. The self-compatibility of four kinds of Camellia species was different, and the self-compatibility indexes of all materials were ranged in 0-0.29. The self-compatible indexes among four kinds of camellia species were C.yuhsienensis Hu(0.2888)> C.polyodonta How(0.2511)> C.chekiangoleosa Hu(0.1222)> C.semiserrata Chi(0). All of the materials were considered as self-incompatible species because the self-compatibility of four kinds of Camellia species were less than 1. The average fruit setting rates and seed setting rates between different pollinations was outcrossing> opening> geitonogamy> selfing. The character degree of self-pollination fruits was inferior to cross-pollination fruits. Fruits dropped faster after self-pollination, and fruit setting rates of cross-pollination was higher than that of self-pollination. Four kinds of Camellia species were completely self-incompatible. High self-incompatibility was the main factor causing flower and fruit dropping and low production.

Key words: Camellia yuhsienensis Hu, Camellia chekiangoleosa Hu, Camellia polyodonta How, Camellia semiserrata Chi, self-compatibility index
